Parches y Option Files
496 archivos
Parche Oliver y Benji Campeones & Option File (PES 6 PS2)
Sustituye 10 equipos de "otras ligas c" (+2 equipos de relleno para la liga master, que son hercules y ub conquense). Estan los 10 equipos con sus plantillas, incluso he añadido algunos jugadores mas para que no haya problemas en la liga master por plantilla corta (tambien estan los nombres y escudos originales de la mayoría de equipos no-licenciados y los kits de chelsea y liverpool)
Kits jugador casa y fuera y portero de los siguientes equipos: new team, mambo f.C., toho, flynet, hot dog, hirado, artic, muppet, norfolk y otomo. Escudos: New team, mambo f.C., toho, flynet, hot dog, hirado, artic, muppet, norfolk y otomo. Pancartas de aficionados: sólo la selección de japón(de momento los clubes nada porque el juego las asigna solas segun el color de la camiseta, de ese modo el juego le pone la misma al new team y al artic, asi que no se pueden poner) caras de jugadores: new team: oliver atton, ted carter, bruce arper, paul diamond, johnny mason, bob denver, alan croker. mambo f.C.: julian ross. toho: mark lenders, danny mellow y ed warner. flynet: philip calaghan. hot dog: gemelos derrick. hirado: clifford yuma y sandy winter. otomo: patrick everett y jack morris. artic: ralph petterson. japón:tom baker, benji price y rob denton. norfolk: teo sellers. caras genericas para los "secundarios" Menus: casi todos los menús del juego cambiados, incluyendo el de menu edicion de modo y el de pulse start. Sonidos: callnames de casi toda la seleccion de japon, con comentarios personalizados para oliver atton y mark lenders. bastantes musicas de los menús extraidas de la serie campeones y campeones 2002. cantico para la seleccion de japon que es la musiquilla que sonaba en campeones durante los partidos.
arreglado el fallo del pro5 de no poder fichar a los de oliver y benji en la liga master desde el principio, ahora estan todos disponibles. arreglado el fallo del pro5 de las cabezas de perro. los equipos estan retocados con repecto al parche anterior, ahora las plantillas estan mas compensadas sin renunciar al estilo de juego de cada equipo y todos los equipos son comodos de manejar. PARA METER OPTIONFILES EN LA MEMORY CARD VIA CD:
Grabais la imagen (la de la carpeta bin_cue) en un cd, lo podeis hacer abriendo el nero, dandole a grabar imagen y abrinedo el *.cue de la carpeta bin_cue, hacedlo a la minima velocidad. meteis el cd en la ps2: os saldran muchas letras, os esperais y os saldra un menu, entoces le dais a R1, elegis la opcion CDFS, y seleccionais el archivo *.NPO, que es optiofile del pro6, le dais a X y luego a TRIANGULO y os lo copiara en la memory card. Si veis que ademas del optionfile, en la memory os aparece un archivo que pone DATOS CORRUPTOS, NO lo borreis, que sino no funcionara. by t_marietti.
Gracias a Rodrigo Viera y ElPájaroMetafísico (Eduardo Asensio) por enviarnos el parche.
Parche Pantic (PES 5 PS2)
Versión 2.0 del parche de Pantic para el Pro Evolution Soccer 5 de Playstation 2.
Gracias a jauma80 por compartirlo.
Parche Solo Campeones (PES 2009 PS2)
Parche Solo Campeones V2 para el Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 de Playstation 2.
Sonido de megafonía de estadio en español de moitespera mejorado con un sonido contra el racismo por josdj. Cánticos propios reales para todos los equipos del juego ya sean selecciones o clubs. Comentarios de la Cadena Ser V2.0 Final de gran variedad y humor con Nombres de Comentario (también conocidos como callnames) para muchísimos jugadores y una lista de Nombres de Comentario genéricos por si quieres asignarlos para los jugadores de tu equipo que no tengan. Más información sobre los Nombres de Comentario en el segundo post. Música de los menús del juego totalmente nueva y variada predominando la música remember (fiel a nuestro estilo) y el pop rock, con la posibilidad de editarse uno mismo la música que quiera en cada menú desde la galería del juego. Música al ganar un título Queen Vs Carrusel Deportivo. GRÁFICOS:
Nuevos estilo de menús, Solo Campeones 2009. Nuevos fondos para la mayoría de competiciones. Nuevo Menú Principal. Nuevo menú de alineación, con textura de césped para el campo y nuevo rosco de habilidades. Actualizados muchos gráficos como la imagen de carga y otras. Logos de ligas y competiciones en Own Style. Nuevos Escudos para todos los equipos de club del juego en Own Style. Nuevas Botas 2 en 1. Nike Mercurial IV y Adidas F50. Kitlayers y sus 2d. Actualizados algunos kitlayers (p.e. Sporting). Algunos Numbers y fonts editables (Adidas, Nike y Puma) Nuevo Ballpack: Adidas Finale 8 Adidas Finale Moscow Adidas Kopanya Adidas Europass Gloria Adidas Terrapass Nike T90 Omni LFP Nike T90 Omni EPL Umbro Dynamis FA-Cup Nike Rolinho Nike T90 Omni Hi-Vis Nuevos kits de Entrega de Premios, mejorados en calidad. Incluida la cara de Elsa Pataky sobre una de las chicas que entregan el trofeo cuando ganas una competición (sólo en Liga Máster). Nuevos kits de árbitros en HD (512x256). Uniformes oficiales que se usan en la Liga Española y en la competiciones internacionales de la UEFA (Champions League, Euro '08, etc.). Caras de árbitros para el modo exhibición. Ahora saldrán los árbitros con sus caras y sus respectivos micrófonos. Incluido a Collina (Calvo por supuesto ;)). Marcadores 10 en 1, nunca antes visto en Ps2. Incluido un marcador para cuando juguéis la Bundesliga, y un marcador nuevo y exclusivo al estilo Solo Campeones. Estadios: San Siro Camp Nou Amsterdam Arena Stade Louis II Monaco Old Trafford Monumental de River Vicente Calderón Stamford Bridge Petrovsky (Zenit) Stadio Delle Alpi Stadio Olimpico Roma Anfield Parc Des Princes Stade Velodrome Santiago Bernabeu Sanchez Pizjuan Godison Park St James Park De kuip Schucco Luigi Ferraris Olympiastadion Berlin Riazor Mestalla Emirates Stadium Artemio Franchi Vallas para los estadios y la champions league. Pancartas. Alrededor de 800 caras y peinados en total insertadas en el juego. Incluidas caras para jóvenes jugadores y caras de facemakers de todo el mundo. Todas asignadas a sus respectivos jugadores. Gran variedad de Peinados gracias a que se han sustituido los peinados especiales 1 y las caras de perro. También corregidos muchos pequeños errores que había en jugadores importantes que no se veían bien en la parte que conecta la cara con el peinado. Nuevos kits 2d para casi todos los equipos del juego. Nuevo guantes de portero actualizados y en la mayoría de equipos importantes los guantes que están utilizando en estos momentos sus porteros titulares. Kits 3d y 2d de la Bundesliga insertados. Logos, nombre y fondos para la Bundesliga en lugar de la eredivise. Cambiados multitud de textos de los archivos del juego, para darle un toque distinto al parche. Cambiados nombres de competiciones y ligas por sus respectivos nombres reales. Nombres de selecciones en castellano. MULTIMEDIA:
Vídeos reales de presentación para cualquier competición del juego en formato PAL.
El Option File está basado en el OF de la v1, con lo cuál lleva todo lo que llevaba ésta, y a su vez se incluyen y actualizan nuevas características:
Bundesliga reemplaza a la Eredivise. Fichajes de invierno y actualización de plantillas. Creación de multitud de nuevos jugadores y promesas. Jugadores de la PES-SHOP cambiados. Todos los equipos de la Champions League. Estadios con sus nombres correctos y asignados a sus respectivos equipos para que jueguen de local. Nombres de Comentario asignados para todos los jugadores que tengan. Caras, peinados y apariencias asignados a sus jugadores y revisadas las apariencias de éstos para darle mayor realismo. Selecciones sub21 y sub20 en lugar de las clásicas. Creadores del parche
josdj, j_sevillista, sergio93, nakaevassion, atlantis, fernando_3po y jrpmaestro.
Parche SoloGoles 4 + BlackCat (PES 4 PS2)
Parche para el Pro Evolution Soccer 4 de Playstation 2 creado por los grupos de edición SoloGoles y BlackCat.
Clubes europeos, selecciones nacionales y algunos clubes sudamericanos actualizados con nombres, equipaciones y escudos reales. Muchas caras nuevas o editadas. Añadidos cánticos para una gran cantidad de equipos. Publicidad real en los estadios.
Parche Tiki Taka (PES 6 PS2)
Parche Tiki Taka para el Pro Evolution Soccer 6 de Playstation 2, con comentarios de Andrés Montes (La Sexta).
Hay dos versiones, en .ISO para DVD y en .PKG para instalarlo en la consola directamente.
Nota: Gracias a salva.1907 por compartirlo.
Patch PabloTube Season 2019/2020 (PES 2020 PC)
☑️ PREMIER LEAGUE (casts, kits, and sponsorships)
☑️ SKY BET CHAMPIONSHIP (casts, kits & sponsorships)
☑️ LIGUE 1
☑️ LIGUE 2
☑️ SERIES A TIM (licensed Brescia team)
☑️B BKT SERIES (licensed casts and kits)
☑️ LALIGA SANTANDER (casts, kits and sponsorships)
☑️ LALIGA SMARTBANK (casts, kits & sponsorships)
☑️ BUNDESLIGA (casts, kits and sponsorships)
☑️ BRAZILIAN CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES A (casts, kits and sponsorships)
☑️ BRAZILIAN B SERIES CHAMPIONSHIPS (updated and technical casts)
☑️ LIGA BBVA MX (elencos,kits e patrocinios)
☑️ OUTROS (AMÉRICA LATINA) (25 times reais adicionados)
☑️ MBS LEAGUE (elencos,kits e patrocinios)
How to Install:
Unpack rar file with WinRAR Copy save folder to \Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2020\NUMBERS\ Copy download folder to your PES 2020 game folder \steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\ Open PES 2020 DpFileList Generator and set CPK order like this Generate and done SIDER ADDON
Unpack with WinRAR Done, it's not mandatory to put all sider content to PES 2020 game folder ? You can place it anywhere you like for example in D:\ or E:\ Don't forget to run sider.exe first and then open PES 2020 via steam. CREDITS
? Dan Felix (Sider)
? Eder Mello (Kits)
? Editemos PES (Option File)
? PesVicioBR (Option File)
? PES PATCH (conteúdo geral)
? PESnewUpdate (conteúdo geral)
? Bruno Facemaker (Faces)
? Jonathan facemaker (Faces)
? Lucas Facemaker (Faces)
? NT Facemaker (Faces)
by PabloTube.
PES 2008 Patch Season 2019/2020 by NickTheJoker
General Features:
This patch is updated to the 2019/2020 season, both for the leagues as for all the teams that the game brings. Leagues: England, France, Italy, Germany and Spain. Teams: Other European Teams, Second divisions and Other American Teams. Updated selections and classic selections, also many classic players and soccer legends. Kits (Uniforms) for ALL teams in the game. More than 500 new faces (Faces) and hairs (Hairstyles) for players. New stadiums for some important clubs in Europe. New graphics: New shields, emblems, UEFA Champions League style menu design for this European version of the patch. New music, which includes themes from the PES series and others related to the football environment. New Boots (Booties / Boots) that most players use for this season. PS3 style buttons New Scoreboard (Scoreboard) inspired by the UEFA Champions League. New Balls (Balls / Balls) of the leagues of the game and others used for this season. New Stories and callnames (BETA): Stories were canceled in this version but several player callnames were added. The rapporteur is Rodolfo de Paoli. In order for them to work properly they must have the stories in Spanish (Both the stories in Spanish and the texts in Spanish will have a link to download them if they do not have them).
It is necessary NOT to have any other patches installed, since it is not guaranteed to work properly. Includes the version of the official PES 2008 version patch , with its respective settings and its 2 new files that installed said patch. Kits (Uniforms), Faces and Hairs (Faces and hairstyles) are adapted from other PES, they may have some transparency problems. -
PES 2013 Premier League Kitpack Season 2019/2020
Kits of Premier League's season 2019/2020 teams for PES 2013.
Arsenal Aston Villa Bournemouth Brighton and Hove Burnley Chelsea Crystal Palace Everton Leicester City Liverpool Manchester City Manchester United Newcastle Norwich City Sheffield United Southampton Tottenham Watford West Ham Wolverhampton by Auvergne81.
PES 2014 HD Graphic Patch
High quality graphic mod for PES 2014 PC.
How to play:
Extract "pes2014.exe" & "JKgamer.dll" to game folder Run pes2014.exe as Administrator Enjoy! by Jenkey1002.
PES 2018 PS3 Option File Season 2019/2020
Only for BLUS Compatible with Datapack 4.01 Updated Transfers, Kits 2019/2020 by dezynho_jogguz.
PES 2019 Classic League - National Teams 90's-00's Option File (PS4)
File contains 20 Classic National Teams with players from 90's and 00's.
Contains: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Uruguay.
Created for PS4.
The Classic League replaces the PAS League (Asian fake league).
No transfer, each player is created over a fake player.
Players kits in 2048x2048.
Goalkeepers kits in 1024x1024.
Thank you to all editors who help me to create this patch! All credits are included in the patch!
We're a football tribe!
How to install:
Copy WEPES file on USB key. Go to Edit Mode Go to Import/Export => Import Competition => Check C_COMPETITION => OK Go to Import Team => Check all teams => Check "Apply player and squad data" => OK by Claudio Ronarid.
PES 2019 Data Pack (PC)
Oficial Data Pack from Konami for PES 2019 (PC).
Updates and Additions:
Updated face models for some players Updated portraits for some players How to Use:
Extract rar file with WinRAR, copy All Datapack CPK Files to C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\download\ Use PES 2019 DpFileList Generator 2019 to generate the file. Extract rar file with WinRAR copy PES 2019.exe to C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\ Done
PES 2019 Master League Scout Maps
Added China Map for DLC 2.0 by 1002MB.
PES 2019 Mobile Android Minimum Patch
New patch for PES 2019 Mobile Android. With this patch you can use real kits and logos for almost all leagues and teams !
Features of PES 2019 Mobile Android Minimum Patch 2019:
Premier League - Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Sky Bet Championship - Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Seri A- Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits La Liga- Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Other Latin American Teams - (add MLS, Major League Soccer ) Liga 1 Indonesia Replaced PEU League - Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Other & Classic Team Replaced PLA League - Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Liga MX Replaced PAS League - Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Bundesliga - Fully Licensed, Correct team names, logos and kits Licenced Top League Manager total 98 Coaches New +1500 Miniface NEW Referee Kits -
PES 2019 Mobile FIFA 20 Mod (Android)
PES 2019 Premier League Option File by Vdze (PS4)
Here is the first version of my Premier League option file for Pro Evolution Soccer 2019. Importing this will transform all the unlicensed teams giving them the real names, badges and kits. This option file wouldn’t have been possible without the great work of CDKitMaker over at so a massive thanks to him.
This file includes the entire English Premier League as well as Juventus at the moment. A more comprehensive option file will be coming at a later date including the Championship and La Liga.
Should you be unsure about the process of importing these files, below is a step by step guide on how to do it.
Download the RAR file above. Extract the WEPES folder to the root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick/pen and plug it into the PS4. Load up PES 2019 and select Edit Mode. Next go to Import/Export and accept the agreement. Select Import Team Select your USB drive Press to select all files and then to go to advanced settings. Simply press ok, no need to tick any of the boxes. Done If you also want the official league badges simply select Import/Export > Import Images > Competition Emblems and select the ones I have included. Following that exit out to the main edit menu and select Competitions and the league you want and replace the image, league name etc.
PES 2019 Referee Kit Server
RefKitServer LUA module for PES 2019 Sider. Includes Referee kits for the following competitions:
AFC Asian Cup Bundesliga Champions League FA Community Shield CSL EFL EFL Play-Offs EPL Eredivisie FA Cup Jupiler Pro League La Liga Liga Aguila Liga NOS Ligue 1 Ligue 2 RPL Serie A SPL Super Lig Superliga Argentina Thai League UEFA Super Cup World Cup List Required:
Current version: 2.2 Minimum version of Sider required: 5.1.5 Important: Version 2.2 requires CommonLib.lua, Download and install CommonLib.lua v1.0 Features:
GDB-style unlimited referee kit management original referee kit packaging (identical folder structure and file names, as they are in .cpk files) referee kit assignment to competitions via map_competitions.txt GFX previews on the overlay menu Automatic selection of league-mode Referee Kits for exhibition matches New features in version 2.2:
Automatic selection of league-mode Referee Kits in exhibition mode if both teams belong to the same league applies only to LEAGUES - cups and other competitions are ignored script reads CompetitionEntry.bin file to determine whether two teams belong to the same league - selection may not be 100% accurate if teams have been moved to different leagues only in EDIT mode New features (in-game overlay in sider 5.1.0+):
.txt assignment file reloading (key 0) - available at any moment, useful for making quick fixes to .txt assignment file, without needing to restart the game toggle between manual referee kit selection and automatic referee kit assignment via .txt file (key 9) if manual selection is used, then manually selected referee kit has priority over the referee kit which would otherwise be assigned via .txt file additional options, available only in manual selection mode: Manual selection by cycling through all the available referee kits (PageUp/PageDown keys) IMPORTANT: only the referee kits which are assigned via .txt files are available for cycling-through!! Favourite referee kit - current manual selection can be saved permanently as a favourite referee kit (key 7) or recalled to be used later (key 8) Current limitations:
Inaccurate referee kit selection during replays - due to game design, saved replays do not include tournament_ID - if the referee kit used in saved replay has been assigned via map_competition.txt, then there is no way to re-select exactly the same referee kit during replay - exhibition mode referee kit is most likely going to be selected.
Referee collars are very limited ..If you decide to make your own referee kits & decide to use a different referee kit collar than the default referee_collar_066.fmdl you must extract the referee collar you wish to use from the game & rename it referee_collar_066.fmdl...This is because UniformParameter.bin is loaded only once & will instruct the game to use referee_collar_066.fmdl.
How to use:
IMPORTANT : If you already have RefKitServer installed (pre 2.1): Delete the RefKitServer.lua from the modules folder & the content\referee_kit-server folder & do a clean install of version 2.1..If you already have 2.1 installed just move straight to the 2.2 install info below.
Install Sider 5 by Juce Unpack v2.1 archive and copy folders content and modules inside your Sider folder Add lua.module = "RefKitServer.lua" at the end of sider.ini Customize map_competitions.txt files to add more referee kit folders in content\referee_kit-server folder (more instructions can be found inside .txt file) Unpack v2.2 archive and copy folder modules to your sider folder (overwrite if asked) Done !
PES 2019 Tattoopack by Sho
Thanks to tunizizou for ftex tool Thanks to themex for help converting pes18 works
Player List:
Firmino Lucas Hernandez Griezmann Giroud Pavon Meza Di Maria Aguero Salvio Dybala Banega Otamendi Trippier Alderweireld Stones Hazard Zappacosta Neymar Verratti Meunier Golovin Reina De Rossi Dani Alves Fabregas Fernandinho Guadrado Arnautovic Granqvist Rakitic Strootman Perotti Ocampos Layun Nainggolan Immobile Walker Thiago Rodrigo Guidetti Sterling Bertrand Reus Luis Alberto Yuri Berchiche Gabriel Jesus -
PES 2019 TeamChants Pack Version (PC)
This pack is designed exclusively for people like me, play Pes 2019 online with myclub, division, coop. The pack contains the largest licensed club teams, however it is still in the finalization phase.
I would like to have some feedback, to perfect this work.
It could serve as a basis for the major patches when you want to play online, to make it work, installation is very simple:
* maybe do a backup of the original file, if you want to bring back original chants.
download the file, unpack the archives. replace the file dt44_all.cpk in the data folder of your pes. PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\Data Great thanks to helped me a lot in this project : Predator002\Mauri_d and also because many chants come from their packs, other chants come from the web and from chuckbass.
PES 2020 Adboard Pack by Majuh (PC)
This mod inserts the following into eFootball PES 2020:
UEFA Champions League 2019 adboards into the European Club Championship UEFA Europa League 2019 adboards into the European Masters Cup UEFA Super Cup 2019 adboards into the European Super Cup DFB-Pokal 2019 adboards into the PEU Cup FIFA Club World Cup adboards into the Club International Cup 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia adboards into the International Cup UEFA Euro 2016 adboards into the European Cup Global adboards for all other matches Neutral stadiumboards for the generic stadiums This mod is not online compatible!
CPK Version:
Extract the file with WinRAR, Copy .CPK file to your PES 2020 download folder. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PeFootball PES 2020\download\ Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator. Done. by Majuh.
PES 2020 Ballpack by Vito (PC)
Ballpack for PES 2019 and also eFootball PES 2020 PC. Includes some latest balls for 2019/2020 Season.
How to install:
Extract the file with WinRAR, Copy .CPK file to your PES 2020 download folder. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\download\ Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator. Done.
by Vito.
PES 2020 Beta gameplay for PES 2017 PC (Hano Mods)
This mod features grounds converted from PES 2019, harder defence and more.
Extract the archive (218 KB) and copy “GAMEPLAY20.cpk” to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\download\ Open and select DLC in DpFileList Generator Add GP20’s .cpk By Hano as last checked, generate new DpFileList and enjoy game. by Hano Mods.
PES 2020 Bootpack by Ziyech (PC)
Includes 100 boots available in Edit Mode and 3 in Hidden Mode All boots are converted to PES 2020 format NOTE: To use this Bootpack correctly, turn off live update.
NOTE 2: This is an AIO Pack. Remove other bootpacks to avoid conflicts.
CPK Version
Extract with WinRAR Copy CPK File to \Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\download\ Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator and done ! Sider Version
Install Sider 6 If the file is CPK format, unpack with CRI Packed File Maker Copy or Move extracted cpk file inside livecpk folder Open sider.ini with notepad and add new line like this cpk.root = ".\livecpk\foldername" for example. cpk.root = ".\livecpk\foldername" cpk.root = ".\livecpk\ball-root" Save side.ini, now run sider.exe and open PES 2020 via Steam.
by Ziyech.
PES 2020 Carpet Remover
Removed eFootball Carpet from eFootball PES 2020 Stadium.
CPK Version:
Extract the file with WinRAR, Copy .CPK file to your PES 2020 download folder. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PeFootball PES 2020 DEMO\download\ Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator. Done. by Hawke.
PES 2020 Chants Pack by Predator002 (PC)
Hi guys yes this pack is complete overkill for the demo as 99% of the teams with chants dont exist in the game yet however the pack works completely fine in Pes2020 so thought Id release it well in time for the full game. Enjoy!
Usage Notes:
Teams need to be licensed with correct team ID. Empty audio slots have been added to teams where chants couldn't be sourced. Will work fine for Pes2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and should be for 2016, 2015. All audio files are intended to have their volume set below the commentary. Volume control in-game affects volume of the pack. Features:
1 team with 10 chant slots 152 teams each with 8 chant slots 107 teams each with 6 chant slots 483 teams each with 4 chant slots 4 teams each with 2 chant slots 80 player chants How to Use :
Extract the file with WinRAR, Copy .CPK file to your PES 2020 download folder. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PeFootball PES 2020 DEMO\download\ Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator. Done. by Predator002.
Thanks Over The Years:
Pack Building Assistance - mauri_d & sxsxsx / Team ID's - Albiore Chant Assistance - yoman, falcom4ever, Alessio_Luzzi, Ethan2, miguel23pc, Smokey_CL, The_Knight, masterfootball2, beto53, tomiesto, Mosh_Train, avalonmaster, Zarrix, kudret15, thuesan, mauri_d, Derek, godoffootball, angelitop Chant Sources -,, YouTube,, PES & FIFA
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