85 archivos
SeiSaboten: Sword of Mana editor
A ROM editor for the GBA game Sword of Mana/新約 聖剣伝説.
Supports editing:
monsters and their stats, experience and Lucre given game dialog (story text, actor sprites, sign posts, ...) game text (items, place names, ...) monsters shown in 'Monster Album' (add unlisted monsters!) monster encounter tables (change enemies in areas) Only supports editing the Japanese version and the USA version at the moment. The European versions (the 3 of them!) are not currently supported.
Dialog can be exported to JSON, in order to edit in an external program. It can then be imported back.
Lots of reverse engineering of the game was needed to accomplish this, and without No$GBA this wouldn't have been possible - a big thank you to that!
To handle the Japanese text, each of the 1247 kanji in the game had to be documented individually...! I didn't trust OCR with something like this, due to the low pixel density. Some kanji were hard to deduce (they were viewed all together, not in context) - so they were skipped. View the 'kanji_table.xlsx' file in the 'kanji' folder in the repo to see which kanji are missing. Screenshots of each kanji are included in case anyone wants to fill in the missing ones before I get around to it myself! Again, check the 'kanji'
by llakssz.
A remote code execution exploit against the game Morita Shogi 64 for the Nintendo 64.
There are some dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python2 sudo apt install python-pip sudo pip install sh sudo pip install pyserial Use
Compile your stage 3 payload (entry-point at offset 0 in the binary), and then run the below command:
sudo python shogihax.py /dev/ttyACM0 payload/stage2.bin payload/stage3.bin To trigger the exploit from the N64, select the bottom menu item, then the top menu item.
You can also specify a custom stage 2 payload (exploit can be configured to use up to 0x1000 bytes for that stage), or just use the default, which downloads and executes stage 3 from 0x80000400.
by CTurt and ppcasm.
Superjuegos (Todos los números de la revista en PDF)
Todos los números de la revista española Super Juegos en formato PDF para poder ser leída desde cualquier dispositivo.
Superjuegos fue una revista española sobre videojuegos fundada en mayo de 1992. Se publicaron un total de 193 números hasta enero de 2009, fecha en la que se detuvo su publicación. Su nombre original fue Los Superjuegos del mes y ya en su última etapa SuperJuegos Xtreme.
Todos los números de la revista han sido escaneados por Kaiser77.
tonyhax es un exploit quer nos permite ejecutar copias de seguridad en Playstation 1.
Desde la versión tonyhax v1.4 tienes tres opciones:
Ejecúatelo usando un exploit de juego Ejecútalo usando FreePSXBoot Ejecútalo usando un boot CD
Método Game exploit FreePSXBoot Boot CD Necesitas el juego original? Si No No Necesita una consola con chip? No No Si Necesita tarjeta de memoria? Si Si No Puede la tarjeta de memoria guardar más partidas? Si No N/A Tiempo desde que está apagada hasta que puedes jugar ~1m30s ~1m ~1m Compatibilidad:
Método Game exploit FreePSXBoot Boot CD Compatible con PS1 europeas? Si Si Si Compatible con PS1 americanas? Si Si Si Compatible con PS1 japonesas? No No No Compatible con PS2 europeas? ≤ SCPH-39000 only No ≤ SCPH-39000 only Compatible con PS2 americanas? ≤ SCPH-39000 only No ≤ SCPH-39000 only Compatible con PS2 japonesas? No No No Eejecutando desde un exploit de juego
The original, well-tested method, which leverages an exploit in supported games to launch tonyhax.
Thid method requires copying to the memory card:
The common loader program, available inside the loader/ folder. One or more game-specific saves, available inside the entrypoints/ folder. These files behave like regular game save files:
You can keep the memory card plugged after launching the exploit. You can keep using the same memory card for other games just fine. You can have more than one exploit save per memory card. tonyhax can be easily copied to other memory cards by just copying the save files. tonyhax can be uninstalled easily by removing the save files. When installing:
If you are using any sort of visual memory card editor (such as OrionSoft's PS1 Memory Card Manager, Dexdrive, etc...), consider using the MCS file.
If you are copying it using a PS2 console and uLaunchELF, you'll need to use the raw file. The name is important - do not rename them.
These have been tested to work on real hardware:
Game Region Code MCS file Raw file tonyhax SPL required - - tonyhax.mcs BESLEM-99999TONYHAX Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling NTSC-U SLUS-00571 brunswick1-us.mcs BASLUS-00571 Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling PAL-E SLES-01376 brunswick1-eu.mcs BESLES-01376 Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 NTSC-U SLUS-00856 brunswick2-us.mcs BASLUS-00856 Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 PAL-E SLES-02618 brunswick2-eu.mcs BESLES-02618 Castlevania Chronicles NTSC-U SLUS-01384 cc-us.mcs BASLUS-01384DRACULA Castrol Honda Superbike Racing NTSC-U SLUS-00882 castrolsb-us.mcs BASLUS-00882CHSv1 Castrol Honda Superbike Racing PAL-E SLES-01182 castrolsb-eu.mcs BESLES_01182CHSv1 Castrol Honda VTR PAL-E SLES-02942 castrolvtr-eu.mcs BESLES-02942CHSVTRv1 Cool Boarders 4 NTSC-U SCUS-94559 coolbrd4-us.mcs BASCUS-9455916 Cool Boarders 4 PAL-E SCES-02283 coolbrd4-eu.mcs BESCES-0228316 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back NTSC-U SCUS-94154 crash2-us.mcs BASCUS-9415400047975 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back PAL-E SCES-00967 crash2-eu.mcs BESCES-0096700765150 Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped NTSC-U SCUS-94244 crash3-us.mcs BASCUS-9424400000000 Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped PAL-E SCES-01420 crash3-eu.mcs BESCES-0142000000000 Sports Superbike PAL-E SLES-03057 superbike1-eu.mcs BESLES-03057SSBv1 Sports Superbike 2 PAL-E SLES-03827 superbike2-eu.mcs BESLES-03827SSII Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 NTSC-U SLUS-01066 thps2-us.mcs BASLUS-01066TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 PAL-DE SLES-02910 thps2-de.mcs BESLES-02910TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 PAL-E SLES-02908 thps2-eu.mcs BESLES-02908TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 PAL-FR SLES-02909 thps2-fr.mcs BESLES-02909TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 NTSC-U SLUS-01419 thps3-us.mcs BASLUS-01419TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 PAL-DE SLES-03647 thps3-de.mcs BESLES-03647TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 PAL-E SLES-03645 thps3-eu.mcs BESLES-03645TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 PAL-FR SLES-03646 thps3-fr.mcs BESLES-03646TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 NTSC-U SLUS-01485 thps4-us.mcs BASLUS-01485TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 PAL-DE SLES-03955 thps4-de.mcs BESLES-03955TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 PAL-E SLES-03954 thps4-eu.mcs BESLES-03954TNHXG01 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 PAL-FR SLES-03956 thps4-fr.mcs BESLES-03956TNHXG01 XS Moto NTSC-U SLUS-01506 xsmoto-us.mcs BASLUS-01506XSMOTOv1 XS Moto PAL-E SLES-04095 xsmoto-eu.mcs BESLES-04095XSMOTO Launch using FreePSXBoot
tonyhax supports being launched on compatible consoles using the FreePSXBoot exploit developed by brad-lin.
This method requires an entire memory card for itself, and thus:
The memory card must be removed after launching the exploit, or games will crash. The memory card cannot be used to save any game's progress. The memory card depends on a specific version of the BIOS. If plugged on another console, chances are the exploit will get nuked and you'll have to reprogram the memory card. The exploit cannot be copied to another memory card using the console - you'll need a PC with DexDrive or a PS2. The exploit cannot be uninstalled using the console alone either. If you want to go this route, you'll need to flash the memory card using one of the images available at freepsxboot/, depending on your console's BIOS version:
Model BIOS version SCPH-1001 v2.2 SCPH-1002 v2.0, v2.1 or v2.2 SCPH-3500 v2.1 SCPH-5001 v3.0 SCPH-5501 v3.0 SCPH-5502 v3.0 SCPH-5503 v3.0 SCPH-5903 v2.2 SCPH-7001 v4.1 SCPH-7002 v4.1 SCPH-7501 v4.1 SCPH-7502 v4.1 SCPH-9001 v4.1 SCPH-9002 v4.1 SCPH-101 v4.4 or v4.5 SCPH-102 v4.4 or v4.5 by socram8888.
TouchStadia is a Chrome Extension and JavaScript snippet which adds on-screen joystick control to Stadia for touchscreen devices!
Chrome for Android does not support extensions, so we must load TouchStadia into the browser manually! Here's a tutorial video you can use to supplement the instructions below.
Open the snippet URL on your phone in Chrome (this works on regular Chrome). I recommend going to the link every time as updates will only be available there. Select all the text in the box, and copy it. Open Stadia and make sure to select the "Desktop site" option so it launches properly. Once Stadia is open, tap the address bar and type javascript:. Paste the text you copied immediately after the colon, without any spaces between. You must type javascript:, as Chrome will remove it if you try to paste it in. Hit the ENTER key on your keyboard. Stadia should recognise that a joystick was connected. Enjoy! You must repeat this procedure if you or your browser closes or refreshes Stadia. Desktop
Simply install the extension and open or refresh Stadia! Click the extension icon to show configuration options.
To move buttons around, press CTRL+; in Stadia and layout mode will be activated (indicated by a magenta background.) Tap/click and drag buttons to change their positions during this time. Press CTRL+; again to disable layout mode. This hotkey will not work when Stadia is in-game. This is a known issue, so to ensure function please only use this shortcut outside of games for now. Layout mode is only supported on desktop currently.
Keep in mind that once you change the position of a button in layout mode, that button will no longer move relative to the window border when resizing your browser, so you must maintain the same browser window size for the layout to look consistent. If you create a layout, then shrink your browser, it's possible to lose buttons outside the visible area! To reset the layout, press the Reset button in the TouchStadia configuration.
TouchStadia also has manifest permissions to run on html5gamepad.com, where you can test the input of the controller with visual feedback! This is useful if you'd rather not wait for a game to open!
Thanks to /u/revnort for creating the amazing vector images used for the on-screen buttons and sticks! Thanks to /u/-sxp- for creating the controller mapping fix code snippet that inspired this extension! by ihatecsv.
Bootdisc + Firmware sin mods con Import Player para Xplorer, Action Replay y compatibles con Caetla.
Arranque sin Modchip (desbloqueo sin disco o intercambio de disco) Flasheo de la ROM (flash desde el disco o en serie) Herramientas de carga / descarga en serie (+ editor hexadecimal, herramientas en serie de código abierto, etc.) Conmutador NTSC-> PAL (PAL-> NTSC está en proceso) Clonación de cartucho (copiar a otro cartucho sin tocar el PC) Compatibilidad con XFlash (puede usar discos XFlash antiguos) Caetla SxS (¡Puede compartir un carrito con Caetla!) ¡Reescrito completamente en C! (¡Barra mucho más baja para entrar!) Las instrucciones generales + claves ocultas se pueden encontrar en las notas de instalación.
To install from CD (No PC): Brief: Burn disk to CD, boot it, use the flash option, flash your cart. You'll only need the CD one time! - Burn \PSX\UNIROM_BOOTDISC_8.x.CUE with ImgBurn. Pick the lowest speed on old hardware. - Jam your sensor down and do the swap trick to boot the disk if it's not chipped ( don't stare at the fucking laser, for fuck's sake don't stare at the fucking laser ) - Install via CD at the flash menu. - UNIROM_STANDALONE - just Unirom on the cart - UNIROM_WITHCAETLA - Unirom + Caetla on the one cart [ will need something larger than 128k! ] - Done To install from another cart already running Unirom 8 (No PC): Brief: Hotswap carts and copy the contents to another. Warning: read and fully accept the warning on screen. Boot with the existing cartridge running Select the Clone option Unplug it Plug the new cart in and flash ( You can also boot from one cart, unplug it switch to the other and flash from CD) To upgrade a cart running Unirom 4,6,7b, or via PSXSerial: Using nops, temporarily stick the bootdisc version into RAM "nops /oldexe unirom_s.exe COM8" (or whatever COM your serial adapter is on via devmgmt.msc) Now you've got the temporary version, tell it to write to the cart's EEPROM: nops /rom unirom_standalone.rom COM8 OR nops /rom unirom_withcaetla.rom COM8 Upgrade a cart already running Unirom8 nops /rom unirom_standalone.rom COM8 OR nops /rom unirom_withcaetla.rom COM8 Upgrade a cart running a Unirom7b beta (Never officially released): nops /oldrom unirom_standalone.rom COM8 "Can I use the parallel port?" Unirom 8 *currently* has no PIO support but nopp (notpsxpio) is planned. //TODO If you have the Caetla version you can use catflap w/ giveio or whatever over LPT1 though. Or load the XFlash CD and send the bootdisc that way, and as before nops /rom unirom_standalone.rom COM8 OR nops /rom unirom_withcaetla.rom COM8 "But what if I'm on linux!" use mono to launch nops.exe "How does it differ from other firmwares?" Caetla and Xplorer support cheats but are closed source. nocash bios is basically a full replacement + nocash unlock + vcd player (closed source) n00bROM has some fun features like exception trapper, planned ROM filesystem, is open source but all MIPS asm. Unirom8 is has other stuff like import player, XFlash support, complete serial utility, hex editor, open sourced in C. (And can be put on the same cart as Caetla if you still want cheats, etc) Whatever works for you. Can I install Unirom alongside <whatever>? Caelta: yes XPlorer: possible but not out of the box n00bROM: at the time of writing no, but when EXE embedding is ready, yes Unirom7: possibly but not out of the box. (no memory collisions) NoCash BIOS: no idea! Instructions + hidden keys
General: Circle - Exit Triangle - Return to BIOS Flashing: L1 + L2 - Hold if Unirom doesn't recognise your cart try anyway (128kb) R1 + R2 - Same thing but tells it 256k is fine. (Xplorer carts, etc) Note: No guarantees! Gaming: R1 - Quick Boot (or mash X) L1 + R1 - Boot slowly (good for struggling drives) Development: Square = Toggle fast SIO (115200 vs 518400). Same as nops /fast L1 + Square = Enable debug core. Same as nops /debug Reserved: L2, Start, Select Crétitos y agradecimientos sin ningún orden en particular:
static const char * const credits[] = { "", "", "", "Doofy", "Nocash <3", "Shendo", "Type 79", "Dax", "Jihad / Hitmen", "Silpheed / Hitmen", "SquareSoft74 (no spaces)", "Foo Chen Hon", "DanHans / GlitterGirls", "Herben", "and asmblur", "JMiller", "Tim S / Firefly", "rama (any version)", "Angus McFife XIII", "Padua", "Blackbag", "Napalm", "Paradox / Paradogs :p", "XPlorer Peeps", "K-Comms Peeps", "noisy assholes who recycle...", ".. bottles, one by fucking...", "... one", "barog", "L0ser", "cybdyn", "paul", "Peter Lemon", "and krom", "Brian Marshall", "Mistamotiel", "and Mistamontiel...", "tieigo", "orion", "Codeman", "Cat", "LordBlitter", "SurfSmurf", "Schnappy", "NDR008", "kHn", "Nicolas Noble", "r0r0", ; "James-F", "Rich!", "The XStation Testers!", "Trimesh", "Murray Moffat", "xianaix", "ChenThread", "Everyone at PSXDev!", "Tetley.co.uk", "And absolutely sometimes...", "Lameguy64", "he's alright". SquareSoft74, DanHans, Nicolas Noble y Rama.
Vapor Spec
A virtual game platform with capabilities similar to 80s game consoles. This repo is contains the Windows/Linux implementation, some games, the compiler, assembler, and documentation.
A Nintendo Switch Homebrew implementation exists HERE.
The platform has:
A 16 bit instruction size 16 different general purpose registers 65536 bytes (64K) of addressable memory An 8-bit color depth screen for a palette of 256 colors Support for 256 concurrent sprites Support for sprites with 4 colors or 3 colors + alpha A screen resolution of 256 x 192 and a refresh rate of 60 Hz (16 ms) A maximum of 65536 instructions per program A speed of 500,000 instructions per second (0.5 MIPS) An Added Bonus:
An assembler A compiler and language with vim syntax highlighting file in /etc and a vscode extension, search the marketplace for vaporlang Debugging functionality Documentation (see /docs) Included Programs:
Example programs in assembly and vaporlang are included.
Fallen Colony: This demo includes many sprites, multiple rooms, and a mini map. It does not have combat or win/loss states. Other Programs
These programs are much simpler and some do not use any rom.
One program demonstrates the ability to create sprites at runtime.
Why did you make this? Who is it for?
This is a hobby project to allow myself and others to write games for a very simple architecture without some of the annoyances that physical architectures impose.
by minkcv.
WWHack GC (Wind Waker Hack)
This is a simple exploit for the original Wind Waker, you only need a method of injecting the .gci onto your memory card.
This exploit will load a boot.dol converted with dol2gci (included in Home Bros.) from your memory card.
by FIX94.
XLink Kai
XLink Kai: Evolution VII te permite conectarte con otros usuarios de consola de todo el mundo y jugar gratis a juegos en línea haciendo creer a tu consola que los usuarios a los que se conecta a través de Internet forman parte de una red de área local.
Esta es la base de los juegos system-link, en los que los amigos se reunían en la misma casa y jugaban con dos o más consolas. Con XLink Kai: Evo VII, ahora tienes la opción de poner a prueba tus habilidades con cualquier persona del mundo. En cuanto a los aspectos técnicos del tunelado de paquetes de red, no te aburriremos con eso...
Principales características de XLink Kai: Evolution VII
Compatible con PS2, PS3, PS4, Gamecube, Switch, Xbox, Xbox 360 y Xbox One. 2 modos de juego (Messenger y Arena). Sin WinPCap. Chat integrado en todas las áreas. No requiere redireccionamiento de puertos en casi todas las configuraciones de red. Voicechat de PC a PC y de PC a XBox Dashboard mediante el códec SPEEX. Interfaz de usuario extremadamente sencilla y global. Actualización automática al inicio. Compatible con varias consolas. Compatible con redes inalámbricas (no todas las configuraciones de red inalámbrica). Algoritmos de compresión superiores para reducir el retardo. Compatible con residencias universitarias y proxies como el ISP italiano FastWeb. Clanes de confianza y torneos / ladder arenas. Funcionalidad remota a través de tableros homebrew (sólo para usuarios de XBox). Muchas más funciones por descubrir. XLink Kai es una aplicación creada por el Team XLink.
Yabause for Dreamcast
Yabause is a Sega Saturn Emulator. It support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.
How to use Yabause__________________________________________
Before using Yabause, you need to build a CD with a few files in the correct places. In order to build a CD with the compiled binary, you must first scramble the binary. This can be done with the scramble utility which can be obtained from http://mc.pp.se/dc/files/scramble.c .
This will have to be compiled with your native compiler. Once you run the scramble program on the yabause.bin file created in section 2 above, you will have a binary file suitable for booting on a real Dreamcast.
Once you have your scrambled binary, you may choose to include a Sega Saturn BIOS image on your disc as well. As of 0.9.5, this is not a requirement for the Dreamcast port, but if you choose to use an actual BIOS image, it must be put on the root of the CD and named "saturn.bin".
From this point, follow your favorite guide for how to build a selfbooting CD out of plain files. I use the one available at http://mc.pp.se/dc/cdr.html .
4 Final Thoughts______________________________________________
The Dreamcast port of Yabause is quite slow. I have done very little in the way of optimizing any of the core of Yabause toward the Dreamcast (there is quite a bit that could be done when time allows). Do not expect the Dreamcast port of Yabause to run your favorite Sega Saturn games at any sort of playable speed for now (or the near future). As Yabause matures, and I have more time to work on it, hopefully speed will improve. For now, think of it as a fancy tech demo.
Note that in 0.9.5, a small bit of assembly has appeared in the Dreamcast port. Hopefully as time goes on more of the Dreamcast specific code will be rewritten in assembly for at least some small speed increase.
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