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Parches y Option Files

496 archivos

  1. Dedoog Option File Temporada 2024-2025 (PES 2021 PS4, PS5 y PC)

    Option File creado por Dedoog que actualiza a la temporada 2024-2025 el eFootball PES 2021 Season Update de PS4 (retrocompatible con PS5) y PC.
    Contenido del Option File:
    Brasileirão A & B Liga de Uruguay Copa Libertadores Liga de Colombia Premier League Serie A & B de Italia LaLiga 1 & 2 de España BundesLiga de Alemania Otros Europeos Selecciones Nacionales

    Como instalar el Option File en PS4/PS5:
    Descargamos el archivo desde aquí mismo y lo descomprimimos.  Copiamos la carpeta WEPES a una memoria USB y la conectamos a la consola. Dentro del juego nos vamos a Editar - Importar/Exportar - Importar equipos. Seleccionamos todo o las ligas que queramos importar dentro de la carpeta ETAPA1. Accedemos a la configuración detallada, marcamos las 2 casillas y pulsamos en OK. Esperamos a que termine. Repetimos el procedimiento con las ligas de la carpeta ETAPA2. Luego nos vamos a Editar - Importar/Exportar - Importar campeonatos. Seleccionamos todo o las ligas que queramos importar dentro de la carpeta 1 - Competições. Esperamos a que termine y listo. Como instalar el option file en PC:
    Copiamos el contenido de la carpeta WEPES en nuestra carpeta WEPES de instalación del juego. Ruta de ejemplo: Archivos de programa\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 Season Update\WEPES.
  2. Dedoog Option File Temporada 2025 (PES 2021 PS4, PS5 y PC)

    Option File creado por Dedoog que actualiza a la temporada 2025 el eFootball PES 2021 Season Update de PS4 (retrocompatible con PS5) y PC.

    Contenido del Option File:
    Brasileirão A & B Liga de Uruguay Copa Libertadores Liga de Colombia Premier League Serie A & B de Italia LaLiga 1 & 2 de España BundesLiga de Alemania Otros Europeos Selecciones Nacionales
  3. Demo Adboard Pack by majuh (PES 2020 PC)

    This mod inserts various adboards into the PES 2020 Demo.
    This mod is not online compatible!
    How to Install:
    Move the folder "download" into the folder "steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020 DEMO\". If you already have a DpFileList.bin, then add an entry for the CPK file in your existing DpFileList.bin instead of overwriting it.
    Tool for editing DPFileList.bin: DpFileList Generator 2020.
    by majuh.

  4. DKZ Edit Patch (PES 2008 PS2)

    Parche DKZ Edit, nacido del trabajo de la comunidad Dekazeta, para el Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 para Playstation 2.
  5. Dream Patch (PES 2021 PC)

    Parche para el eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 Season Update de PC.
    Principales características:
    Ligas agregadas al juego: Alemania, Estados Unidos, México, Japón, Perú.  Además de todos los equipos que participan en los grandes torneos de clubes: Champions League, Europa League, Copa Libertadores. Se agregan 2 nuevas segundas divisiones: Argentina y Chile. +8000 rostros de jugadores agregados. +765 estadios, incluyendo actualizaciones del estadio de River Plate y Boca Jrs. con cambios estructurales y publicidades, nuevos estadios para la copa Argentina, correcciones de animaciones de entrada, actualizaciones en los estadios de copa américa, nuevos estadios uruguayos, etc. Nuevo menú. Nuevas minifaces para diferentes equipos. Actualización de escudos y emblemas en diferentes competencias. Actualización de los menús de diferentes competiciones. Actualización de equipaciones en las distintas ligas. Actualización de las equipaciones de árbitros. Actualización de adboards en las distintas competiciones. Actualización del módulo SubBoardServer con nuevas placas de cambios. Actualización del módulo cornerFlag con variantes para cada equipo y/o selección del parche. Actualización del módulo TornamentCornerFlag con nuevos banderines por competencia. Se añadió el módulo BallBoysServer junto con algunas camperas de alcanza pelotas. Nuevas intros para las competiciones. Actualización de scoreboards y se añadieron nuevas alternativas para las diferentes competiciones, tales como: Uefa champions League, Uefa Europa League, Libertadores, Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Ligue 1, Liga Argentina, Liga 1 Betsson, Liga MX, Liga Chilena, Además de marcadores de Exhibición. Agregados 45 Trofeos, Entrances y Winners Platform exclusivas totalmente actualizadas: English Premier League, Serie A y Supercup Italiana, Bundesliga, LaLiga Santander y  Copa del Rey, Liga NOS y Taça de Portugal, Ziraat Türkiye Kupasi, KNVB Beker, Russian Premier League, Cup Y Supercup, Scottish Cup, Coupe de la Ligue, Copa Do Brasil, MLS, Copa y Supercopa Argentina, LPF, JLeague, Fuji Xerox Super Cup, Liga 1 Betsson y Copa Bicentenario de Perú, Campeonato PlanVital y Copa Chile, Liga, Copa y Supercopa Mx, Copa Africana de Naciones, Copa América, Mundial de Clubes de la FIFA, Qualifiers Suramericanas, Copa Libertadores 2021… entre otros. Trofeos individuales al mejor jugador de América, Asia y Europa; y también trae el Ballon d'Or real. 4 switchers agregados.

    Instrucciones de instalación
    Antes de hacer nada, BORRAR todo lo que tengan que sea de otro parche en su pes. Si no saben cómo hacer, borren todo y dejen sólo la carpeta "data", luego vayan a su biblioteca de steam, busquen su pes, den en propiedades/archivos locales/verificar integridad de los archivos.  También es muy importante ir a documentos/KONAMI/eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE y borrar TODO su contenido a excepción del archivo "settings.dat" Seleccionar las 15 partes del parche, hacer clic derecho y dar en "extraer aquí". Al terminar, les quedarán 3 carpetas: download, Dream Patch Sider y opcionales. Seleccionar las 3, clic derecho y dar en "CORTAR" (MUY importante, no elijan copiar ya  que tendrán errores).  Luego vayan a steam, busquen el pes 2021 en la biblioteca, click derecho y elijan la opción administrar/ver acrhivos locales. Se les abrirá la carpeta del juego, den clic derecho, "pegar" Al finalizar todo este proceso deberían tener: En el directorio del juego los siguientes archivos (la carpeta download, Dream Patch Sider) -Dentro de la carpeta download archivos cpk del dreampatch (dreampatch_* y Dream_*) -En la carpeta Dream Patch Sider todo el contenido del parche Importante: Para ejecutar el juego con el parche, debemos abrir el archivo sider.exe como administrador (clic derecho sobre el mismo abrir como administrador) que está dentro de la carpeta Dream Patch Sider.
    Dream Team: The_pelado, Garythano, AXL Facemaker, Albiore, Joaako1602, Rydimir, MeroMero08, AMX Editions, Minchosheen, Gordoumbanda, emaelmate, JPFacemaker, il_nachox, Zeebaxx, Wachiwo, Space Kng, JLDeb, jedim24, Nico Silva, Isco Pastén, el flavo, theviper12, Raditzx, gasconfacemaker, RealKur7. Dream Partner: Gavi83 Faces: Konami, AXL Facemaker, Minchosheen, Gordoumbanda, emaelmate, gasconfacemaker, Jonathan Facemaker, Andri Mod, Random Facemaker, Stb, Prince Hamiz, TiToo, Volun, Halil Furkan, The White Demon, Sofyan Andri, Hugimen, Robert PES Facemaker, Francisco1507, Shaft, Bmpes, Lucas Facemaker, VN Huy Bui, Bebofacemaker, kibi011, Zenin Rohman, Kleyton, Drachen, SeanFede, Nahue Facemaker, Dekart, stranger, Francisc1507, Judas Facemaker, SR, Bono Facemaker, Ando12345, Lucas, Ahmed el Shenany, Emre T, DNB, DNAI, Huybuy, Jarray, Eric, Return, Ratatui, Messi pradeep, Fede, Galacton, Shaft, MadMax, Nene, Luis, Ghufran, Bou7a, Andrey93, Danger, Unknown facemaker, K, Raden, Dustmcpw, AmirHsn7, KepaRik, Octavio, FootballMania, Viktor S, Ciervos Clásicos, PESWEB, Maratik182, Lr7face, Bolulu, Amey Varangaonkar, Spursfan18, Whoami, Rednik, L.G.R. Facemaker, Jovic, Jovic1901 Juanchi25, DAVIDJM08, champions1989, ultra1312, Dominic, Oliver Martin, ABS, vojasrbin, I3ens, Farouk278, Paqelas, Bebo Facemaker, Cybermaker, Rachmad ABs, jovic, heywips, PB, Furkan6141, leopen79, Yeshua Facemaker, BurakGD, Tsunami, alireza, Korneev, Rachman ABs, Fleishman, YNWA, Diegotatoosparapes, Hector, Macaco Facemaker. Tattoos: Konami, Supernova, Ando12345, Hoppus117, Galacton, Dennis B1, AMX Edition, theviper12, Andrés Rocha, Macaco Facemaker. Kits: Konami, zeebaxx, AMX Edition, Wachiwo, jldeb, Albiore, il_nachox, Space kng, AntoG_25, Lobosemillas, Angel Torero, Aerial Edson, Marc_11_11, Jedim24, JPKitmaker, Ciervos Clásicos, Cristian Nippon, KitMan Cal, WMorenoNeira, Pencho Galleta, Sando, BM Kits, Hawke, mota10, Nemanja, Yoko Diaz, marckldu, EderMello86, EDKits, 4N63L__77, Homer S, JorkPES, MarcosKTM, Aliheidari2520, mezoeg, jorgecabral, speckkopf, santimanya11, Bromley Kits, Alexvegask8, Caveras, Blueyboy_73, Elements MAX, Masuta, imzenox l kevin, Exoxian, garythano, AntonG25, Scott Carson, J.Kit_Editor, Ahmed Al-Hussein, Swoosh1968, JCH331994, VinnieCisneros, drigOrange, ggdaris, BangaHeq, Tekask1903, muntjac09. Trophies: Konami, joaako1602, MeroMero_08, metalex. Adboards: Evo-Web, Rydimir, Chosefs, Gothlay, Albiore, majuh, ctonian, Nabawi, Cesc Fabregas, Hawke, DrDoooMuk, Balkan Pes Box. Minifaces: P1_AR, theviper12, fmdataba, Raditzx, jmanuel, Isco Pastén, Cisco87, SMcCutcheon, Bib, Sofifa. Stadiums: Konami, The_pelado, gavi83, Arthur Torres, Sila, Raven, BMPes, blackbull, twich, Jostike Games, PESWilliam, El_Rubio_UY, omarbonvi, vangheljs, AlexFreen, garythano, Scotto, Juan Josue, _LauDRuP_, xcdf86, martinza, elpombero, MyMRanger, Andò12345, Ole, captainblunt, Cristian Otrillas, paul_tisgalko, bouquenom, philnet09, zakaria, hobbit, callmev, _thespecialone_, CocoSurprise. Database: RealKur7, Albiore, jedim24, joaako1602, elflavo, the_pelado, garythano. Tools: Ejogc327 (The Best!), Evo-Web, Juce, nesa24, Zlac, Predator007, shawminator, Mjts, Hawke, Chuny (GFX Mod) Scoreboards: Spursfan18, Unknown32, Overall, 1002MB, ryudek, --SG--, klerry, Ripher (PES Aztk), Fedeguggeri14, Lukasvillakapo, Spursfan07, lero44, Isco Pastén, Franco Bracali. Flags: Klerry Graphics: joaako, Isco Pastén, Albiore, The_pelado Soundtrack: Konami, ElFlavo, Albiore Partners Communities: AFA-PES, PesEdition Arg, PESColombia, PES-Aztk, VirtuaRed, PESoccerPeru.
  6. Dream Patch Season 2019/2020 (PES 2020 PC)

    Fully Licensed:
    - All teams for both leagues (26 teams in the MLS!) - Real ID for both the teams and tournaments - Real trophies and scoreboards - Faces (and minifaces) for both tournaments 22 NEW CLASSIC TEAMS + JULES RIMET CUP!

    You'll be able to play with the best players in the history of the beautiful game (with their real faces!) and lift the old Jules Rimet Cup to crown yourself as the best team of all time.

    ALL TEAMS for the UEFA Champions League and Copa Libertadores (+promoted Colombian teams (Boyacá Chicó & Deportivo Pereira), Hannover 96, Hamburg, Stuttgart and 1. FC Nürnberg!)
    You'll now be able to play as Canada, Curaçao, Benin, Cape Verde, Gabon and DR Congo!

    New exclusive/re-textured and updated trophies by @MeroMero_08 & @joaako1602!

    San Carlos de Apoquindo (new version made from scratch!), Estadio CAP-Acero, Estadio El Teniente, Estadio Elías Figueroa Brander, Estadio Nicolás Chahuán Nazar & Estadio Santa Laura


    DISCLAIMER: We didn't replace any already licensed leagues. The leagues that come with the game such as Liga NOS, Belgium, both French and Italian divisions and etc, will stay in the patch. We didn't replace those.
    This patch was made to have everything installed at once, what does that mean? That you’ll have ball-server, menu-server, scoreboard-server, stadium-server and more. We decided to go with this method mostly for our community outside Evo-Web that’s not very familiar with mods, so they have the entire experience in one installation, only needing to update some files when we release them. Needless to say, we don’t take credit on stuff like scoreboards, menus, stadiums (with some exceptions, obviously), since the majority was made by the community.
    How to Install:
    IMPORTANT: If you downloaded it via Torrent, the only difference will be that the .rar parts will be inside a folder with the name of the torrent
    We recommend doing the installation on a clean version of PES2020 with all DLCs installed. It's also very important to have these three folders clean, without an EDIT file installed:
    Documents/KONAMI/eFootball PES 2020/YOUR NUMBER/save Documents/KONAMI/eFootball PES 2020/mount Documents/KONAMI/eFootball PES 2020/WEPES 1. Open Pes Dream Patch V1.exe and set the path of extraction to the game directory.
    2. To open the game, go to the game directory and open the folder Dream Patch Sider. Open sider.exe and the game will open with the patch.
    We recommend creating a direct access for Sider.exe in any place where you place your games 🙂
  7. Editemos PES Option File (PES 2021 PS4)

    Option File de Editemos PES para la versión de Playstation 4 de Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 Season Update.

    Fichas Técnicas 100% completas (Nombre de entrenadores, Pancartas, Nombres de Estadios y Rivalidades) Uniformes Añadidos (Hasta tercer y cuarto uniforme - Actualizado hasta el 07/11/2020) Más de 200 rostros incorporados Ligas editadas gracias al OF:
    Liga de Bélgica Liga de Dinamarca Liga de Inglaterra 2°División de Inglaterra Liga de Francia 2° División de Francia Liga de Italia 2° División de Italia Liga de Holanda Liga de Rusia Liga de Escocia Liga de España 2° División de España Liga de Suiza Liga de Turquía Selecciones editadas gracias al OF:
    Selecciones de Europa totalmente actualizada. Selecciones de América del Sur totalmente actualizada. Selecciones de Centroamérica y Norteamérica totalmente actualizada.

    Créditos del OF:
    July-cuervo98 FacesByLaucha Miguel Zamora AMX Editions Eder Mello Kitmancal QFABIVSMAXIMO MARC_11_11 Arroyin Andre Vera Pencho Sandoval 1234kits Juampy050 BM Kits Andrés Rocha William Moreno Camilo Londoño XUL DDJ Stheno LucasPESEdit Dani Garvan Pixa PES Kitmr_DREAMER Chris Gabriel94 Lukinhas PESFUTVE TornoxPeru Agustino FC Fernando Saenz Manu CABJ Mateoo Pes2021 TXAK Frozz it Alonso Vega Cuervo Gameplays KitLimaLondo1 HyChlorine LH iamRubenMG Jeanpierre Pantoja JP_Kitmaker URTZI Txak_PES WE_DP99_PES Guita Pes Logos

  8. eFootball 2022 Gameplay to PES 2021 (PC)

    Parche que intenta recrear en PES 2021 de PC el gameplay de eFootball 2022.
    Para ello se han obtenido algunos archivos .bin del archivo CPK que contiene los parámetros de gameplay de eFootball 2022 en PC para ser usados en PES 2021. Lógicamente el gameplay no será una recreación 1:1, pero se le acercará. Los archivos no han sido modificados.
    El gameplay afecta a los partidos offline. Funciona con todos los parches No crear una versión CPK, por alguna razón el juego crashea. Usa la versión Sider. Instalación:
    Copia la carpeta "Gameplay" a tu carpeta "/livecpk" Abre el archivo sider.ini y añade esta línea: cpk.root = :".\livecpk\Gameplay" Guarda y ejecuta el juego desde Sider. Créditos:
    Konami PESNewupdate
  9. eFootball PES 2020 for PSX (Winning Eleven 2002)

    Parche para el Winning Eleven 2002 de PSX para actualizarlo a la temporada 2019-2020.
    65 national teams updated until 07/31/2019 33 European (UEFA) 10 African (CAF) 10 South American (CONMEBOL) 3 North Americans (CONCACAF) 6 Asian (AFC) 1 oceanic (OFC) 32 European clubs for friendlies and ML 7 (Premier League-England) :  Manchester United / Arsenal / Chelsea / Liverpool / Manchester City / Tottenham / Wolverhamton 7 (Serie A-Italia) : Juventus / Lazio / Internatzionale / AC Milan / Atalanta / Napoli / Roma 6 (La Liga- Spain) : Real Madrid / Barcelona / Atlético de Madrid / Valencia / Real Betis / Sevilla 4 (Bundesliga-Germany) : Bayern Munchen / Borussia Dortmund / Bayern Leverkusen / RB Lepzig 2 (Liga NOS-Portugal) : Benfica / Porto 2 (Eredivisie-Netherlands) : PSV / Ajax 2 (Ligue 1-France) : PSG / Lyon 1 (Turkey) : Galatasaray 1 (Russia) : Zenit ALL templates updated until 07/31/2019 ALL Updated Kits Numbering of players Modified balls (World Cup Russia 2018, EUFA Nations League and Copa América 2019) Modified Networks PES 2020 advertising plates New menus PES 2020 Soundtrack Graphic translation in English Nationalities of ML players New appearances / faces (beard, hair and hair color) Title and logo of PES 2020 Narrations: English (taken from the WE Zone form) Spanish (original from ISS 2 taken from the WE Zone forum) Portuguese (taken from Youtube "Potenza Games") Japanese (Original from WE2002) by ZAAZ.

  10. eFootball PES 2020 Mobile Patch UEFA Champions League Edition (Android)

    Credits: Stranger Shafiul [BD].
  11. eFootball PES 2020 Official Option File (PC)

    This is official option file EDIT00000000 applied from downloaded Konami weekly updates (Live Updates)
    Compatible with Datapack 1.01 + Official Patch 1.01.01 Included latest Live Update Implemented. Update Stats. Update Squad. Updated Shirt Numbers Note: 
    Remember, this option file is only eFootball PES 2020 Vanilla game ( Non Patch ). If you're using any community patches, do not use this file ! If you already had edited teams, Backup your EDIT00000000 first ! How to Use
    Make sure you have latest version of Datapack ! Extract with WinRAR, copy EDIT00000000 to Document\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2020\NUMBERS\save Done
  12. EGY Super Patch 2019 (PES 2019 PC)

    EGY Super Patch 2019 para el Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 de PC.
    – Compatible With All Versions & Datapack 3. – Compatible With Online Mode (Kits & Logos). – Added & Fully Licensed Bundes-Liga 2018/2019 With Complete Squads, Logos, Kits, Faces. – Added & Fully Licensed Egypt PL 2018/2019 With Complete Squads, Logos, Kits, Faces. – Corrected & Updated All National Teams Players. – Fully Licensed all English PL Clubs 2019. – Fully Licensed all English Championship Clubs 2019. – Fully Licensed all Spanish La Liga Clubs 2019. - Updated Team Names Commentary For Unlicenced Clubs. – Fully Licensed Juventus Club 2019. – Updates all new transfers and formations for all Clubs. – Added 750+ Minifaces For Players in Game Plan Mode. – Updated Kits for All National Teams. – Updated Rivals & Coaches For All Teams. – Updated Turfs For All Stadiums. – Added Latest Ballpack, Gloves & Bootpack Season 2018/2019. – Corrected & Added Many Faces for Classic Players. – Updated Adboards For All Competitions & Many Teams. – Updated ML Press Room For Many Teams. – Added Missing Teams (Red Star, Salzburg, Rapid Wien & Viktoria Plzen) – Updated Some Graphics For Better Atmosphere. Changelog v2.0:
    - Compatible With Datapack 3. - Added Latest Ballpack & Bootpack Season. - Updated Many teams lineups and transfers. - Added Scoreboards For Major Leagues. - Added Press Rooms For Major Teams. - Re-Updated Turf For All Stadiums. - Added Uefa Champions League & Europe League Modes. Credits
    Tunizizou, zlac (tools), Hawke (Referre kits, gloves, balls), Hassan Fathi (faces), Majuh (Adboards), Ginda (Evoswitcher)
    Super Patch....Super Pes
    Presented By MODY 99, 2009-2019
  13. English Commentary Callname (PES 2019 PC)

    Usage Notes:
    Requires English commentary to be installed and active ingame. This pack is an ‘All in One’. Always replace previous version with new. Designed for PES2019. Likely fine for 2018, 2017 and 2016 aswell. All new team/player callnames added to edit mode available for assignment to any player and unlicensed team. All additions added to licensed IDs as well to aid automatic assignment. Licensed teams can either use assigned callname or “Default” in edit mode. “Default” will use licensed ID callname. This pack also includes additional extra situational callname variety. Features:
    Player Callnames: 1960 original + 4239 added Total = 6199 Team Callnames: 1 Albania, 33 Argentina, 3 Austria, 8 Azerbaijan, 1 Belarus 17 Belgium, 3 Bosnia, 26 Brazil, 1 Bulgaria, 18 Chile 16 China, 20 Colombia, 11 Croatia, 1 Cyprus, 3 Czech 14 Denmark, 167 England, 1 Finland, 46 France, 108 Germany 4 Greece, 78 International, 18 Iran, 146 Italy, 4 Japan 1 Macedonia, 24 Malaysia, 19 Mexico, 1 Montenegro, 20 Netherlands 3 Northern Ireland, 1 Norway, 19 Poland, 42 Portugal, 2 Romania 20 Russia, 2 Saudi Arabia, 19 Scotland, 4 Serbia, 1 Slovakia 3 Slovenia, 153 Spain, 1 Sweden, 3 Switzerland, 19 Turkey 1 UAE, 2 Ukraine, 1 Venezuela, 5 Wales Total = 1114 How to install:
    Extract ‘Preds2019_EnglishCallnames.cpk’ to your PES2019 Download folder. Update DpFileList.bin using DpFileList Generator by Baris. Disclaimer:
    Please do not rip the audio from this pack and advertise as your own. Please credit if you use this pack in your patch.
  14. Enhanced Turf Pack by Endo (PES 2019 PC)

    set brightnes and contrast in game menu on your taste do not use any reshade fxs not compatible with other turf/grass/pitch mods

  15. ePatch (eFootball PC)

    ePatch es un parche para la versión de PC de eFootball, el nuevo juego de fútbol de Konami.

    Principales características del parche
    Solo compatible con la versión de Steam. Actualizados los escudos de todos los clubs con los reales a alta calidad. Actualizados los logos de todas las competiciones. El logo de las repeticiones ha sido sustituido por uno de la FIFA. Añadidas nuevas animaciones de los tablones de publicidad. Actualizados todos los mini-kits de los clubs y selecciones nacionales. Reajustados los kits de todos los equipos. Compatible con los modos online y offline. Añadidos las equipaciones 24/25 para estos clubs de la Premier League: Manchester City Liverpool Chelsea Newcastle Tottenham West Ham Everton Aston Villa Fulham Wolverhampton Brighton Añadidas las equipaciones 24/25 para estos clubs de LaLiga: Sevilla Villareal Real Madrid Atletico Madrid Valencia Real Sociedad Athletic Bilbao Real Betis Celta Vigo Real Mallorca Osasuna Getafe Añadidas las equipaciones de la temporada 24/25 de estos clubs de la liga italiana:
    Fiorentina Bologna Empoli  Torino Añadidos las equipaciones 24/25 de los clubes brasiseños Palmeiras y Flamengo. Añadidas las equipaciones 24/25 del Inter Miami Añadidos las equipaciones 24/25 de las siguientes selecciones nacionales: Moroco Egypt Senegal Saudi Arabia Mexico Tunisia Algeria Uruguay Colombia Chile USA Nigeria  
    Como instalar el ePatch
    Antes de empezar con el proceso de instalación es altamente recomendable hacer una copia de seguridad de estos archivos de nuestro juego:
    dt200_console_all.cpk pc3607_console_win.pak pc3607_console_win.ucas pc3607_console_win.utoc pc0101_console_win.pak pc0101_console_win.ucas pc0101_console_win.utoc pc7000_console_win.pak pc7000_console_win.ucas pc7000_console_win.utoc Posteriormente, pasamos instalar el parche:
    Descargamos el parche desde aquí mismo de forma completamente gratuita. Copiamos las carpetas cpk yu pak al directorio de instalación de nuestro juego, que por defecto es C:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/eFootball. Reemplazamos los archivos cuando nos pregunte el sistema. Listo, ya podemos jugar con el parche aplicado. El parche ha sido creado por Mody_99, Endo y Cadi Lilian.
  16. ePatch (PES 2021 PC)

    ePatch for the PC version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 Season Update.
    Fully Licensed all National Teams (Kits 100%). Added & Fully Licensed Bundes-Liga 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all English PL Clubs 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all Spanish La Liga Clubs 2019/2020. Updates Division 2 Leagues Clubs Logos. Updates All Championships With Real Logos. Updates Season 2020/2021 transfers & formations. Updated Rivals & Coaches For Major Leagues. Implemented Latest Live Update 16/9/2020. Compatible With Versions 1.01 & DLC 1.0. Compatible With Online Mode. Updated Some Graphics For Better Atmosphere. Implemented Latest Live Update 25/9/2020. Fully Licensed all English Champioship Clubs 2020/2021. Fully Licensed all Spanish La Liga 2 Clubs 2020/2021. Licensed Other Europe Clubs 2020/2021. Added Latest Balls Pack & Linked to Competitions. Updated Adboards For Major Competitions. Updated Refree Kits for Season 20/21. Added HD Turf For All Stadiums. Updated Some Graphics For Better Atmosphere.
    Install Latest Official DLC 1.01. Just Run the Setup File & Choose Your Pes2020 Folder. Run The Game From Sider.exe. Credits
    Glauber Silva (Kits), Juce & Cybs. by Mody99.
  17. ePatch 2020 (PES 2020 PC)

    Fully Licensed all National Teams. Added & Fully Licensed Bundes-Liga 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all English PL Clubs 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all Spanish La Liga Clubs 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all of English Championship Clubs 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all of Spanish La Liga 2 Clubs 2019/2020. Fully Licensed all of Serie B Clubs 2019/2020. Corrected & Updated All National Teams Fake Players.  Corrected & Updated All Classic Players. Updates Season 2019/2020 transfers and formations for all Teams. Updated Adboards For Major Competitions. Updated Rivals & Coaches For Major Leagues. Added Latest Balls & Gloves Packs. Implemented Latest Live Update 3/10/2019. Compatible With Versions 1.01.02 & DLC 1.02. Updated Some Graphics For Better Atmosphere.
    How to Install:
    Install latest DLC + updates from steam. Install ePatch 2020 Done By MODY 99.
  18. Euro 2020 Stadium Pack (PES 2021 PC)

    Pack de estadios para el Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 Season Update de PC que incluye los 11 estadios de la Euro 2020.
    Los estadios son compatibles con cualquier parche, solo necesitas tener la última versión de Sider 7 y Stadium Server.

    Lista de estadios:
    Editados desde cero Baku Olympic Stadium Telia Parken Stadium Arena Nationala Hampden Park Estadio Olímpico de La Cartuja Ferenc Puskas Arena Estadios originales de de Konami actualizados Stadio Olimpico Gazprom Arena (St Petersburg Stadium) Johan Cruijff Arena Wembley Stadium Allianz Arena Creditos
    lohan258/Arthur Torres, captain8lunt, veintisiete2772, papijonnnn, Eddduuuhhh, don88, _TheSpecialOne_ Endo, MJTS-140914, Juce, Nesa24, Zlac, FuNZoTiK, All Stadium Makers.
  19. European Classics & World Classics (PES 2020 PS4)

    This option file includes some classic players from different era in 2 teams European Classics & World Classics!

    by Voitx9.
  20. EvoItaly+ Patch Graphics (PES 2019 PC)

    3 italian ML Graphics (Serie A final ver. with fixes, Coppa Italia, Supercoppa Italiana). The press rooms of all Serie A teams excluded Roma, Juventus because are already included in Evoswitcher and Milan/Inter because can’t be edited. The press room of Italy national team. THANKS TO:
    gabriel85 for pointed out to me that the press rooms had bad proportions Ivankr Pulquero for Torino press room image six75 for Inter press room image by Andò12345.
  21. EvoMod Patch 2024

    EvoMod Patch 2024 es un parche para la versión de PC de eFootball 2024.

    Estas son las mejoras que introduce la versión V3:
    MEJORAS DEL CÉSPED Se ha actualizado la cobertura de campos para todos los estadios. Nuevo mapa normal de césped especialmente creado. Se han actualizado las texturas altas del césped. Y también algunos otros cambios. NUEVO DEGRADADO DE COLOR E ILUMINACIÓN Se ha agregado un nuevo filtro cinematográfico. Se reimportan las texturas volumétricas de Lut. ACTUALIZACIÓN PARA KITS Nuevo logo del patrocinador de la camiseta de la Real Sociedad. Se han agregado fuentes y números de marcas auténticas para algunos equipos. Chelsea, Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspurs, Atlético de Madrid, Aston Villa, Liverpool, Brighton & Hove Albion, Wolverhampton, West Ham, Fulham, Brentford y Selección de Ucrania. ACTUALIZACIÓN DE BALONES Dos balones de partido recoloreados con el nuevo mapa normal, más agresivo. Mejores golpes, contraste y realmente puedes ver mejor la bola girar. MEJORAS GRÁFICAS DEL JUEGO Se ha desactivado el muestreo ascendente temporal. Se eliminó el desenfoque excesivo. Sombras de blobs deshabilitadas para plataformas móviles. (ha sido habilitado por defecto) Resolución mejorada de sombras y sombras en cascada. Se redujo al mínimo la influencia del desenfoque DOF (solo se redujo, no se deshabilitó) Lods mejorados para anuncios, multitudes y bailes. Nitidez del juego mejorada. Se ha agregado un nuevo algoritmo de oclusión ambiental. GTAO, alternativa a SSAO. Se supone que es mucho más preciso que SSAO. Calidad de niebla mejorada. Escala de distancia máxima de dibujo de luces aumentada. Parche creado por Endo y Lennyhard.
  22. EvoPatch (PES 2020 PC Demo)

    This patch includes the most important mods created on EvoWeb, the patch doesn't use the sider but it use the game data files and the patch is 100% online compatible.
    The tutorial about how to install it is included in README.txt
    Turf Mod v.1 by @Chuny (Twitter: @Chuny_OK) High Quality Team Logos v.1 by @Alexbeckhs Tight Kit by @Makidan14  Goal Songs and Anthems by @mauri_d  Chants by @predator002  Small Detail Mod (from Pes 2019 Demo) by @Hawke  Credits
    @Chuny (Twitter: @Chuny_OK) @Alexbeckhs @Makidan14  @mauri_d @predator002 @Hawke by Ando12345.
  23. EvoSwitcher (PES 2019 PC)

    Hi everyone. This is the combination between my Switcher (ginda01), @MJTS-140914 and all another great modder.
    Hope you enjoy it. ;)

    Anthems Bundesliga, Community Shield, Chilean Primera División, Copa Libertadores, Danish Superliga, EFL, Eredevisie, FA Cup, FIFA World Cup, ICC, Jupiler Pro League, LaLiga, Liga NOS, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League, Russian Premier League, Serie A, Spor Toto Super Lig, UEFA Super Cup. Balls: AFC, ANFP, Bundesliga, Bundesliga Winter, CBF, Community Sheild, Copa Libertadores, EFL, Eredivisie, evoPOWER 1, evoPOWER 1 HiVis, FA Cup, FINAL 1 Stamtement UPD, FINAL 1 Statement, Fuerza, Fuerza Hi Vis, Fuerza Max Vis, Infinity Revolution 3.0, Infinity Team, Jupiler Pro League, La Liga, La Liga Hi Vis, Liga NOS, Ligue 1, MERLIN, Neo Pro, Ordem 4 BHM Limited Edition, Ordem 4 CBF BCA, Ordem Campeon Copa America, Ordem Ciento Copa America, Ordem V, Premier League, Premier League Hi Vis, QS, Russian Premier League, Russian Super Cup, Serie A, Serie A Hi Vis, SPFL, STSL, Super Brillant, TRIOMPH Ballon Officiel, TRIPLETTA, UEFA Champions League 18-19, UEFA Champions League Madrid 19 Final, WE-PES Series. Camera Tweaks: Dynamic, Fan View, Live Broadcast. Corner Flags: Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Super Cup. Entrances: Coupe de France, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League, Super Lig, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Super Cup. Kits: UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League. Menu Musics: Copa Libertadores, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Super Cup. ML Graphics: Coupe de France, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League, Super Lig, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Super Cup. Press Room: Competition: Champions League & Europa League. National: Germany & Spain. Club: AFC Ajax, Atletico de Madrid, Bayern Munchen, Boca Juniors, Borussia Dortmund, Guadalajara, Juventus, Manchester United, Nottingham Forest, PSG, Rayo Vallecano, Real Betis, Real Madrid, Sporting Cristal, Tottenham Hotspur. Referee Kits: Brasileiro, Bundesliga, Community Shield, Coupe de France, EFL, Eredivisie, FA Cup, FIFA World Cup, Generic, Jupiler Pro League, LaLiga, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League, Serie A, SPL, Super Lig, Superliga Argentina, UEFA Champions League. Scoreboards: BBC Sport, Bundesliga, Copa Argentina, Copa Libertadores, Coupe de France, DFB Pokal, DFL Supercup, Eredivisie, ESPN, FA Cup, Fox Soccer, Jupiler Pro League, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League, Serie A, Sky Sports, Super Lig, Superliga Argentina, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Super Cup. Stadiumboards: EFL, Generic, Premier League, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League. Trophy: Copa Libertadores, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Player of the Year. Winner Presentation: Coupe de France, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Premier League. Others: No Ball Cursor, BlackBar, Carpet Ads, & Replay. How to install: 
    Copy all files and folders to PES 2019 installation folder. You can play without EvoSwitcher.exe, but if you want to hear the Anthem. You must play the game from EvoSwitcher. It's your choice ;)
  24. EvoSwitcher (PES 2020 PC Demo)

    Adidas Brazuca, Adidas Brazuca Hi Vis, Adidas Brazuca Rio Fi, Adidas Fevernova, Adidas Fevernova Oran, Adidas Kopanya Confed, Adidas Europass 2008, Adidas Jabulani 2010 , Adidas Jabulani 2010 , Adidas Jabulani 2010 , Adidas Tango , Adidas Tango 12 Euro , Adidas Tango 12 Comoe, AAdidas Tango 12 Hi V, Adidas Tango 12 Hi Vi, Adidas Tango Hi Vis O, Adidas Tango Hi Vis, Adidas Tango Tricolor, Adidas Teamgeist Worl, Adidas Teamgeist Worl, Adidas Teamgeist Red, Adidas Wawa Aba, Geo Merlin 1, Geo Merlin EPL, Geo Merlin EPL 04-05, Geo Merlin Hi Vis EPL, Geo Merlin Vapor EPL, Geo Merlin Vapor Hi V, Geo Merlin EPL, Kappa Kombat, Kappa Kombat Hi-Vis, Mitre Ultimax EPL, Mitre Ultimax EPL Ora, Mitre Ultimax EPL Hi , Neo Pro Elite, Neo Pro Elite Hi-Vis, Nike Aerow Total 90 B, Nike Aerow Total 90 R, Nike Aerow Total 90 H, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Aerow Total 90 I, Nike Mercurial Veloci, Ordem Libertadores 20, Ordem Yellow Orange, Ordem White Orange, Ordem White Blue, Adidas Europass 2008, Mikasa FT 5 , Mikasa FT 5 OB, Mikasa FT 5 WB, Mikasa FT 5 WBX, Mikasa FT 5 YB, Mikasa FT 5 YBL, Mikasa FT 5 YG, Mitre 1979 , Mitre EPL 1979 , Umbro Dynamis, Umbro Dynamis Hi Vis, Molten F5E5000, Nike T90 Omni, Nike T90 Omni Hi Vis, Penalty Bola 8 Campo , Nike Maxim EPL, Nike Maxim EPL Hi Vis, Nike Incyte , Nike Incyte Hi Vis, Nike Incyte FA CUP, Nike Mercurial Veloci, Nike Mercurial Veloci, Nike Mercurial Veloci, Neo Pro 2 Hi-vis, Neo Pro 2 Hi-vis, Neo Pro 2 League, Neo Pro 2 Professiona, Neo Pro 2 FA Cup Fina, Nike Mercurial Veloci, Neo Pro 2 FA Cup, Neo Pro Elite, Neo Pro Elite Hi Vis, Nike Ordem IV C, Nike Ordem IV EPL, Uhlsport Triconcept H, Golty Euforia 1.0, Golty Euforia 2.0, Golty Invictus, Nike Rolinho Clube W, Nike Rolinho Clube W, Nike Rolinho Clube W, 12Macron Arrow , Nike T90 Omni LFP, Nike T90 Omni EPL, Nike T90 Omni Serie A, Ordem White Blue, Ordem White Orange, Ordem Yellow Orange, Penalty Bola 8, Uhlsport Tri Concept, Uhlsport Tri Concept , Umbro Neo Trainer Gre, Umbro Neo Trainer Blu, Umbro Neo Trainer Ora, Umbro Neo Trainer Red, Umbro Neo Trainer FA, Umbro Neo Hi Vis, Topper KV Carbon 4, Voit Aspid Blue. Scoreboards:
    Default beIN, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Premier League, UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. Settings:
    Match Difficulty, Extra Times, & Penalties. Others:
    No Ball Cursor, BlackBar, Carpet Ads, & Replay. How to install:
    Extract with WinRAR Run installer and set installation location to eFootball PES2020 directory. Play the game from PES2020 EvoSwitcher.exe Thank you to all who contributed in this Switcher:
    @juce @nesa24 @MJTS-140914 @ginda01 @zlac @Vito Colangelo @Hawke @Gilbert Cunharski @predator002 @1002MB @Cesc Fabregas @Furkan6141 @mauri_d @FuNZoTiK @spursfan18
  25. EvoWeb Patch 2021 (PES 2021 PC)

    EvoWeb Patch 2021 Beta for eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 Season Update by Cesc Fabregas, Hawke, Hoppus117, mota10, Nemanja, scottish_carson & ziyech.2304.

    Features v1:
    Leagues & Cups updated with real logos and names Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for the Premier League Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for the Bundesliga Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for La Liga Santander Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for SkyBet Championship Completely overhauled Bundesliga Squads (updated Stats for all players/updated appearances/new players) Bundesliga players from previous PES Versions now have their original ID's Authentic Premier League Licenses, Kits & Fonts with special characters Authentic Bundesliga Licenses, Kits & Fonts with special characters Authentic La Liga Santander Licenses, Kits & Fonts with special characters Authentic SkyBet Championship Licenses, Kits & Fonts with special characters Brescia Calcio, Inter, Milan licensed with real Kits & Fonts with special characters Several National Team Kit Updates (Full National Team Updates with real squads coming with another version) Several more Kit Updates/new Kit combinations (Lazio, Maritimo, Juve, Man United, Arsenal etc.) 2020/21 Minifaces for every Premier League player 2020/21 Minifaces for every Bundesliga player Newest version of the Boot & Glove Pack including several assignments via Bootlist/Glovelist New clean Faces folder with several new added Faces (only IDs, easy to search) Features Update 1:
    Watford Home Kit Fixed AC Milan Away & Fifth Kits (Slight Update) Barcelona Font Type Fixed (Medium Curve) Helda Costa (Eyes Fixed) Milan/Inter Short Names Fixed Added Guinea Kits Sampdoria Stripes Alignment Fixed Borussia MG Home & Third Kits Updated Leipzig Away Kit Updated Maritimo Configs Fixed Atletico Madrid Home & Fourth Kits Updated CD Nacional Licensed (Kits Will Come Later) Features v2:
    Every National Team licensed with real squads using original ID's & Kits All National Team anthems activated (requires @predator002 Anthem pack) Authentic La Liga SmartBank Licenses, Kits & Fonts Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for every National Team Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for La Liga SmartBank Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for Ligue 1 Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for Serie A Updated Team Data & licensed coaches for Russian Premjer League A lot of Kit Updates & new kits added (Liga NOS Updates, 3rd & 4th kits for several teams like on Championship) Licensed Palmeiras with real Kits, fonts & correct roster Some Minifaces updated & new Minifaces for Real Madrid & PSG Newest version of the Boot & Glove Pack including several assignments via Bootlist/Glovelist Several New Faces/Tattoos added/updated Some more minor Updates like Coaches Updates & corrected emblems Features v3:
    Full Datapack 4.0 compatibility & latest Live Update fully included Fully updated Bundesliga Rosters & Lineups Other European Teams from UCL & UEL added (thanks to our friends from ICMP) Three Classic Teams added with an overall of 120 Legends Several Minifaces Updates (fully updated Bundesliga/Premier League & new teams like Milan, Inter, Valencia, Villarreal, Salzburg, etc.) Coaches updated & licensed Coaches for Other European Teams added Certain amount of kits updated (Spain, Russia, Argentina, Sweden, Cameroon, Algeria, Bayern Munich, etc.) Newest version of the Boot & Glove Pack including several assignments via Bootlist/Glovelist (check @Hoppus117 thread for more Info) Several New Faces added/updated Noted Bugs fixed & some minor Graphical Updates Features v4:
    Full Datapack 5.0 compatibility & latest Live Update fully included Coaches updated across several leagues + some new Minifaces Certain amount of kits updated Newest version of the Boot & Glove Pack including several assignments via Bootlist/Glovelist Features v5
    Full Datapack 6.0 compatibility & latest Live Update fully included Coaches updated across several leagues + some new Minifaces Newest version of the Boot & Glove Pack including several assignments via Bootlist/Glovelist (check Hoppus117 thread for more Info) Faces folder updated with some new Faces Noted Bugs fixed & some minor Graphical Updates

    Before doing anything please read the following Statements:
    Yes, we are aware that we are not very far away from the second Datapack from Konami (22nd October) PES2021 isn't fully updated yet by Konami, Squads and Teams from several leagues are on 19/20. DLC 2.0 will change that. This is a Beta, so it features limited content, more stuff is coming with the first full release, please don't tell us stuff is missing This Beta test is not a full experience, it is supposed to get a first look on stuff coming for the first full release We need time to implement things after Datapack 2.0 is coming out. If you want to stay on the Beta until our release, don't update the Game We are not releasing Updates for that Beta. Needed fixes will be implemented in the full release Feel free to tell us errors you are finding on Bundesliga/Premier League or other stuff. That's the reason for an early Beta The Full Release posts will feature all the usual things you know, like separate Downloads and FAQs How to install?
    Install the newest Version of Sider (get familiar with it in case you never used it) Add the livecpk Folder from the Download to your Sider folder Open sider.ini and add the following cpk roots: cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Boots-Gloves" cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Database" cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Faces" cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Graphics" cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Kits" Add the EDIT00000000 file to Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\Your number\save Clean your WEPES & mount folder if you added any Option Files before Start Sider and play the game Credits:
    NFS_FM (Some Logos) all Face & tattoo makers juce & nesa24 (Sider) zlac (Kitstudio) shawminator (CGPE) MFZ69 (UniNameFontPermissions Tool)

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