WUPDownloader es uina aplicación que permite descargar contenido instalable desde NUS, directamente a una tarjeta SD conectada a WiiU.
Esta aplicación no ofrece soporte para piratería. Solo descarga juegos que ya has comprado antes!
Características de WUPDownloader:
Download titles from Nintendo's servers (NUS) on the SD Card (SD:/install/)
Create fake tickets at the start of a download if not found on the NUS
Shows the download speed for any title
Also, generate fake tickets for other downloaded titles on SD:/install/ folder (To fix missing ticket downloads)
WiiU Software Keyboard library support (SWKBD)
Can download System/vWii titles
Complete HOME Menu support for channel version
Downloaded titles can be installed with WUP Installer
Download app hashes support (.h3)
Custom folder names for downloaded titles
To download a title, search on a Title Database for a title ID (Ex: WiiUBrew's database)
To create a fake ticket, you will need the title ID and the encryption key (Avaible on 'That title key site')
To install the app, download and unzip the contents of the latest release and depending on how you will run the app, follow the next steps:
Homebrew Launcher
Move the folder to (SD:/wiiu/apps/) Run the app from HBL through Haxchi, Browserhax or any exploit you want
Home Menu
Move the folder to (SD:/install/) and install it with WUPInstaller
Run it from the HOME Menu (With a CFW)
by Pokes303.