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Wii U

55 archivos

  1. wud2app

    Convert wudump folders and .wud images into cert, tik, tmd and app files.
    by FIX94.
  2. wudump

    Dump raw images from a wiiu game disc.
    Download and run the .elf from homebrew launcher with a fat32 sd card/usb device or NTFS usb device inserted that has at least 23.3gb free.
    On fat32 devices the files will be dumped in 2gb parts, you will have to merge them yourself afterwards if you need the full game.wud. On NTFS devices it will be dumped into a single file.
    A full dump can take a little over one and a half hours.
    After it has been dumped the wud, common.key and game.key will be in a "wudump" folder on your sd card/usb device.
    Merging the wud parts on FAT32 devices
    This step is not needed, when the file was dumped to a ntfs device.
    To get the full game.wud with FAT32 devices you will have to merge them.
    If you are on windows you can use something like this for example to merge them into a game.wud on a "wudump" folder on your C drive from a cmd in the sd/usb folder:
    copy /b game_part1.wud + game_part2.wud + game_part3.wud + game_part4.wud + game_part5.wud + game_part6.wud + game_
    If you would just like to install your game using wupinstaller then grab wud2app.
    If you dont want to merge all .wud files you can put wud2app into a folder on your pc and run it from a cmd with the wudump folder path as argument, for example if the sd/usb folder happens to be in "P:\wudump\WUP-P-TEST" on windows you can just run wud2app like:
    wud2app "P:\wudump\WUP-P-TEST"
    If you do have all .wud files merged then put wud2app into the folder of the merged .wud and run it like run it like:
    wud2app common.key game.key game.wud Make sure to copy the common.key and game.key into that folder as well if you use that method.
    The folder it creates can just be installed by wupinstaller.
    by FIX94.
  3. WUP Installer GX2

    Esta aplicación puede instalar juegos, actualizaciones de juegos o contenidos descargables a la memoria del sistema de nuestra Wii U (NAND) o a un dispositivo USB.
    WUP Installer GX2 está basada en la aplicación "WUP Installer y Mod" creada por Yardape, mientras que la interfaz gráfica está tomada del código fuente de "Loadiine GX2".
    Existen 3 versiones de WUP Instlaler GX2:
    La primera funciona con HBL y HBL Channel. La segunda funciona solo con HBL Channel. La tercera es el canal instalable de WUP Installer GX2.
     Al equipo de Loadiine GX2 por el código fuente de la interfaz gráfica. A Yardape por el código fuente del instalador. A brienj por el soporte rpx. Aplicación creada por  djskual.
  4. WUPDownloader

    WUPDownloader es uina aplicación que permite descargar contenido instalable desde NUS, directamente a una tarjeta SD conectada a WiiU.
    Esta aplicación no ofrece soporte para piratería. Solo descarga juegos que ya has comprado antes!
    Características de WUPDownloader:
    Download titles from Nintendo's servers (NUS) on the SD Card (SD:/install/) Create fake tickets at the start of a download if not found on the NUS Shows the download speed for any title Also, generate fake tickets for other downloaded titles on SD:/install/ folder (To fix missing ticket downloads) WiiU Software Keyboard library support (SWKBD) Can download System/vWii titles Complete HOME Menu support for channel version Downloaded titles can be installed with WUP Installer Download app hashes support (.h3) Custom folder names for downloaded titles Usage
    To download a title, search on a Title Database for a title ID (Ex: WiiUBrew's database)
    To create a fake ticket, you will need the title ID and the encryption key (Avaible on 'That title key site')
    To install the app, download and unzip the contents of the latest release and depending on how you will run the app, follow the next steps:
    Homebrew Launcher
    Move the folder to (SD:/wiiu/apps/) Run the app from HBL through Haxchi, Browserhax or any exploit you want Home Menu
    Move the folder to (SD:/install/) and install it with WUPInstaller Run it from the HOME Menu (With a CFW) by Pokes303.
  5. YouTube Video SWF Wii WAD Injector

    YouTube Video SWF Wii WAD Injector es una aplicación que nos permite inyectar vídeos de Youtube (convertidos a Shockwave Flash (SWF) en WADS (el formato de los canales de Nintendo Wii)
    Recuerda: Asegúrate de que el vídeo que intentas inyectar no supere los 5 minutos de duración. Los más largos o mayores de 15MBs no funcionarán.
    Cuidado! Algunos antivirus pueden detectar este programa como un virus. Si lo hace, es un falso-positivo. No hay virus ni malware en este programa.
    YouTube Video SWF Wii WAD Injector es una aplicación creada por mrt84.

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