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85 archivos

  1. NoPSMWhitelist

    Disables the PSTV Whitelist for PlayStation Mobile games.
    Put noPsmWhitelist.skprx into ux0:/tai (or ur0:tai for sd2vita(or simular) users)
    and add an entry under *KERNEL for ux0:/tai/noPsmWhitelist.skprx (again, ur0 for sd2vita(or simular)
    reboot the console and enjoy PSM Games on PSTV!
  2. Omega Cheats Library

    Cheats Library  for the EZ-Flash Omega Carts.
  3. Omega Thumbnails Pack

    Thumbnails Pack for the EZ-Flash Omega Carts.
  4. OpenBOR

    OpenBOR is a royalty free sprite based side scrolling gaming engine. From humble beginnings in 2004, it has since grown into the most versatile, easy to use, and powerful engine of its type you will find anywhere. OpenBOR is optimized for side scrolling beat em’ up style games (Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, Final Fight), but easily accommodates any sort of gameplay style and feature set you can imagine.
    Want to try your hand at game making? Open up one of the already existing modules and tinker around – the community is right here to help you along.
    Ready to make something of your own? Get some images together and away you go!
    Feeling ambitious? Delve into the built in script engine and graphical suite to build a masterpiece rivaling the most outlandish Triple-A productions. Sell it if you if can!

    In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing anyone interested to create a module for the BOR engine.
    In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the community, and still is to this day.
    OpenBOR has a very modular and portable design inherited from Beats of Rage - several ports have been made available.
    These platforms are actively supported and may be compiled with the latest OpenBOR engine.
    Android Windows Linux Wii PSP Discontinued
    The following platforms are still available as legacy binaries, but are no longer supported and may not be compatible with current iterations of OpenBOR.
    Dreamcast GP2X GP2X Wiz Mac OS X OpenDingux (Dingoo A320 & GCW-Zero) OpenBOR Team
    Current Members
    Damon Caskey (2007-) OpenBOR project manager and site owner of the OpenBOR community. Primary contributions are core engine and scripting development, code cleanup, and organization. Main focus is keeping OpenBOR future proof and modular by replacing specialized hardcoding and overlap with generalized features that allow for more author creativity. Plombo (2009-) A developer who prefers to work on OpenBOR's supporting libraries and platform-specific backends. Known for maintaining the Wii port, writing the GPU-accelerated video code for Wii and OpenGL, and a few engine features. Douglas Baldan (2018-) Known as O'Ilusionista, Douglas is a highly respected administrator of the OpenBOR community and also a prolific member of the Mugen scene. Douglas is new to coding but brings a plethoera of graphic and game design experience to the team. We look for exciting things from Mr. Baldan soon! Malik (2018-) Malik came to the team with a strong OpenBOR scripting background, and quickly established himself as a resident go-to for the Android Port. Malik dedicates himself to keeping the Android port of OpenBOR a commercialy viable platform for authors who wish to sell their orginal IP projects. Wasin Thonkaew (2019-) Haxpor in the forums, a Linux centric developer who works hard to ensure our penguin crowd has the proper tools for development and underlying libraries of OpenBOR remain compatible to compile for mobile platforms. Former members and contributors
    White Dragon (2016-2018) A long time module author and extremely knowledgeable coder who joined the development team in 2016. White Dragon generally focused on level and menu properties, but branched out into other facets of the engine over time. uTunnels (2007-2014) Among many other powerful additions, contributed the original scripting engine to OpenBOR, single handedly breaking nearly every limitation module authors faced. While not officially retired, uTunnels' presence became gradually more infrequent before stopping altogether in early 2014. Anallyst (2011) This developer's work centered mainly around trimming the fat and optimizing the codebase. SumolX (2006-2011) Former project manager and lead programmer, retired from the scene in 2011. Known for porting PSP, PS3, Linux, Wii, GP2X and maintaining all other platforms and code base. KBbandressen (2007-2011) Contributed a plethora of features, including the powerful text object and filestream capabilities. CGRemakes (2005-2006) Main developer after Kirby2K. Introduced many exicting features to engine. LordBall (2006) Developed offshoot engine based on OpenBOR. Shared features with both engines. Tails (2006) Developed offshoot engine based on OpenBOR. Shared features with both engines. Fugue (2006) Developed offshoot engine based on OpenBOR. Shared features with both engines. Kirby2K (2004-2005) The original developer of OpenBOR who asked Senile Team for permission to open up Beats Of Rage. Senile Team
    Senile team was not directly involved with developing OpenBOR, but their opening of the orginal Beats of Rage codebase was vital. Parts of the orginal BOR still reside in OpenBOR to this day.
    Roel (credited as "Opla" in BoR) The team's chieftain. Does most of the game design, programming and artwork. Jeroen (credited as "Leila" in BoR) Does all the things no one else does. Sander (credited as "Albatross" in BoR) 3D artist and animation sequence editor. Ben Senile Team's composer. Neill Neill was the first to port Beats of Rage to other systems, namely Playstation 2 and Dreamcast. He now supports Senile Team with advice regarding console hardware and code compatibility.
  5. OpenLara

    Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine for Windows, macOS, Linux, Switch, iOS, Android & Nix.
  6. pbPSCReAlpha

    A little software to use with PSClassic in order to view, edit and Re-sort Alphabetically the contents of an USB drive used with bleemsync or autobleem. Plug your USB drive on your computer to add/edit/delete games with this app.
    An USB drive configured by Bleemsync (example of 1.2 version) contains several folders:
    bleemsync d8781dae-c45c-4fc1-b961-e03eedebbffb games logs transfer In the games folder, some numeroted folders (one per game) containing:
    png file (only one) cue file(s) (one per disc if several) bin file(s) (at least one per disc but can be more) instead of bin & cue files, pbp or chd file(s) (one per disc if several) sbi file(s) necessary fo some PAL games game.ini file or not, depending on the bleemsync version (or if you have already run this app). NEW 1.6 for non-PS1 games, launch.sh file For BleemSync1.0.0/1.1.0/1.2.0 users : This app needs a Game.ini file for each game. These files were necessary in the older versions of bleemsync but not present anymore since 1.0 version. This software can create these files by reading the database file on the usb drive (after a click on Refresh or in the Tranformer tab).
    After modifications in the app, you have to click on Recreate database to have these modifications available on the PSC.
    Select your "Games" directory with the textfield or the Browse button. In the top-left corner, select the used mod by clicking on "Currently use ...". You can choose BleemSync0.4.1, BleemSync1.0.0/1.1.0 or AutoBleem0.6.0. Or click on Refresh. If a game.ini is missing in a folder, ask user to read database and create these files (if possible). Click on a game in the left-hand list (found errors are marked here with a star). Information of the game display on the right-hand of the window. Several errors/warnings can be detected and are visible by icons near the files. Detected errors and/or warnings
    Folder name is not a numeric value. GameData folder is missing. pcsx.cfg is missing. (Only a warning if a BleemSync1.0.0/1.1.0 drive is used) Game.ini is missing. Game.ini is incomplete. No cue (or pbp or chd) files in the folder. No bin files in the folder. PNG file is missing. Several PNG files are in the folder. PNG filename and Discs information in Game.ini mismatch. Numbers of Cue (or pbp or chd) files and Discs in Game.ini mismatch. Cue (or pbp or chd) filenames and Discs information in Game.ini mismatch. Cue content and Bin filenames mismatch. For some PAL games, Sbi files are needed and you can be warned for that (if you keep Discs information like SLES-abcde). Comma in filenames are forbidden. Several special characters are also forbidden. Detection of a 'p', 'u' or 'e' in the 3rd position which can start a wrong bios in the PSC (only a warning, maybe you did it intentionnaly). An error is symbolized by a '*' before the folder number and the title in the left-side list. A warning is symbolized by a '!' before the folder number and the title in the left-side list. An error will prevent you from sorting, not the warnings.
    NEW 1.6 If a launch.sh is detected in the folder, some errors are bypassed.
    For now, you can add all files you want, but only cue, bin, pbp, chd, png, game.ini and pcsx.cfg are managed by the app. The content of pbp, chd or bin files are not read by the app, the app only checks filenames.
    PBP files are for PS1 games only and not for BleemSync0.4.1.
    Select your "Games" directory with the textfield or the Browse button. Click on Sort (click first on Refresh if disabled). Games will now be sorted alphabetically. During the process, the directories are renamed temporarily, then renamed from 1 to your gamecount, (or 31 to your gamecount+30 whith AutoBleem0.6.0).
    For some convenience, a facultative parameter AlphaTitle can be added into Game.ini files to be sorted instead of the Title. For example:
    for "The Legend Of Dragoon" as Title, you can put only "Legend Of Dragoon" as AlphaTitle to insert it in L games and not T games. for "Final Fantasy IX" as Title, you can put "Final Fantasy VIIII" as AlphaTitle to insert the game after FFVII and VIII. WARNING !! To be ok until the end, don't open any files from the usb key before or during the process. Eject the usb key before reconnecting it (without opening anything) and launch the software. In case it is still locked somewhere, try to rename the locked folder in an explorer window directly. Sometimes doing this can unlock files. If operation is interrupted, it is not necessary to rename manually folders, the sort operation can be done again.
    WARNING bis !! Don't forget, you have to recreate database before disconnecting your drive and play.
    Create a new directory, with structure and content depending on the used mod version. The other files can be added by the different buttons. Compress png files
    Launch pngquant from this button in order to compress all .PNG files in your folders. Resize the files in 226*226 in the same time. Recreate database
    NEW 1.3 A refresh is now done by clicking on this button. You can't regenerate database if errors are detected. NEW 1.3 You have now 2 options to re-generate the database: click on the button as in the previous versions. You will be warned if all is ok or not after a few seconds.
    NEW 1.6 if you have selected BleemSync1.2, the folder manager will appear before recreating the database. You can now create folders on the left-side, select one, then choose games in the "all games list" and click the double-arrow to have them in the folder.  NEW 1.7 The Auto button should create as many folders than systems auotmatically. And you can right-click on a folder in the folder list to execute some actions: Copy and paste games can copy the entire gameset from a folder to another one. Split by 2/3/5 can split the games in a folder into 2/3/5 folders. Duplicate can create a new folder with the same gameset. [deprecated with BleemSync1.2] if you have a drive with a modded BleemSync1.1] with the Shift key pressed, click on the button to go to the advanced options.
    You can choose different options to generate several DB files in order to be used in different folders. An empty DB file is generated too, if you don't want any ps1 games in a folder. Going to this advanced form if you have another version, or a not-modified BleemSync 1.1 version, only the first option will do something useful for you.
    Direct edition
    Once a game is selected, on the right-hand of the window, you can:
    Edit directly filenames by clicking again on a selected file (or press F2 on keyboard). Delete a file by pressing DEL on keyboard. Copy files (one or several) directly by drag and drop. Edit the picture by drag and drop (with automatic save and compression by pngquant). NEW 1.6 Drag and drop with Shift clicked to keep aspect ratio. In the left-side list, you can delete an entire folder with DEL key on keyboard (confirmtion needed) or Shif+DEL (no confirmation).
    Auto-rename buttons can rename files automatically. They rename files according to the "Discs" field in the Game.ini file. Bin, cue, pbp, chd, png and sbi files can be renamed automatically. Ask a user confirmation before really doing it.
    Edit Game.ini & Edit Image

    Game.ini edit window and picture edit window have been merged.
    Default folder is the last selected in the main window. You can load/save other files if needed. For the picture box, you can load a png, bmp or jpg file and save to png.
    Search at the bottom of the window can fill automatically Title and Discs fields. Then, click on "View page here" to display the webpage of the game. You can now click on one of the blue arrows to fill Game.ini fields and/or picturebox (NEW 1.6 for the picturebox, click on the green arrow to keep aspect ratio). NEW 1.61 Search can now be done on 4 websites.
    For the picture, you can drag and drop a picture file (or directly from a webpage) instead of clicking the load button (NEW 1.6 With Shift clicked during the drag and drop, you will keep the aspect ratio).
    Added pngquant exe to the package. It is launched during the save operation.
    You can exit this window by pressing ESC on keyboard.
    This window can directly be opened by adding parameter "-e" in a shortcut.
    Edit cue file(s)

    Can edit all cue files of a folder in the same window.
    The bin filenames are on the left-hand list. Select one item and click on "copy bin filename" to copy the filename to your clipboard. You can also double-click on one item to do it.
    One Save button for each file (if several cue files for the game).
    Click on the "Auto" button to edit automatically the textbox with the bin filenames (assuming that bin filenames contain cue filenames). You have to save by clicking the Save button after that. If there are several cue files, you have to click on each button.
    You can exit this window by pressing ESC on keyboard.
    Add pcsx.cfg file
    The button appears only if the file is not detected in a folder. The file added is in the executable folder.
    This file becomes not necessary when you use BlemSync1.0.0. So the button will not appear anymore.
    Add launch.sh file NEW 1.6
     The button permits to add and/or edit a launch.sh file (for BleemSync1.2 only).
    You can write directly to edit the file content. On the left-side, you have the list of the files which are present in the folder. You can select one and click on copy filename (or double-click in the list) to have it in the clipboard.
    The Reload button permits to have the content as it was at the window creation.
    The Template button permits to have helps to write the content. The new form allows you to use the launch*.sh files in the same folder of the executable and fills them (click on arrows). Use the Complete button to export the content of this from in the previous one. 
    The Save button saves the file (don't forget to use it).
    You can exit this window by pressing ESC on keyboard.
    Generate m3u file
    The button appears only for multidisc games. Creating a m3u file is not necessary if you use only the stock emulator. It is recommended if you use retroarch with a psx core.
    Add files
    Browse your folders to add files in the selected folder (multiple selection is possible). You can drag and drop files directly in the filelist instead of clicking here.
    Progress bars will appear during copy operation. They will disappear when copy is ok. (don't close the program until it is complete or your files will be corrupted).
    Number of simultaneous files are user-defined in the configuration tab, others will be in queue. Files lesser than 500kb are directly copied, without going to this queue.

    Refresh folder
    Updating information about the current selected game is done automatically after the other operations but can be forced by this button.
    If a game.ini is missing in a folder, ask user to read database and create these files (if possible).
    Open folder
    Open Windows explorer directly in this folder.
    Tranformer Tab

    The folder structures are different between BleemSync0.4.1, BleemSync1.x, AutoBleem0.6 and AutoBleem0.8. NEW 1.7 If you use AutoBleem0.8.x, you have to remove the categories first, by the matching button. Then, you can transform the structure to BleemSync. You can read the database files regional.db. If you want to read a database in the same version you are using, the default directory is supposed to be the right one. If you are using BleemSync1.x and BleemSyncUI, you need to read the BS1.x database to (re-)create Game.ini files. If a Game.ini is present and different, the next window will appear to choose a file or merge data.  Configuration Tab

    You can select the maximal simultaneous files to be copied. Files lesser than 500kB are not concerned by this limit. If more files than selected are currently copied, the new limit will be applied at the end of the current files. You can select the sorting options used during sorting operation (Sort button in Explorer tab). Copy bleemsync_cfg.INI file
    NEW 1.7 The button is disabled. A file is included with the executable. This button will copy this file to your drive (path in the first tab) if you are currently using BS1.0.0.
    Check bin

    Browse a bin file (or write the filename or drag and drop a file in the textbox), then click "Find serial" to read the file looking for a serial. If found, the gametitle will be displayed too. You can exit this window by pressing ESC on keyboard.
    This window can directly be opened by adding parameter "-b" in a shortcut.

    Browse or use the combobox to choose a file on your drive. You have to check the button at the beginning of the line first. Click on one of the Open buttons to open the file on the left or right side. Select a slot in one of the opened memcards and click on one of the arrows to copy a slot from left to right or right to left. Don't forget to click on Save before opening another memory card file. You can exit this window by pressing ESC on keyboard.
    This window can directly be opened by adding parameter "-m" in a shortcut (in this case the combobox will be empty).
    Debug, Readme and FAQ Tabs
    The debug tab can display some information. Can be useful if something doesn't work as intended to take a look on this tab. The readme tab displays the readme.md file present with the exe file. As there are some pictures linked in this file, you can be prompted by your firewall that the program wants to access to the Internet. The FAQ tab displays the FAQ.md file present with the exe file. List of files in release pack
    pbPSCReAlpha.exe pcsx.cfg - the file to be copied when you are using the "add pcsx.cfg file" button or the "New" button. ps1games.xml - the game list for PSXdatacenter research sbigames.xml - the game list with SBI needed Markdig.dll - library used to display MarkDown (and this file) Markdig-licence.txt - licence file for Markdig README.md - this file needs to be packed for display pngquant/COPYRIGHT - file from pngquant pack pngquant/pngquant.exe - file from pngquant pack pngquant/readme.txt - file from pngquant pack x64/SQLite.Interop.dll x86/SQLite.Interop.dll EntityFramework.dll EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll System.Data.SQLite.dll System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll bleemsync_cfg.INI FAQ.md - some FAQ launch_drastic.sh - NEW 1.6 for launch.sh template form launch_folder.sh - NEW 1.6 for launch.sh template form launch_retroarch.sh - NEW 1.6 for launch.sh template form tgdbgames.xml - NEW 1.6 the game list for TGDB research tgdbplatforms.xml - NEW 1.6 the game platforms for TGDB research by pascl.
  7. PC Zone (Todos los números de la revista en PDF)

    Todos los números de la revista británica PC Zone en formato PDF para poder ser leída desde cualquier dispositivo.
    PC Zone, fundada en 1993, fue la primera revista dedicada a juegos para ordenadores personales compatibles con IBM que se publicó en el Reino Unido.  El precursor de PC Zone fue Zero.

    La revista fue publicada por Dennis Publishing Ltd. hasta 2004, cuando fue adquirida por Future plc junto con Computer And Video Games por 2,5 millones de libras esterlinas.
    En julio de 2010, Future plc anunció que PC Zone iba a cerrar. El último número de PC Zone salió a la venta el 2 de septiembre de 2010.
  8. Picostation

    ODE basado en Raspberry Pi Pico para la Playstation original.
    Modelos compatibles:
    PU-8 (SCPH100X) PU-18 (SCPH55XX)
    NOTA: cambie el nombre de la imagen a UNIROM.bin/.cue
    Imagen de CD de audio Imagen UNIROM Algunos juegos pueden cargarse (ver página wiki Game Compatibility List) Instrucciones:
    Flashear .uf2 a pico Copia UNIROM.cue y UNIROM.bin a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD Enciende tu PlayStation y deja que arranque en Unirom (con suerte) Picostation ha sido creado por paulocode.
  9. Playnite

    Playnite es un gestor y lanzador de bibliotecas de videojuegos de código abierto compatible con bibliotecas de terceros como Steam, Epic, GOG, EA App, Battle.net y otras. Incluye compatibilidad con emulación de juegos, lo que proporciona una interfaz unificada para tus juegos.

    Principales características de Playnite:
    Importa bibliotecas populares ¡Enlaza juegos de Steam, Epic, Origin, GOG, Battle.net, Ubisoft Connect y otros servicios, incluidos juegos que no están instalados! Compatibilidad con emulación Playnite admite una amplia variedad de emuladores de consola. Temas La apariencia de Playnite se puede personalizar por completo, desde cambios de color simples hasta rediseños completos del diseño. Extensiones La funcionalidad de Playnite se puede ampliar con complementos y extensiones de script. Modo de pantalla completa El modo de pantalla completa con compatibilidad total con el controlador está disponible. Contador de tiempo de juego Playnite registra tu tiempo en el juego (cualquier juego, incluidos los emulados). Rápido La interfaz de usuario de Playnite es rápida y consume pocos recursos, incluso con bibliotecas grandes. Portátil Playnite puede ejecutarse desde un almacenamiento portátil sin necesidad de instalar dependencias del sistema. Completamente gratuito Ninguna de las funciones de Playnite está bloqueada detrás de un muro de pago y el código fuente completo está disponible bajo la licencia MIT. Seguro y privado Playnite no almacena ninguna información de usuario en servidores remotos. Toda la información sobre tu biblioteca se almacena localmente en tu PC. Al vincular una cuenta, solo guardamos la misma cantidad de información que cuando inicias sesión en la biblioteca o tienda relacionada a través del navegador web. Integración con igdb.com Playnite puede descargar automáticamente metadatos para todos tus juegos, incluidos los personalizados (carátulas, descripciones y otra información). Playnite ha sido creado por Josefnemec.
  10. Playstation 1 Memory Card Manager

    This tool will allow you to manage your game saves from a Playstation 1 Memory Card on your Windows PC.
    You can:
    Read from or write to a real Playstation 1 Memory Card using the official Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor. Load a Memory Card from multiple file format (*.mc *.mcr *.mcd *.mcx *.gme) Save a Memory Card to *.mc file format. Export a single save file to *.mcs file format. Import a single save file to the currently loaded Memory Card from *.mcs or *.bin file format. Delete a single save or create a brand new formated Memory Card. In order to use the Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor on your PC, you must install the provided USB driver.
    Double click on the installation program "USB Driver for PS3 Memory Card Adaptor.exe" and follow the instructions.
    This driver is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, either 32bits or 64bits !
    The USB Driver was made using the libusbK dev kit.
    by OrionSoft.
  11. Playstation to PocketStation Transfer Tool

    This tool will run on a Playstation from a CD.
    It will allow you to upload any PocketStation Save file (.bin, .mcs or .gme) from the CD to your PocketStation inserted inside one of the Memory Card Slot.

    How to Use it ?
    The CD Root is the "ISOROOT" folder.
    Put your save/rom files inside the "SAVE" folder.
    Due to the Playstation CD file system limitation, Each file MUST NOT EXCEED 8 characters + 3 characters file extension !!
    Example: GAMEFILE.GME
    Run the "makelist.bat" file, this will create the list of files "FILELIST.TXT" that are in the "SAVE" folder.
    Make a Playstation CD with all the files from the "ISOROOT" folder.
    Boot this CD on your Playstation with your PocketStation inserted in the MemoryCard Slot.
    How to create Playstation CD from those files ?
    Get a Playstation ISO Maker, like "PSXISOMaker" or "psoneisomaker".
    Start this tool and indicate the "ISOROOT" folder path as the CD ROOT directory.
    Generate a CD ISO file and burn it on a CD at the lowest writing speed ! (x1 or x8)
    Your Playstation must have a ModChip or use a BootCD in order to start this CD-R.
    /!\ Warning /!\
    Due to an unknown behavior of the common tools "PSXISOMaker" or "psoneisomaker",
    you can't put more than 14 (or so) save files in the "SAVE" folder, the remaining files will not be accessible from my tool.
    This might be due to incorrect ISO file format generation or restriction from the Playstation.
    To overcome this problem, use the official PSX CD generation tool (Make a CTI File, Use BUILDCD & STRIPISO, then add the license sector.)
    How to Use the tool on the Playstation ?
    Use Left and Right Arrows to switch from Left and Right List.
    Left List is the Files inside your PocketStation, Right List is the Files on the CD.
    Use the Up and Down Arrows to select a File on both Lists.
    You can Delete a File from your PocketStation by Using the "X" button from the Left List.
    You can Copy a File from the CD to your PocketStation by Using the "O" button from the Right List.

    -What are the file already present in the "SAVE" folder ?
    These are sample PocketStation demos, game and tools made by me.
    The already generated ISO File contains these and is ready to burn on a CD-R. psloader.bin/psloader.cue
    by Orion_.
  12. Project Eris

    Project Eris is the spiritual successor to BleemSync.
    Project Eris is a fully fledged modification tool for the PlayStation Classic Mini. It allows users to add games, mods and ports whilst also including a large array of extra features and quality of life improvements.
    Please note: The desktop app for Project Eris will be made public at version 1.0.0. The inclusion of the desktop app will make replacing internal games on the PlayStation Classic much easier, however the optional facility to backup/replace/restore internal games IS available as of version 0.9.0 but requires an extra manual step. How to video will be out shortly in the interim.
    Project Eris feature list
    Create your custom PlayStation Classic experience by adding your own games, emulators, themes, ports and mods. Better FileSystem support (Ext4, exFAT, NTFS, FAT32) OTG (On-The-Go adapter) support (no more USB compatibility issues) Network support (supports a limited number of Wi-Fi and Ethernet adapters) Folder support Drag and Drop game transfer now supported. (Drag games onto USB and it will load them up) Multi OS support (Windows, Mac, Linux) (basically anything that has a RDNIS driver. Which is a lot.) Reliable and steady emulation performance. RetroArch support and integration. Multitude of various controller support with RetroArch. Big community available to offer support to fellow users. And many more awesome features! Project Eris 0.9.0 Requirements
    A low powered USB drive to install initial payload. After that any USB is supported via OTG. (USB2 is a safe bet).
    BBSan– Developer CompCom – Developer Cyanic– Developer Enderling – Graphics & UI Design Gorez – Lead UAT tester & Documentation RetroKane – Documentation Rocky5– Developer Swingflip– Developer Wraith – Developer The original BleemSync Contributors Special thanks to:
    Project Eris testers: Whiteysnakey, Notv37, BL4Z3D247, ChrisB, AyanamiRei0, PaPer_DJ, SRG, UNBREAKABLE1 ModMyClassic supporters FAQ
    Q. Does this software modify my PS Classic?
    A. Yes – This does mean that you have to install a very small payload to your console. However this is completely safe and unless you hooked the PSC to the pc and tried to SSH to it, you wouldn’t know the difference. If you have no USB devices attached with the payload installed, it will boot like stock.
    Q. Does this migrate my BleemSync install to Project Eris?
    A. Yes – When you first boot, it should migrate all the components that are migrate-able to Project Eris. Some items like old BleemSync launchers are NOT capable of the migrate so some elements will require manual moving afterwards.
    Q. What does backup do?
    A. Backup will create upgrade packages, containing your partitions. As those upgrade packages will need signatures to get installed, the signatures are created as well and attached to the debug packages. To ensure, one does not accidentally try to restore a backup created from another console, the signature key is again encrypted with a unique key for each console. The backups are created under
    /media/project_eris/backup There are three kinds of backups:
    LBOOT.EPB: Backup of the main partition (ROOTFS1), user data partition, kernel partition and trusted zone LRECOVERY.EPB: Backup of the recovery partition (ROOTFS2), recovery kernel and recovery trusted zone LBOOT_KERNEL.EPB: Backup of only the main kernel and the trusted zone Q. How do I backup?
    During boot Bleemsync Bootloader will check, if Backups are already present. If not, all backups are created. You can also force creation of a new backup with the following flags:
    /media/project_eris/flags/BACKUP_MAIN /media/project_eris/flags/BACKUP_RECOVERY /media/project_eris/flags/BACKUP_KERNEL After backup: STORE YOUR BACKUPS SAFELY! YOUR USB DRIVE IS NOT A SAFE PLACE! SAVE IT TO YOUR PC, DROPBOX, NEXTCLOUD – WHATEVER!!!
    Q. What does restore do?
    A. Restore will restore one of your backups. It uses the built in updater by SONY to do so.
    Q. How do I restore?
    A. Restore is triggered through the restore flags:
    /media/bleemsync/flags/RESTORE_MAIN /media/bleemsync/flags/RESTORE_RECOVERY /media/bleemsync/flags/RESTORE_KERNEL Please note: Restore will apply the complete backup as it is. This means your PSC will be set to the same state as when the backup was created. All your settings, customization and savegames that are on userdata WILL BE LOST.
    Q. Power button is not working in RA or ports?
    A. This is by design to prevent corruption of data.
    Q. What are the SSH login details?
    A. HOST: USERNAME: root PASSWORD: Not Required PORT: 22Q. What are the FTP login details?
    A. HOST: USERNAME: root PASSWORD: Not Required PORT: 21Q. What are the Telnet login details?
    A. HOST: USERNAME: root PASSWORD: Not Required PORT: 23
    by Modmyclassic.
  13. Project Lunar

    Project Lunar is a fully fledged modification tool for the SEGA Mega Drive / GENESIS Mini. It allows users to add games, mods and ports whilst also including a large array of extra features and quality of life improvements. It consists of an on console payload and bespoke desktop application for the PC and is extremely easy to use.
    Project Lunar feature list
    Add your own selection of SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis roms to your console with use on the stock UI Manage your games, mods and configs via purpose built desktop PC application Full NAND backups before any customisation RetroArch bundled with Genesis GX Plus & PicoDrive. (MS,GG,MD,32X, MEGA CD support) (Also capable of playing other consoles by adding additional RetroArch cores) Performance tweaks and boosts (fix lag issues) (1.0ghz > 1.344ghz, ZRAM compression, DRAM SWAP) NAND (console only) and USB support OTG support exFat, NTFS, FAT32 filesystem support Extended gamepad compatibility USB2 and USB3 device support Customisable boot menu with built-in additional option menu & network manager. Ability to autoboot to selected boot items. (i.e. boot directly to stock UI) Additional third-party controller support Automatic Error recovery system (automatically reload to bootmenu if Stock E error occurs) Launch boot menu or RetroArch from the Stock UI EmulationStation support (optional mod package, USB only) ‘Fix’ stock scanlines by toggling smoothing off within stock emulator Bundled Wi-Fi support (Realtek 8188eu + 8187) RA MD mini cores downablable via RA using network adapter RA scraper and EmulationStation scrapers work using network adapter SSH/SFTP via RDNIS support Boot menu, splashscreen and music are all customisable Additional mod package support Project Lunar Desktop App features
    Easy to use interface to allow installation/removal of PL on console, and console management. Bulk addition of ROMS Zipped ROM support (.zip) New MegaDrive/Genesis games integration is totally seamless in stock UI, with a scraping function providing description, cover art, spine, release year, developer, players, icons, etc. for (almost) every game. Automatic IPS patching within desktop app ScreenScraper, TheGameDB scraper support. (Scrape all the details, cover art, and metadata for your games online when adding them) Automatic spine art generator. If spine art doesn’t exist, PL will generate it for you Mod management. List, add and remove consoles mod via the mod management tool Customise stock UI/Emulator features Interactive assistant to assist users with the install of Project Lunar Easy sync to either NAND or USB Recovery mode (for console repair situations) Automatic update checks. Every time game manager is opened, it will check for console updates online. Project Lunar 1.0 caveats
    Bluetooth support is 80% done, however we want to improve support with broadcom bluetooth devices to extend compatibility. Due to this we have delayed releasing it until 1.1 Xinput and SONY HID drivers are bugged. This means xbox based input devices are not properly working and PS4 controllers (when connected with usb) produce lag in the default emulator. This is something that is being worked on and an update will be pushed out when it’s available. Individual game selection for sync within desktop is not supported within 1.0. It will be added ASAP Features to come in 1.1 (or) future rolling update
    Folder support. Technically we can implement folders as of 1.0, however we want to do it right and integrate it as seamless as possible. Launch different console games from stock UI Custom command “executors” per game. Again, executors are available within 1.0 meaning that you can run any emulator, app or command from the stock UI. This can be done via scripts on the command line however desktop integration will be available in 1.1 Bluetooth support Desktop app sync via Wi-Fi/Ethernet. This is also available as of 1.0 but we want to improve it. It is also capable of handling multiple consoles on the same network. Requirements to use Project Lunar
    A micro USB cable capable of data transfer Windows 7/10 MacOS/Linux * Credits
    CompCom – Developer Cyanic – Developer Defkorns – Developer & Chief UAT Tester Enderling – Graphics & UI Design Fred_PJ – Graphics & ES Sound Artist Swingflip – Developer TulioAdriano – Developer Wraith – Developer Z-10 – Boot Menu Sound Artist ScreenScraper – Website TheGameDB – Website Team Shinkansen – FEL lib Special thanks to HoneyLab, XorLoser and the Project Lunar testers: DefKorns, Darkdev1, Advokaten, Milenko, AyanamiRei0, defenceplox, FaithLes, Fred_PJ, Gorez, harland_mct, Hidalgator, Iain_YX, Kaliezel, MeteK, Restalgia, Ropen, shintoz, spannernick, UNBREAKABLE, Lodmot Troubleshooting
    Q. I keep getting install errors/cannot back up console
    A. Try a different USB cable and/or USB port, we have had reports in the past of weird behavior which turned out to be down to bad USB cables. Also try with nothing connected to the console and only the USB cable.
    Q. The install was successful but after install, my pc won’t detect my console!?
    A. This is likely because you are trying to connect your console via FEL mode (holding RESET on boot). You only need to boot into FEL for the initial install or for recovery. For normal operation, you just need to connect your console to the pc and turn it on normally without holding RESET.
    Q. I pressed SYNC on the desktop app and now when I select PL from the boot menu I get a black screen! (Music will sometimes still play)
    A. This is usually because of a bad sync. Before you disconnect your console from the PC after syncing make sure to turn the console off properly. Usually re-syncing the console via the desktop app will resolve the issue. If issue persists remove the last added games and try syncing again.
    Q. I don’t know what I have done, every time I try to load stock UI I get a black screen!
    A. This is likely due to a bug or some scenario we haven’t programmed for.Please note that your console is safe. We effectively rebuild and patch the stock UI files dynamically on the fly and load them on top of your stock files. When the black screen appears its because of an issue with the newly generated files. (Not your stock files!) If you are stuck with a black screen and you tried troubleshooting as much as possible. Load and produce the black screen, connect to the console via SFTP/SCP and grab the project_lunar.log file from /tmp and send it over for further analysis.
    Q. When I try to run <insert name here> Mega Drive rom from the stock UI, I get an “E<X> Please shutdown error”
    A. This is due to the fact the rom is not supported by the stock emulator. Please refer to the compatibility list here
    Q. I plugged in my USB and it won’t work!? (Sometimes the console may just freeze when using USB)
    A. You need to make sure that your USB is formatted NON MBR. Also you need to make sure you have an active partition on the usb otherwise you will get weird issues. To set an active partition on your USB if you are having issues:
    Press WIN+R to open RUN box, type diskpart Type list disk (diskpart will list all the disks you have installed) Type select disk X with X being the right number. Type list partition Type select partition Xwith X being the right number. Type active Type exit Q. I synced with Project Lunar and everytime the stock UI opens (even after playing a game) I get the language select menu
    A. This is because you have a badly formated main menu save. We have to rewrite a chunk of the Stock UI code to fix some bugs with the stock code which only allows X amount of games (differs between region console) Becuase of this fix to the stock code, the old main menu save is NOT compatible with the patched stock UI. On Uninstall and install we remove that save which forces the stock UI to recreate the main menu save file in the new format. Sometime though (especially when using USB) this might go wonky. If so, follow the following instrcutions. (If you use USB storage make sure the USB is plugged in port 1 or 2 in the console directly)
    Make sure you have the latest desktop app version
    SYNC with Project Lunar
    Open up puTTY (download if need) and SSH to console. Details in FAQ
    copy and paste each line one by one with the console plugged in and on and run them (make sure usb is connected)
    project_lunar toggle_usb_mounts 0  rm -f /rootfs_data/data_008_0000.bin rm -f /rootfs_data/meta_008_0000.bin rm -f /media/mega_drive_saves/data_008_0000.bin rm -f /media/mega_drive_saves/meta_008_0000.bin sync && restart
    Q. Help I think I have bricked my console!
    A. This is technically not possible, so don’t panic! One of our main concerns during development was safety. Because of this, we ensure that a full NAND partition backup is carried out before any modifications take place. On top of this we included a recovery/staging image which will boot your console even if your NAND partitions are completely empty and also a fail safe recovery system, which will directly flash raw backup images to your NAND partitions. (For extreme emergencies only!)
    Because we don’t adjust any of the partition table on the NAND or OOB data and make minimal adjustments to the rootfs, the mod is as safe as we could make it whilst giving as much flexibility and functionality as possible. Because we only write to areas of the NAND that are partitioned, the ultimate fail safe will allow you to flash the raw partition images back to the NAND partitions.
    This being said, the stock UI is very complicated so if there is a single error due to a bug you might get issues. Please contact us on the #sega-support channel here and one of the team or devs will try and help you resolve your issue.
    Q. My console won’t respond on the PC when I have it plugged in via an OTG adapter
    A. This is expected. The OTG redirects the DATA lines from the passthrough, make sure when syncing with the pc, you connect the console directly into the pc without any adapters inline.
    Q. My PC won’t recognise my console? (Even if you have used hakchi in the past with another console)
    A. Originally the driver for Allwinner FEL was hardcoded to Nintendo NES/SNESC. This has since changed from Hakchi and to minimise issues with users and using multi consoles/solutions, we also use the updated version of the “classic” driver. You will need to install the driver bundled with the Project Lunar Desktop App and then your console should work fine. Default location: C:\<USR>\AppData\Local\ModMyClassic\Project Lunar Desktop UI\lunar_data\driver\classic_driver.exe (replace <USR> with your desktop username)
    Q. My PC won’t detect my console even after installing the driver!?
    A. Make sure you are not using the Micro USB cable supplied with the SEGA Mega Drive. It doesn’t contain data lines and is only capable of power! Try a Micro USB from a different device
    Q. I just want to boot straight to stock UI/RA/something else, I don’t to boot to the boot menu?
    A. This is easily done. When first installed the console will boot automatically to the boot menu. All you need to do from here is to hover over your selected boot choice, (Project Lunar for stock UI) and press start. The next time you boot the console it will auto-boot to your selected element.
    Q. I set my console to auto-boot to X and I want to access the boot menu?
    A. When the console is starting and before it auto boots your selected boot choice, an auto-boot screen will display for one second. During this auto-boot screen press B (or equivalent) on your controller to interrupt the auto-boot and display the boot menu.
    Q. How many games can be on the stock UI screen at one time?
    A. At stock speeds, (1.0ghz) approximately 60 extra games will cause the stock UI start to lag however it is subjectively perfectly usable. At 100 extra games the stock UI will lag too much to be usable. Increasing the clock speed to 1.344ghz will alleviate the lag and render times. When we include folder support, this issue should effectively go away.
    Q. I don’t want RetroArch on my console, can I remove it so I can add more games?
    A. Short answer is no and there is a good reason why. To keep Project Lunar as simple and safe as possible, we don’t interfere with the stock console’s partition table and therefore use a normally unused partition for the on console base modifications including a slimmed down RetroArch client (which is extendable). This partition isn’t available for use by the stock emulator and therefore removing it wouldn’t provide any extra usable space for extra games, save states or additional add ons. The RetroArch client was purposefully made so it’s extremely lightweight with the option of being extended if the end user wishes to do so.
    Q. I just installed Project Lunar and without doing anything it says I have 163mb (or less) available of 170mb without USB storage?
    A. Project Lunar will install and utilise the same partition as the stock emulator uses for save states. If you have any save states already on the console it will take up space on the partition (approx 850kb per save). With a completely fresh set up, the stock console utilises 7mb of the partition.
    Q. I just hit SYNC without any custom games and I just lost 15mb available space on my NAND!
    A. As of 1.0, this is an unfortunate requirement. We have to effectively re-upload 120 of the stock artwork resources to rootfs_data along with the extra custom game artwork. This is because the Stock UI (M2engage) is hard coded to only accept one resource stream. However this won’t be the case in future revisions as we plan to remove the need to re-upload the stock 120 artwork images by rewriting more of the stock UI code to allow for multiple resource streams. When we add this feature you should find yourself with ~15mb freed up when you SYNC.
    Please note this ~15mb requirement is a one off. So technically it’s (163mb – ~15mb) = available space on NAND. Each game will take up to 2mb on average. The 15mb requirement will disappear in future builds.
    Q. I want to use USB storage, how do I do that?
    A. You can plug the usb into one of the front USB ports before you power the console or during runtime. The USB will automatically mount, initialise and set up for use with Project Lunar. If you want to use the USB with OTG, once synced, shut down console and plug USB into OTG adapter.
    Q. What rom formats are supported?
    A. As of 1.0 only Mega Drive games are technically supported with the file formats of (.md, .gen, .bin, .zip)
    Q. I am getting slow down/audio desync/input lag, how can I fix that?
    A. Make sure you have all the performance tweaks enabled within the options menu. All performance tweaks are enabled by default apart from the 1.00ghz > 1.344ghz clock speed option.
    Q. What is the SSH/SFTP details and login?
    A. IP address:, Port: 22, User: root, Pass: (No password!)
    Q. What is the deal about the 1.344ghz clock, is it safe? Is it classed as overclocking?
    A. Yes and it’s not overclocking!!! It’s relatively safe however we accept ZERO responsibility for any damage caused to your console. The only reason we don’t enable this option by default is because it’s the end user’s responsibility. That being said. The 1.344ghz is fully stable and the chip is technically rated with an absolute maximum of 1.5ghz at 1.5volts. When clocked at 1.344ghz the voltage is set to 1.46volts, well within the chip’s tolerances for both frequency and voltage. However due to differences during manufacturing between chips, your console might run hotter than others. The safe limit for the chip should not exceed 80c and we have implemented a throttle facility to throttle the CPU back to 1.0ghz if the SoC temperature hits 68c. If the throttle engages, it will be logged and will last the duration that the console remains switched on. Theoretically this should never happen and isn’t something we have encountered during the hours of testing however safety is one of our main priorities.
    P.s. Contrary to belief, clocking the CPU to anything below the chip’s absolute maximum frequency or voltage is not overclocking! You can read more about it here: https://linux-sunxi.org/Cpufreq#.22Overclocking.22
    Q: I added a game and the image doesn’t fill the screen (downscaled).
    A: Try to change the Rom Region on Project Lunar to Force USA (NTSC)
    Q. What USB Ethernet/Wi-fi adapters are supported?
    A. We bundle a limited number of drivers due to size restrictions, however we have always targeted any adapter running the Realtek 8187/8188EU chipset. We have a limited number of extra chipsets supported within an “extended network driver pack” available here: (coming soon) It should be noted that any generic USB2.0 Ethernet adapter should work without issue too.
    Q. How do I change my options and configuration?
    A. You are able to access and change console options like performance tweaks on the boot menu by pressing B (Or equivalent). You can also access the on console network management tool by pressing C (Or equivalent).
    Q. I run MacOS/Linux, How can I use this?
    A. There is currently a big ongoing project which is 100% compatible with MacOS/Linux/Windows however in the meantime you will be required to run it in a virtual environment using Virtualbox until the PL module is completed in the separate project.
  14. PS Classic Mini Gui

    This utility allows you to simply add your new games in a few clicks. I thank before all things the authors of lolhack and bleemsync for their work, I come here just to give simplicity in the use.
    Previously you must have your usb stick ready with bleemsync already injecting to which you already have a file / GAMES / .This is where your future game generated with my utility will go.
    #Added .bin games (only for now .iso are coming soon)
    # .Cue generation
    # Generation of the game.ini
    # Generation pcsx.cfg
    # Generate the .png
    How to do :
    Start Ps_classic_gui.exe Select your Generate a game .bin Select your game .bin Select your .png Enter Game.ini information Select the index of the folder (this concerns the incrementation of your folders which is in your games directory to 1 2 3) Click generate -> wait -> once finished go to game and copy the file index number to your USB Games / Connect to the PS classic mini.
  15. PS Classic Mini Ultimate

    Software simply allows you to have a graphical interface for the simplicity of setting up games on your USB media.
    Download Bleemsync Download Bleemsync + retroArch Download Bleemsync + theme Allows you to have lolhack and bleemsync preparation packages for your USB flash drive
    #New user interface
    #Auto creation of .cue
    #Auto Edit FILE settings " " .cue
    *Manual cover loading mode
    #Converted".jpeg.jpg" to.png automatically
    *Automatic cover download mode
    #Database of 3D cover more than 1500 games (Thanks to khenzel)
    #Download 3D covers 
    #Download game.ini
    #Auto loading of 3D covers
    #Auto loading of the games.ini
    #Index Folder supports 50 GAMES
    #Generation of automatic games 
    Game repository generate **software root /game/
    Once your games generate copy the indexes 1,2,3 etc. in the folder /games/ of your SONY USB key
    1 pathartl for BleemSync!
    And its contributors CompCom, Maku, mtrivs
    2 madmonkey created lolhack that makes it all possible
    And by the way these people are active on stage -> DanTheMan827 and yifanlu
    3 - Hyperspin for cfg Libraries - game.ini - covers 3D 
    4 - Modconsoles Chronoss -> Participation in the creation of the database
    5: Mason Barry rubixcube6 -> for the Playstation-Classic-Theme-Support
    6 -Nuagedan100 French developer of Ps Classic Mini Ultimate
  16. PS1 DemoSwap Patcher

    PS1 DemoSwap Patcher nos permite:
    Parchear varios discos de demostración de PS1 que se encuentran comúnmente para cargar TonyHax para una copia de seguridad perfecta y el arranque de importación. Utiliza un nuevo método de truco de intercambio único para cualquier consola PS1 que requiere que usted tenga un auténtico disco de demostración PS1 apoyado por PS1 DemoSwap Patcher, así como un rip de la misma.  Parchea **cualquier** juego para cargar TonyHax antes de cargar el ejecutable del juego principal. Cuando se utiliza un truco de intercambio para arrancar un juego parcheado de esta manera, todas las limitaciones de cualquier método de truco de intercambio desaparecen. Obtendrá el audio del CD y los datos correctos del TOC. Incluso se obtiene la capacidad de intercambiar al siguiente disco (copia de seguridad grabada) en juegos que abarcan varios discos sin tener que hacer otro truco de intercambio. ## Por qué
    He creado este programa y MCTOOL para dar a alguien sin acceso a las herramientas de uso común una manera de instalar y o utilizar TonyHax y FreePSXBoot. No se requiere una interfaz de tarjeta de memoria de PS2 o PC modificada.
    Con el metodo 'DemoSwap' puedes usar un autentico y comunmente encontrado disco demo y un CD-R parcheado del mismo disco demo para arrancar TonyHax. TonyHax entonces le permite ejecutar un disco de importación o CD-R. No se requiere una sincronización complicada ni reflejos rápidos, y funciona en cualquier consola PS1. En este modo reemplazará uno de los ejecutables de la demo en el archivo bin de la pista 01 de un rip del disco de la demo con TonyHax y haciendo un simple intercambio de discos mientras se arranca en el disco de la demo que funciona en cualquier consola PS1 puedes cargar TonyHax. Debes tener un disco demo original y auténtico que sea compatible. Se recomienda después de iniciar TonyHax usando el método DemoSwap ejecutar MCTOOL para instalar FreePSXBoot + TonyHax en una tarjeta de memoria.
    Con el método 'TOCPerfect' puede intercambiar un CD-R parcheado de una copia de seguridad del juego/importación que no tendrá ninguna de las desventajas que normalmente vienen con el uso de un truco de intercambio para jugar una copia de seguridad/importación. Los datos del TOC se releen y la unidad se desbloquea, por lo que cualquier copia de seguridad parcheada que reproduzcas con un truco de intercambio siempre tendrá un audio perfecto y la posibilidad de cambiar, por ejemplo, del disco del juego 1 al disco del juego 2 a mitad de la partida. **Esto lleva el truco de intercambio como método de copia de seguridad lo más lejos posible. El método TOCPerfect es más útil para las consolas con un número de serie inferior a 592xxx que pueden utilizar el truco de intercambio del menú de audio. Este truco de intercambio no implica intercambiar un disco en movimiento.
    ## Requisitos de TOCPerfect
    Consola PS1 (NTSC/U o PAL). Cualquier juego auténtico de PS1. Un CD-R en blanco de alta calidad. Copia de seguridad de un juego copiado. Una grabadora de CD que pueda grabar a baja velocidad (se recomienda 8x o menos). ## Instrucciones de TOCPerfect
    TOCPerfect parchea la primera pista de datos del juego que quieras utilizar. La primera pista de datos se llamará algo así como 'pista 01.bin' en el directorio de tu juego rip. 
    En Windows puedes:
    * Arrastrar y soltar el archivo 'track 01.bin' en el 'PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe', y luego seleccionar el modo de parche de TOCPerfect.
    * Iniciar 'PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe'. Seleccione el modo de parche a TOCPerfect patch y luego seleccione el archivo 'track 01.bin' en la GUI.
    * Ejecute 'PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe' desde 'cmd.exe' como programa CLI. Ejemplo: '"PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe" -t track01.bin'
    En otros sistemas operativos sólo se puede utilizar PS1 DemoSwap Patcher como CLI. Ejemplo: 'ps1demoswap -t track01.bin'
    Graba el archivo '.cue' en tu directorio de ripeo del juego después de aplicar el parche TOCPerfect en un CD-R en blanco. Haz un truco de intercambio para arrancar tu CD-R quemado. Cuando Tonyhax arranque y diga 'Swap CD Now', desatasca el sensor de la tapa y cierra la tapa sin tocar el CD-R en la PS1. El juego se cargará entonces con el audio correcto, los datos del TOC y la unidad desbloqueada.
    Si tienes una consola con un número de serie inferior a 592xxx, puedes utilizar el truco de intercambio del menú de audio, que no implica el intercambio de un disco en movimiento. Hay más trucos de intercambio para las consolas más nuevas que implican el intercambio de un disco en movimiento, escritos en la [guía de trucos de intercambio] original (https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/916392-playstation/faqs/4708) que también podrían ser utilizados. Alternativamente, el método DemoSwap proporciona un método de intercambio sencillo para arrancar TonyHax en todas las consolas PS1.
    Truco de intercambio del menú de audio:
    Encienda la consola PS1 sin ningún juego en ella. 2. Encienda el reproductor de CD, a continuación, coloque un juego psx real en la consola psx en la consola psx. Presiona el sensor de la tapa hacia abajo con algo que lo mantenga presionado. Usted podría utilizar una goma de mascar moldead de goma de mascar. El sensor de la tapa está en la parte superior derecha de la consola, es el botón circular que se presiona hacia abajo por la parte superior de la tapa de la unidad de CD). El juego real de la psx girará durante unos segundos y luego dejará de girar. Cambia el juego auténtico de PS1 por un CD-R grabado y sal del reproductor de CD. El CD-R grabado comenzará a girar y arrancar. ## Requerimientos de DemoSwap
    Consola PS1 (NTSC/U o PAL). Un disco de demostración auténtico compatible (debe coincidir con la región de tu consola). 2 CD-Rs vírgenes de alta calidad (uno para el disco demo parcheado, otro para su copia de seguridad o MCTOOL. Ripeo de un disco de demostración compatible. Una grabadora de CD que pueda grabar a baja velocidad (se recomienda 8x o menos). ## Instrucciones del parche DemoSwap
    Compruebe en el DiscLib.txt el título del disco de demostración que tiene o va a obtener. En el momento de escribir este artículo, todos los    volúmenes del CD Sampler Interactivo del 1 al 11 son compatibles. Se pueden añadir más demos, detalles más abajo. Cree una imagen ISO sin procesar de su disco de demostración utilizando una herramienta como ISOBuster. En Windows puede: Arrastrar y soltar el archivo 'track 01.bin' en el 'PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe', y luego seleccionar el modo de parche DemoSwap modo de parcheo. Iniciar 'PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe'. Seleccione el modo de parcheo DemoSwap y, a continuación, seleccione el archivo archivo 'track 01.bin' en la GUI. Ejecute 'PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe' desde 'cmd.exe' como programa CLI. Ejemplo:  '"PS1 DemoSwap Patcher.exe" -d track01.bin'. En otros sistemas operativos sólo se puede utilizar PS1 DemoSwap Patcher como CLI. Ejemplo: 'ps1demoswap -d track01.bin'
    El programa informará si el parcheo tuvo éxito o no. Grabe el disco parcheado en un CD-R. Puede ignorar cualquier error ECC/EDC, L-EC, etc. que se informe durante la verificación del disco. Los campos de corrección de errores son corregidos automáticamente por la grabadora. Ponga el disco de demostración original en su PS1. Utilizando el método de su elección, debe mantener pulsado el interruptor de la tapa para que la consola lea los discos con la tapa abierta. Un palillo de madera puede funcionar. Enciende la consola y consulta la sección "Instrucciones por disco". # Por Instrucción de Disco
    Todos los discos Nota - Cuando se quita el disco original no hay que apresurarse a sustituirlo por el CD-R. Encontré en mi SCPH-7501 que al retirar el disco el motor y el láser intentarán leer el disco que has retirado durante unos segundos antes de rendirse. Después de eso puedes colocar fácilmente el CD-R en la consola. Cuando realice la siguiente acción, el CD-R debería empezar a girar y a leer. Sin embargo, si retiraste el disco en un momento en el que se estaban leyendo datos, el sistema puede bloquearse. Lee las siguientes notas para saber cuándo debes retirar el disco original y cambiar el CD-R.
    Vol 1 - Seleccione la demostración 'Loaded'. Mientras está en la pantalla con el Inicio y la Ayuda, intercambie los discos y luego inicie la demo. Vol 2 - Carga la demo 'Need For Speed'. En el menú 'modo de juego' intercambia los discos. Pulsa Select para salir al menú principal. Carga la demo 'NBA Shoot Out'. Vol 3 y 3.5 - Carga la demo de Crash Bandicoot. Cuando controles a Crash, intercambia los discos. Luego presiona Select para volver al menú principal. Carga la demo de 2Xtreme. Vol 4 - Carga la demo de Croc. Cuando controles a Croc intercambia los discos. Pulsa Select para salir. Inicia la demo de Parappa. Vol 5 - Inicia la demo de Crash 2. Una vez que controles a Crash, intercambia los discos. Pulsa Select para volver al menú. Inicia la demo de Parappa. Vol. 6 - Comienza la demo de Crash 2. Una vez que controles a Crash, intercambia los discos. Pulsa select para volver al menú. Iniciar Bloody Roar. Vol 7 - Selecciona la demo de Blasto. En la pantalla de instrucciones intercambia los discos, luego comienza la demo. Vol 8 - Selecciona la demo de Spyro. En la pantalla de instrucciones intercambia los discos, luego inicia la demo. Vol 9 - Selecciona la demo de Crash 3. En la pantalla de instrucciones intercambia los discos, luego inicia la demo. Vol 10 - Selecciona la demo de Contender. En la pantalla de instrucciones intercambia los discos, luego inicia la demo. Vol 11 - Selecciona la demo de Ape Escape. En la pantalla de instrucciones, intercambia los discos e inicia la demo. PSOne Wherever, Whenever, Forever - Selecciona la demo de Atlantis. En la pantalla de instrucciones, intercambia los discos e inicia la demo. ## Añadir más discos de demostración
    Puedes añadir tu propio disco de demo a DiscLib.txt si tu demo no es compatible. El formato de DiscLib es simple. La primera línea es el título del disco. Se recomienda utilizar el nombre en el conjunto de Redump. La segunda línea es el archivo ejecutable cargado por SYSTEM.CNF. Esto es necesario para identificar cada disco. La tercera línea es el nombre del ejecutable de la demo a reemplazar con TonyHax. Normalmente elijo la primera demo seleccionada en el disco pero puede elegir cualquiera que desee. El DiscLib.txt debe terminar con tres líneas de tres puntos. Así que añada sus discos antes del ... o simplemente añada sus discos en la parte superior del archivo. 
    Haga una imagen ISO de su disco de demostración que no es compatible. Abre el archivo SYSTEM.CNF y encuentra el ejecutable de arranque. Luego encuentra el ejecutable de la demo que quieres reemplazar. Añada esta información a DiscLib.txt. ISOBuster puede ayudarle a encontrar toda esta información. 
    El momento de intercambiar los discos depende del menú del disco. Algunas demos tienen menús que transmiten datos desde el disco para el video de movimiento completo y el intercambio de los discos podría resultar en una congelación o un bloqueo si no se intercambia lo suficientemente rápido. Mis instrucciones anteriores para los 11 volúmenes de Interactive CD Sampler evitan estos problemas. Los métodos de intercambio indicados permiten una sincronización relajada. Usando el volumen 5 como ejemplo, mientras la demo de Crash se está ejecutando y puedes controlar al personaje, deberías ser capaz de agarrar cuidadosamente el disco por el borde y centrarlo deteniéndolo. Retíralo en un corto peroid de tiempo para no dañar el motor. Después de quitarlo deberías poder esperar a que el motor deje de intentar girar y entonces poner tu CD-R. Entonces puedes pulsar Select para salir de la demo, lo que hará que el CD gire de nuevo y cargue el menú principal. Entonces puedes iniciar la demo que fue reemplazada por TonyHax.
    PS1 DemoSwap Patcher es una aplicación creada por MottZilla.
  17. PS1 Memory Card Manager

    This tool allow you to manage your game saves from a Playstation 1 Memory Card on your Windows PC.
    Read from or write to a real Playstation 1 Memory Card using the official Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor. Load a Memory Card from multiple file format (*.mc *.mcr *.mcd *.mcx *.gme) Save a Memory Card to *.mc file format. Export a single save file to *.mcs file format. Import a single save file to the currently loaded Memory Card from *.mcs or *.bin file format. Delete a single save or create a brand new formated Memory Card.
    It seems that some savegames have an incorrect header but were released commercially with this bug.
    These savegames will appear corrupted in my tool (because technically, they are), but I added an "Allow Corrupted Save" option to show them anyway.
    In order to use the Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor on your PC, you must install the provided USB driver.
    Double click on the installation program "USB Driver for PS3 Memory Card Adaptor.exe" and follow the instructions.
    This driver is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, either 32bits or 64bits !
    The USB Driver was made using the libusbK dev kit.
    Adaptor List:
    Compatible: Sony Memory Card Adaptor for PlayStation 3 B.kool Playmemo Incompatible: Venom PlayStation 2 to PlayStation 3 Memory Card Adapter Bigben CardAdapt by OrionSoft.
  18. PS12PSV

    Convert .mcs and .gme saves to .psv
    I manifested my intent of "Continuing your childhood PS1 Saves on your PS3" into this program,  this is my will, SO MOTE IT BE!!!
    by Silicar.
  19. PSC lolhack

    With this hack, we can open emulator tools in game by pressing select and triangle.
    Format usb drive with capacity of 16gb or greater to fat32 and name device "SONY". Copy files from step 1 of this repo to the drive. Wait around 10-15 mins while psc copies original game files to usb drive. (helps to have activity indicator on usb drive). might take longer, as we're transferring over 16gb worth of games to the drive. When done, shutdown psc and remove the power cable from back. Plug usb into PC, and you should see directories 1-20 in root of usb drive. Use a sql lite editor (https://sqlitebrowser.org/) to edit the game database in databases/region.db to add extra games. Place game folders in root of drive, numbered 21, 22, 23, etc. Take lolhack from step 2 of this repo and replace one on drive. Put drive back into the psc, plug it in and power it up. You should now be running games off usb drive. Make sure you highlight a game that was stock on psc before removing usb drive, will cause psc to crash. When you remove usb, the psc will return to stock :-)
  20. PSClassicEdit

    Small utility to create a usb drive to add custom games to the ps classic. This does not edit the PS Classic content instead mounts the content of the USB drive, to switch back to normal simply cicle the PS Classic without the USB drive inserted. Based on the work done by BleemSync.
    the flash drive has to be formatted in FAT32. Name your flash drive SONY. Disclaimer
    This work is still in progress, use at your own risk
    Game Configuration
    example folder structure (the pcsx.cfg file is contained in the release inside: Application Files/Config)
    Games/     1/         GameData             {disk-ID}.bin             {disk-ID}.cue             {disk-ID}.png             Game.ini             pcsx.cfg     2/         ...     3/         ...
    For the menu to work the Game.ini file must be edited for each game (for multi-disk games add them in the Discs property separated by a ','), Example:
    [Game] Discs=SLUS-00067 (name of the .cue) Title=Castlevania - Symphony Of The Night Publisher=Konami Players=1 Year=1997  
  21. PSClassicTool

    Format an SD Card or USB drive to Fat32 and name it SONY Setup you drive or sd card using bleemsync Start this tool. It should automatically detect your drive and allow you to add games to it.
  22. PSX RAW Converter

    "Psx Raw Converter" is a tool that convert between "raw PS1 save" and "single game save" (.mcs).
    you must understand the difference between ".mcs" and ".mcr"
    "Psx Raw Converter" requires:
    -"LAUNCHELF" for the transfer of your raw saves. -"PSXGE" to insert and extract your single game saves (.mcs). sony psx -> epsxe, the steps:
    copy your ps1 saves from your ps2 using ulaunchelf+usb_thumbdrive to your "psx raw converter" folder on your pc. convert them to .mcs (by drag&drop) using "psx raw converter" now you should have something like (SCES-00780kain.mcs). open "psx game edit 1.60" and drag and drop your newly converted ".mcs" files to "psx game edit 1.60". now you should be able to see their icons after that you just have to save the memorycard to ".mc" and rename it to ".mcr" for epsxe. epsxe -> sony psx, the steps:
    open "psx game edit 1.60" and drag and drop your .mcr file to "psx game edit 1.60". select a save by clicking on its radio button and save as a single game save (".mcs", the name's choice is trivial). convert your newly extracted ".mcs" files to raw saves (by drag&drop) using "psx raw converter" now you should have something like (SCES-00780kain). copy them to your ps1 memcard using ulaunchelf+usb_thumbdrive (writing directly to a ps1 memcard)
    unfortunately some save's name may contains characters that are forbidden in windows environement.
    the forbidden characters are these \/":*?<>|
    epsxe -> sony psx, extra steps:
    if your .mcs save contain such characters after converting it you should obtain 2 files:
    the save file(less the forbidden characters) renamed ex: "BESLES...WARNING!(read the log file)". a log.txt containing the real name and that you should read. on ULaunchELF add the missing characters and delete the WARNING! stuff. sony psx -> epsxe, extra steps:
    and if it is your save on your real sony memcard that contains such character(on windows such saves are inaccessible)
    back on ULaunchELF delete only the forbidden characters. on windows you must add the extension (.thxwindows) ex: "BASLUS-01355.TOD2C.thxwindows" on psxrc processing such file should bring out a special prompt window for the missing character's addition. "psx raw convertor" requires cw3230mt.DLL, please ensure it is in the same folder as "PSXRC.exe"
    by alkarl.
  23. RGBDS

    RGBDS (Rednex Game Boy Development System) is a free assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. It consists of:
    rgbasm (assembler) rgblink (linker) rgbfix (checksum/header fixer) rgbgfx (PNG‐to‐Game Boy graphics converter) This is a fork of the original RGBDS which aims to make the programs more like other UNIX tools.
    by rednex.
  24. SD2SP2 GameCube Hack Tutorial Files

    Pack con todos los archivos necesarios para poder cargar copias de seguridad en Nintendo GameCube siguiendo este sencillo tutorial.
  25. SDRip

    Dreamcast ripping tool. Rips original GD's to an SD, can also rip the BIOS and flash from your DC.
    This is a self booting disk once burned to CD using the right burning software (Discjuggler, Nero, etc.).
    This requires an an SD adapter for your Dreamcast. You can build one yourself or buy one from various sources such as eBay. A class 6 or better SD is required for this to work properly.
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