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246 archivos

  1. 4K Slideshow Maker

    4K Slideshow Maker is an extremely easy-to-use app to create slideshows. Just add your favourite photos from Instagram or from your own computer, select the music and then apply gorgeous effects and transitions. Get started for free!
    If you want to create beautiful slideshows for school presentation or as a gift for special someone, you can do it within a few clicks with 4K Slideshow Maker. Advanced face-recognition technology insures that you won't miss that special someone. Click ‘Share on Facebook’ or ‘Share on YouTube’ to show your creation to the world!
    Save slideshows in HD quality Save slideshows in 1080p, 720p or Ultra 4K HD quality to enjoy the high definition on your HD TV or online. Import photos from Instagram Add images not only from your computer - import them directly from any public Instagram account and your friends’ private profiles. Output in various video formats Select video output format – Windows Standard, macOS Standard, iPhone 5/4/3GS, iPad/iPad Mini wth Retina, YouTube, Facebook. See preview Watch your piece before saving, check if you need to apply any changes in a preview mode. Ken Burn effect Apply Ken Burns effect to add smooth flow to images of your slideshow. Add your own music Add your own music to set the pace in the video and create special atmosphere. Setup slides and transition duration Take control over creation process by adjusting slides and timing of your own preference. Extreme simplicity Clean and minimalistic interface is user-friendly, person of any skill can create an amazing slideshow. Special preset for YouTube and Facebook Create a perfect video for sharing via YouTube or Facebook - use preset and suitable format and resolution settings will be applied automatically to your work .
  2. 4K Stogram

    4K Stogram is an Instagram Viewer and Downloader for PC, macOS and Linux. Download photos, videos and stories from your friends’ public and private Instagram accounts, backup your Instagram profile and import your list of Instagram subscriptions. Get started for free!
    Just enter an Instagram username, hashtag or location and press 'Subscribe' button. Explore and download Instagram photos, videos and stories from different places, subscribe to any account’s photos and their following list. And best of all it's Free Instagram Downloader.
    Subscribe to your favourite photographers, hashtags or locations and get latest photos automatically. Login with your Instagram credentials and download photos of private friends accounts.
    Subscribe to following accounts list of any Instagram user and watch new photos uploaded by them in real time.
    Save short-living daily images and videos from any Instagram account for good.
    Grab videos in MP4 format from Instagram accounts, hashtags and locations after enabling this handy feature.
    It takes one click to download all photos from your Instagram account.
    Press ‘Subscribe to Accounts I’m Following’ and all accounts you follow on Instagram will be automatically added to 4K Stogram and downloaded.
    All downloaded images contain information about comments and hashtags in their metadata.
    Keep your subscriptions database safely: export it and import after major computer reinstallations, so no images and accounts are lost.
    Windows and macOS version.

  3. 4K Video Downloader

    4K Video Downloader permite descargar vídeos, listas de reproducción, canales y subtítulos de YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo y otros sitios de vídeo en alta calidad.
    Disfruta de tus vídeos en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento y, por supuesto, incluso cuando estés desconectado. La descarga es sencilla y directa: sólo tienes que copiar el enlace de tu navegador y hacer clic en "Pegar enlace" en la aplicación. Y ya está.

    Características principales de 4K Video Downloader:
    Guarda listas de reproducción y canales enteros de YouTube en MP4, MKV, M4A, MP3, FLV, 3GP. Suscríbete a los canales de YouTube dentro de la aplicación y obtén los últimos vídeos descargados automáticamente. Descarga anotaciones y subtítulos en formato .srt o incrustaciones para un solo vídeo o para toda la lista de reproducción en un solo clic. Descarga vídeos en resolución HD 1080p, HD 720p, 4K y 8K y disfruta de los vídeos de alta definición en tu TV HD, iPad, IPhone, Galaxy Edge y otros dispositivos. Descarga vídeos y canciones directamente en tu biblioteca de iTunes y disfrútalos en tu iPhone, iPod o iPad allá donde vayas. Descarga vídeo y audio de Vimeo, SoundCloud, Flickr, Facebook y DailyMotion, Tumblr, YouTube Gaming. Descarga vídeo en formato 3D, encontrarás un pequeño icono especial entre los formatos disponibles tras el análisis del vídeo. Todo el mundo debería probar a ver programas en directo y dibujos animados en 3D, es una experiencia única. Vídeos creados con una cámara que graba simultáneamente los 360 grados de una escena, cambia el ángulo de visión arrastrando el vídeo con el ratón y disfruta de esta alucinante novedad. Activa el "Modo Inteligente", aplica los ajustes preferentes a todas las descargas posteriores y consigue que los vídeos y las canciones se descarguen más fácil y rápidamente. Establece la configuración de los servidores proxy directamente desde la aplicación para descargar los vídeos que están bloqueados en tu región. Versión para Windows y macOS.
  4. 4K Video to MP3

    4K Video to MP3 extracts audio from any video. No annoying and complicated settings to deal with, just a clean, simple and functional interface. Add the video and get the MP3! Just click 'Add Video' and choose a video file. Then close your eyes and enjoy high-quality MP3 audio!
    No toolbars, no adware, no malware. And best of all it's Free Video to MP3 converter! Enjoy your audio anywhere, any time, on your computer or on your portable device!
    Save your time by uploading multiple videos and create queue for conversion to MP3 Extract audio in MP3, M4A or OGG up to 320 kbps iTunes transfer: Move converted files directly to iTunes library. Built-in player: Listen to music you converted right from the application. High speed conversion: Turn your videos to audio fast. Original quality: Extract audio only in the best possible quality. Stability: No hanging or crashing, just smooth converting.
  5. 4K YouTube to MP3

    4K YouTube to MP3 was specifically created for audio extraction from YouTube, VEVO, SoundCloud and Facebook in MP3, M4A, OGG. Get started for free!
    Drag and drop links to your favorite songs and get MP3 files to your computer, easy like that. Transfer songs directly to your iPod, iPhone and iPad everywhere you go. No annoying and complicated settings to deal with, just a clean, friendly and functional interface.
    Get full YouTube playlists and channels in various formats. Store playlists conveniently in automatically created subdirectories with generated .m3u files. Download songs from VEVO & SoundCloud, the most popular music services directly to your computer. Grab audio in the same quality it is stored on the website. Transfer downloaded tracks automatically into iTunes and upload them on your iPhone or iPod. Change your IP with in-app proxy settings and download videos banned in your region. Download audio books from YouTube to listen them offline. Listen music via native music player, no need to open another application. Extract audio tracks even from embedded in HTML page videos. Download audio from Soundcloud, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, Flickr, Metacafe, and Tumblr. Windows and macOS version.
  6. 5KPlayer

    5KPlayer is a free media player for Windows and macOS with embedded video cutter to deliver high quality playbacks of 4K/5K and even 8K FUHD, iPhone, GoPro, etc videos.
    It plays almost any media file including music, videos (UHD/3D/HDR/360°), DVDs, etc on macOS and Windows with 5.1/7.1 DTS surround sound support.
    Play videos in H.265/H.264, VP8/9, WebM, MP4, MKV, WMV, FLV etc and DVDs. Play internet radio, M3U8/IPTV stream, MP3, APE, FLAC, AAC and more. Video music manager. Easily organize all media files and cut videos into clips.  
  7. 7-Zip

    7-Zip es un compresor y descompresor de archivos con un alto ratio de compresión.
    Principales características de 7-Zip
    Alta relación de compresión en formato 7z con compresión de LZMA y LZMA2. Para los formatos ZIP y GZIP, 7-Zip proporciona una relación de compresión que es un 2-10 % mejor que la relación proporcionada por PKZip y WinZip Encriptación fuerte con AES-256 en formatos 7z y ZIP Capacidad de auto-extracción para el formato 7z Integración con Windows Shell Potente Administrador de archivos Potente versión de línea de comandos Plugin para FAR Manager Localizaciones para 87 idiomas

    Formatos compatibles:
    Compresión / descompresión: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP y WIM Sólo descompresión: AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS, IHEX, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, QCOW2, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, UEFI, VDI, VHD, VMDK, WIM, XAR y Z. 7-Zip funciona en Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2019 / 2016 / 2012 / 2008 / 2003 / 2000.
    Aplicación creada por Igor Pavlov.
  8. Aegisub (Advanced Subtitle Editor)

    Aegisub is a free, cross-platform open source tool for creating and modifying subtitles. Aegisub makes it quick and easy to time subtitles to audio, and features many powerful tools for styling them, including a built-in real-time video preview.

    Aegisub is available in Windows & Mac versions.
  9. Aerial - Apple TV Aerial Views Screen Saver

    Aerial is a Mac screensaver based on the new Apple TV screensaver that displays the Aerial movies Apple shot over New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, China, etc. Starting with version 1.6, this also includes the new undersea videos available in tvOS 13!
    Warning : If you have upgraded to macOS Catalina, you will notice that there are some new restrictions applied to screensavers.
    Aerial now includes an auto-update mechanism using the Sparkle open-source project. This mechanism is, for the time being, broken for macOS Catalina. You will need to download it manually the first time (and subsequent times in Catalina) :
    Quit System Preferences. Download the latest release. Unzip the downloaded file (if you use Safari, it should already be done for you). Double-click Aerial.saver; it will open in System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver and ask you if you want to install for all users or for your user only. Be aware that installing for all users will require a password at install and each subsequent update, including auto-updates. By default, Aerial will still share its video cache if you install multiple times on the same system for each user. After installation, if you are upgrading from a previous version, we suggest you check your cache path settings as 1.6.0 includes some significant changes to prepare for macOS Catalina.

    by John Coates.
  10. Alfred

    Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.
    by Running with Crayons.

  11. AMD Ryzen Wraith Prism RGB lighting control software

    Aplicación para Windows que nos permite gestionar el sistema de iluminación del ventilador Ryzen Wraith Prism de AMD.
  12. Amlogic USB Burning Tool

    Amlogic SUB Burning Tool es una pequeña aplicación para Windows que nos permite flashear el firmware de stock en los dispositivos con chipset Amlogic.

    Flash Firmware
    It helps you to flash the stock firmware on the Mobile device running on the Amlogic Chipset. After launching the Amlogic Burning Tool, you need to load the firmware by clicking on the File > Import Image (img). Then after connecting your Mobile device to the computer and click on the start button to begin the flashing process.
    It comes with multiple configuration options, i.e. Erase Flash, Erase Bootloader, Reset After Success, Overwrite Key. The Erase Flash supports four types of methods, i.e. Normal Erase, Force Erase, Erase All, Force Erase All.
    Other Options
    It also comes in Multiple Languages, i.e. English and Chinese. The Main Grid can be adjusted from the View > Select  Menu. The Grid can show Device ID, Progress, Time, Statistic, MAC, SN/USID, MAC_BT, MAC_WIFI.
  13. aMule

    aMule es un cliente para Windows y macOS silimar a eMule para las redes eD2k y Kademlia.

    Características principales de aMule y eMule:
    Soporte para eD2k y Kademlia. aMule está disponible actualmente en 28 idiomas. Soporte para Source Exchange para encontrar fuentes de archivos de manera más eficiente. Las colas grandes y el sistema de créditos ayudan a garantizar que todos obtengan el archivo que desean y recompensan a quienes suben archivos activamente a otros usuarios. Soporte para transferencias comprimidas y comunicación con servidores (usando zlib), lo que significa transferencias más rápidas para archivos comprimibles y menos tensión en los servidores. Soporte para Identificación Segura, que asegura que su hash de usuario no pueda ser robado para hacerse pasar por su cliente. Soporte para filtros de IP para evitar que IPs maliciosas conocidas se conecten con usted. Búsqueda booleana (AND, OR, NOT). Puede tener la barra de progreso tradicional para transferencias, porcentajes completados o ambos. aMule admite bandejas de sistema para Gnome, KDE y otros administradores de ventanas compatibles. Por supuesto, también en Windows. Admite firmas en línea, por lo que puede presumir de usar aMule. Verificaciones contra clientes agresivos. Utiliza hashes MD4 para encontrar fuentes y garantizar que el archivo coincida con las copias originales del archivo, para evitar la corrupción. Intelligent Corruption Handler (ICH) y AICH ayudan a acelerar la corrección de partes corruptas. Las prioridades automáticas y la gestión de fuentes le permiten iniciar muchas descargas sin tener que supervisarlas. La función de vista previa le permite ver sus videos y archivos antes de que se completen. Para la vista previa de videos, se recomiendan MPlayer o Xine, pero Video Lan Client también debería funcionar. Soporte para categorías para que pueda organizar sus descargas. Para encontrar los archivos que desea, aMule ofrece muchas posibilidades de búsqueda, que son: Búsqueda de servidores (locales y globales) Búsqueda de nodos Kademlia Integración en su navegador favorito para hacer clic y descargar fácilmente (con enlaces ed2k://). Sistema de mensajería y amigos. Puede enviar mensajes a otros clientes y agregarlos como amigos. aMule admite la actualización de la lista de servidores desde una URL durante el tiempo de ejecución, al inicio o mientras se conecta a otros clientes. Función PowerShare: mejor gestión de los archivos compartidos (conocido como Release). Compatibilidad con máscaras. Características exclusivas de aMule:
    Multiplataforma. Compatibilidad con proxy. Comprobaciones mejoradas contra clientes agresivos. Protocolo de conexiones externas completo desde cero. aMule Daemon te permite ejecutar un cliente aMule básico sin interfaz gráfica y con un uso muy bajo de CPU y memoria. Ideal para servidores, personas que normalmente controlan aMule de forma remota y aquellos que normalmente no están pendientes de la velocidad de las descargas. GUI remota de aMule para controlar tu aMule de forma remota como si estuvieras frente a él. aMuleWeb para la interfaz del navegador y amulwebDLG es una interfaz gráfica para aMuleWeb. También funcionan tanto de forma local como desde clientes remotos. Puedes controlar tu aMule desde cualquier parte del mundo siempre que tengas una conexión a Internet y un navegador, ¡sin importar el hardware o el sistema operativo que uses! Compatibilidad con PHP (implementación específica) en aMuleWeb La interfaz de línea de comandos amulecmd y amulecmdDLG como interfaz de línea de comandos gráfica también permiten controlar aMule de forma remota. Todos ellos funcionan tanto localmente como desde clientes remotos. ¡Puedes controlar tu aMule de forma remota desde cualquier lugar como si estuvieras en una consola! La asignación de ranuras te permite especificar a cuántos clientes deseas cargar archivos a la vez. Por ejemplo, si tienes 20 KB/s para tu carga máxima, puedes establecer la asignación de ranuras en 10 KB/s, lo que significa que cargarás archivos a dos usuarios con 10 KB/s cada uno. Otras utilidades como CAS, wxCAS, aLC, XAS, AMPS, etc. Controlador de enlaces rápidos eD2k en la parte inferior de cada página (se puede desactivar en Preferencias). Ejecuta un comando cuando se completa un archivo. Guarda 10 fuentes en archivos poco comunes cuando sea útil (20 fuentes o menos). Filtrar los resultados de búsqueda. Permisos de archivo predeterminados para descargas completadas. Compatibilidad con múltiples sistemas de archivos. Comprobaciones de actualizaciones de versiones.
  14. Anti-Malware Toolkit

    Anti-Malware Toolkit es una aplicación para Windows que nos permite descargar automáticamente todos los programas recomendados para ayudarnos a limpiar nuestro ordenador y hacer que vuelva a funciona al máximo rendimiento.

    Todas las aplicaciones que se encuentran en Anti-Malware Toolkit se descargan directamente de sus fuentes oficiales.
    Creado por Lunarsoft.
  15. Appcopier

    Appcopier es una pequeña aplicación que nos permite hacer copias de seguridad y restaurar nuestras preferencias y configuraciones más importantes de Windows 11 sin conexión y localmente. Y posteriormente restaurarlas si es necesario.

    La aplicación imita la nueva aplicación de copia de seguridad de Windows 11, que forma parte de Windows 11 2023 Update (23H2), pero sin la obligación de la nube.
    ¿Cómo funciona? Muy sencillo. Sólo se exportan las entradas del registro y/o las carpetas y archivos asociados del área correspondiente. Este proceso es muy rápido y ligero, parecido al peso de una mosca. Así que no te sorprendas si las primeras copias de seguridad vuelan en el rango de los nanosegundos.
    La aplicación ha sido creada por builtbybel.
  16. Apple Boot Camp Drivers (Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.6)

    Apple Boot Camp Drivers  for Mac OS XLeopard 10.5.6.
    This is a direct rip of the Windows partition straight off of the Leopard 10.5.6 install disc with all drivers included for all modern versions of Windows including Windows XP, Windows Vista 32bit and 64bit.
    This drivers for some odd reason arent available off the Apple Website and I either didnt get a Leopard Disc with my Mac Mini or I lost it and needed them and the only way Apple offered to get them was to buy a replacement disc! So instead I borrowed a friends disc and posted all the drivers up here for anyone else in the same situation as me, I personally tested this on Windows 7 RC1 with my Mac Mini and the drivers worked perfectly.
    To install, just unpack the files into a location and run setup.exe. The setup will then run and detect all your hardware and install the relevent drivers for it.
    If running on Windows 7 you may have to run compatibility mode to trick it into thinking its running on Vista, all the Vista drivers will work on Windows 7.
  17. ApplyPPF

    ApplyPPF is part of the commandline distribution of the PPF3.0 tools and is used to apply PPF files to binfiles. ApplyPPF3 can handle PPF1.0, PPF2.0 and PPF3.0 patches. It will recognize them automatically so you don't have to worry about this. It can also be used to undo a PPF3.0 patch. (Only if undo-data is available of course).
    How to use ApplyPPF ?
    It is (still) very simple to apply a PPF2.0 patch to a binfile. Here is a commandline example to patch a binfile called "game.bin"
    ApplyPPF3.exe a game.bin patch.ppf Command "a" is used for applying a patch.
    If you want to undo a PPF3.0 patch in case undo data is included type the
    ApplyPPF3.exe u game.bin patch.ppf Command "u" is used for undo patch.

    If a bin can't be verified the following warning may occour:
    1. "The size of the bin file isn't correct, continue ? (y/n): "
       - This warning should not be taken too seriously as the filesize check
         isn't really reliable. One more reason for me not to include this one
         in PPF3.0 anymore. This caused alot more trouble than helped to verify.
    2. "Binblock/Patchvalidation failed. continue ? (y/n): "
       - This warning *IS* actually very accurate and i suggest if you see this
         cancel for once and check everything (PPF & BIN) once again.
    3. "Error: no undo data available"
       - If you see this errormessage you probably wanted to undo a PPF3.0 patch.
         This message is self explaining. There is NO chance to undo the patch if
         the patch creator did not include undo data.

    Final words
    You can find precompiled ApplyPPF versions for you favorite OS as they are: Win32, Linux (Redhat) and MAX OS-X.
    - Win32 version was compiled on a PC using Visual C++ by Microsoft Corp.
    - Linux version was compiled on Redhat linux 7.0 using gcc.
    - Mac version was compiled on and for MAC OS-X.
    by Icarus / Paradox.
  18. Astro Command Center

    La aplicación Astro Command Center permite la configuración completa de todos los ajustes de los siguientes dispositivos Astro: MixAmp Pro TR, A50 Wireless + Base Station y A20.
    El software no detectará ningún otro producto Astro Gaming diferente a estos, y tampoco es compatible con el mando C40 TR.
    Astro Command Center es compatible con:
    - MIXAMP PRO TR GEN 3 (lanzamiento de finales de 2015)
    - MIXAMP PRO TR GEN 4 (versión 2019)
    - A50 WIRELESS + BASE STATION GEN 3 (versión de finales de 2016)
    - A50 WIRELESS + BASE STATION GEN 4 (versión 2019)
    - A20 WIRELESS (versión de finales de 2017)

    Instrucciones de uso:
    Descargue el archivo haciendo clic en el botón de descarga correspondiente a su sistema operativo. Ejecute el archivo una vez que se complete la descarga. Siga las instrucciones paso a paso en el software ASTRO Command Center. Conecte su dispositivo a su computadora a través de USB. Asegúrese de que su dispositivo esté en modo PC.
  19. Audacity

    Audacity es un editor y grabador de audio multipista fácil de usar para Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux y otros sistemas operativos.

    Características principales:
    Grabación: Audacity puede grabar audio en vivo a través de un micrófono o mezclador, o digitalizar grabaciones de otros medios. Exportación/Importación: Importa, edita y combina archivos de sonido. Exporta tus grabaciones en muchos formatos de archivo diferentes, incluidos varios archivos a la vez. Calidad de sonido: Admite 16 bits, 24 bits y 32 bits. Las frecuencias de muestreo y los formatos se convierten mediante remuestreo y tramado de alta calidad. Complementos: Admite complementos de efectos LADSPA, LV2, Nyquist, VST y Audio Unit. Los efectos se pueden modificar fácilmente en un editor de texto, o incluso puedes escribir tu propio complemento. Edición: Edición sencilla con Cortar, Copiar, Pegar y Eliminar. También Deshacer (y Rehacer) secuencial ilimitado en la sesión para retroceder cualquier cantidad de pasos. Efectos: Vista previa en tiempo real de efectos LADSPA, LV2, VST y Audio Unit (macOS). Plug-in Manager se encarga de la instalación de plug-ins y de la adición o eliminación de efectos y generadores desde los menús. Accesibilidad: las pistas y las selecciones se pueden manipular completamente mediante el teclado. Amplia gama de atajos de teclado. Análisis: modo de visualización de espectrograma para visualizar y seleccionar frecuencias. Ventana de gráfico de espectro para un análisis detallado de frecuencias. Compatibilidad con plug-ins de análisis Vamp. Nota: para su correcto funcionamiento es recomendable la instalación de los codecs FFmpeg.
    Audacity es desarrollado por un grupo de voluntarios como código abierto.
  20. Auto File Renamer

    ¿Alguna vez se ha encontrado con esa situación en la que tiene una carpeta con el mismo tipo de archivos, digamos imágenes de su teléfono que ha copiado en una carpeta separada? ¿Alguna vez ha deseado una forma conveniente de identificar qué fotos están en qué orden de modificación o cuándo se tomaron?

    Puede ordenar por Fecha de modificación, pero una vez que abre algunas fotos, todavía es muy difícil determinar qué foto corresponde a qué archivo en esa carpeta, debido a los complejos esquemas de nombres.
    Aplicación creada por Jiefeng.
  21. Basic Compression Library

    Basic Compression Library is a portable library of well known compression algorithms, such as Huffman coding, written in standard ANSI C. It is intended to serve as a set of building blocks for specialized compression algorithms.
  22. Batch File Manager

    First, a warning.... Used incorrectly this program could serioulsy damage your OS! Make sure you do not move files from Windows system folders (e.g c:\Windows or c:\Program Files) 
    Whats this program do? Its a very quick and easy way to move files and folders to multiple destinations without the need to sit at the PC or have multiple copy/move operations going in parallel.
    Select the your destination drive and folder first by double clicking the actual folder name. Mapped network drives can also be used. Select whether you want to move or copy the file from the drop down box in the action menu. Select the source drive and then the source folder. If its the entire folder to copy over make sure all is correct with the selec tions before clicking the Add Folder button. (Checks are not in place if your destination is a sub directory of the source folder!) If it's a file to move/copy, double click the file required in the right hand pane of the From section. The current jobs will be in the Job List section, source is the first panel, the next is move (M) or copy (C) and the last is the destination. To remove a job, double click it from the list. For quickness you can select the desktop or My Documents folder for source or destination quickly via the Shortcuts menu at the top. To start the process, simply hit the Go button and it will start - it may look like the program has crashed if there are large files to process but be patient and it will finish.
  23. Be.HexEditor

    Be.HexEditor is a small, fast and simple hex editor. It contains a reusable hex edit control called HexBox. This C# control is reusable for every .NET Framework application.
    Opens files of unlimited size. Multi-language support (English, German, Japanese and Russian) Contains a reusable control for .NET developers
  24. BetterDisplay

    BetterDisplay es una aplicación para macOS permite convertir sus pantallas en pantallas totalmente escalables, gestionar las anulaciones de configuración de la pantalla, permite el control del brillo y el color, proporciona reescalado de brillo XDR/HDR (brillo extra más allá del 100% para pantallas compatibles con Macs con chips Apple Silicon), atenuación completa a negro, le ayuda a crear y gestionar pantallas virtuales para su Mac, crear ventanas Picture in Picture de sus pantallas y le da una serie de otras características para gestionar la configuración de su pantalla fácilmente desde la barra de menú. Incluso puede desconectar/reconectar pantallas sobre la marcha.

    UI actualizada, compatibilidad con macOS Sonoma y varias mejoras con la versión v2.x. BetterDisplay es la única aplicación actualmente con control DDC para todos los Macs modernos (soporte DDC completo para todos los Macs Apple Silicon incluyendo los puertos HDMI integrados M1, y el puerto HDMI integrado 2018 mini) - las características DDC son completamente gratuitas para usuarios personales sin limitación. ¡EDID anulación de apoyo tanto para Intel y Apple Silicon Macs! * ¡Desconexión y reconexión de pantallas (quitarlas de la disposición de pantallas y volver a añadirlas) en Apple Silicon (se requiere macOS Ventura o más reciente) e Intel (compatible con todas las versiones de macOS - en Intel la función se considera experimental y puede causar problemas)! * Opción de auto-desconexión de la pantalla integrada al conectar una pantalla externa - requiere Apple Silicon (nota: Ajustes/Displays/Overview/Connection management settings...). * ¡Convierte tus pantallas internas y externas conectadas de forma nativa a pantallas HiDPI con escalado suave usando escalado suave nativo (pantallas con notch, HDR, HDCP, alta frecuencia de refresco totalmente soportadas)! * Alcanza todo el potencial de brillo de tu pantalla XDR o HDR - Escalado de brillo XDR a 1600 nits, también soportado el escalado de brillo de pantallas externas HDR. Esta función requiere un Apple Silicon Mac. * Cambia el brillo, el volumen y los colores de la pantalla mediante el control por software y hardware (DDC) a través de controles deslizantes y atajos de teclado nativos o personalizados. Cambie las entradas de pantalla mediante DDC en las pantallas compatibles. Crear manualmente resoluciones HiDPI personalizadas para pantallas reales y redefinir ciertos parámetros de visualización del sistema. Crear cualquier número de pantallas virtuales (dummies) con diferentes relaciones de aspecto. Active Night Shift para su televisor. Cambia la resolución fácilmente con un deslizador. Define tus resoluciones favoritas y accede a ellas a través del menú de la aplicación, el control deslizante de resolución o los atajos de teclado. * Protege la configuración de la pantalla (resolución, frecuencia de actualización/VRR, rotación, perfil de color). * Cambio automático del perfil de color para los modos SDR y HDR. * Use Macs sin cabeza (servidores) con cualquier resolución y modo HiDPI para acceso remoto. Cree una ventana Picture in Picture para cualquier pantalla real o virtual (ficticia). * Redirija el contenido de su pantalla (real o virtual) a otra pantalla vía streaming. * Si utilizas un televisor grande de cerca, utiliza la mitad inferior de tu televisor como pantalla ancha (streaming descentrado). * Escala las resoluciones de Sidecar y soporta SideCar en vertical (mediante streaming en pantalla virtual). * Zoom de mejor calidad (Preferencias del Sistema "Accesibilidad "Zoom) o capturas de pantalla de alta calidad incluso en pantallas 1080p. Cambia fácilmente la resolución de tus pantallas reales y virtuales mediante un deslizador (o submenú) desde la barra de menús. Acceso rápido al menú de frecuencia de actualización y rotación de pantalla. Simplifique la creación de conjuntos reflejados. * Desplaza fácilmente las pantallas entre sí mediante el menú de la aplicación. Designar rápidamente una pantalla como pantalla principal. Asociar pantallas virtuales (dummies) con pantallas para conectar/desconectar automáticamente. Atajos de teclado para controlar el brillo y el audio. Soporte avanzado de atajos de teclado. * Pantallas virtuales personalizadas (resolución, orientación, nombre, etc.). * Crea una pantalla virtual optimizada para una pantalla real. * Exportar EDID de pantalla y mostrar información detallada de la pantalla (Intel y Apple Silicon). Selector de perfil de color (y XDR Preset) Compatibilidad
    La versión actual v2.x de la app es compatible con todos los Mac Apple Silicon e Intel que ejecuten macOS Sonoma, Ventura y Monterey (macOS 12.4 y superior, se recomienda la última versión). La versión actual v1.x de la aplicación es compatible con macOS Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina y Mojave. La conversión XDR/HDR requiere una pantalla Apple XDR (integrada o externa) o una pantalla HDR conectada de forma nativa (se recomienda VESA DisplayHDR 600 o superior) y un Apple Silicon Mac. La función de conexión/desconexión de pantalla requiere un Apple Silicon Mac que ejecute al menos macOS Ventura o Intel (se admiten todas las versiones de macOS - en Intel la función se considera experimental y causa problemas en algunas configuraciones). La función de suspensión/reposo de la pantalla externa al desconectarse sólo está disponible en Apple Silicon (en Intel, la atenuación o el apagado de la retroiluminación DDC están disponibles para pantallas de terceros y el apagado de la retroiluminación para pantallas Apple e integradas). El escalado suave nativo requiere macOS Monterey 12.4 (o posterior) y pantallas conectadas de forma nativa en Apple Silicon. Para Intel no existe tal limitación. Las resoluciones máximas del escalado suave nativo dependen de las capacidades de la GPU y de la resolución de la pantalla (el límite de anchura horizontal es de 6144 píxeles para los Mac Apple Silicon básicos y de 7680 píxeles para las versiones Pro/Max/Ultra). El control de la retroiluminación y del volumen por hardware de la pantalla externa requiere una pantalla con capacidad DDC, conectada de forma nativa o una pantalla Apple. Algunos docks y dongles pueden no soportar DDC. Todos los puertos integrados de todos los Mac que pueden ejecutar la aplicación son compatibles con la comunicación DDC. La aplicación es compatible con los Mac sin cabezal para crear resoluciones de pantalla virtual personalizadas (ficticias) para el acceso remoto. BetterDisplay es una aplicación creada por waydabber.
  25. Big Sur Micropatcher

    A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs.
    By the way, if you have a Mac Pro, Big Mac by StarPlayrX is another patcher worth considering. For 2008 Mac Pros (MacPro3,1) in particular, Big Mac is clearly a better option than this patcher (at least for now).
    Thanks to the following people for their hard work to get Big Sur running on unsupported Macs:
    ASentientBot for developing the Hax series of installer patches which are so incredibly helpful for installing Big Sur on unsupported Macs, as well as for his patch to NVDAResmanTesla.kext which allows the GeForce Tesla (9400M/320M) framebuffer to work in Big Sur. jackluke for figuring out how to patch the Recovery USB to bypass compatibility checks and AMFI enforcement in the absence of NVRAM boot-args settings. highvoltage12v for developing the first 802.11n Wi-Fi patches for Big Sur (no longer used by default, but still available through the --wifi=hv12v-old and --wifi=hv12v-new options for patch-kexts.sh), as well as patches used for Metal GPU support on 2011 iMacs. ParrotGeek for developing the LegacyUSBInjector kernel extension that allows USB to work on various pre-2011 Mac models, and for creating the "trampoline" that allows the installer to be patched at runtime without first running Terminal commands. testheit for describing how to use a kmutil feature that I was previously unaware of. This turned out to be a good way to make LegacyUSBInjector function under Big Sur, and more generally and more importantly, it was absolutely essential for improving overall patcher reliability. Ausdauersportler for integrating patches for iMac Metal GPU support. In addition, thanks to Ben Sova, MachInit, johncaling40, and Travis Parker for their contributions to this patcher.
    This documentation is more thorough than for previous versions of this patcher, but it may still be incomplete. Remember that you do this at your own risk, you could lose all your data (it's your responsibility to do a Time Machine backup first!), expect bugs and crashes, and Big Sur is still under development (as is this patcher).
    I repeat, do a Time Machine backup before upgrading!! Big Sur changes how Time Machine backups are done, and I have heard that it is not possible to use previous versions of macOS to recover data from Big Sur's Time Machine backups. (I have created Time Machine backups with Big Sur, and I have restored them using Big Sur, but I have not yet tried to access Big Sur Time Machine backups using previous macOS releases.)
    Compatibility of various Mac models
    Note that this information is incomplete and may not be 100% correct yet, but I'll add more information over time and fix any errors as I learn about them.
    Also, note that Macs without Metal GPUs (basically 2011 and earlier Macs, except for Mac Pros and iMacs with upgraded GPUs), "no graphics acceleration" is a tremendous, almost exponential, slowdown. For instance, consider a simple benchmark, simply minimizing a Safari window:
    Late 2012 13" MacBook Pro: <1 second Early 2011 13" MacBook Pro: 13 seconds Late 2009 13" MacBook: 23 seconds Keep in mind, Mojave and Catalina will probably receive security updates until roughly September 2021 and September 2022 respectively (give or take a month), so most users do not need to urgently upgrade to Big Sur.
    Mostly compatible Mac models:
    If you have a 2013 or later Mac, please check Apple's official list of supported Mac models (search the page for "See if") first, to make sure that you actually need this patcher. By the way, with the exception of Mac Pros, all of the Macs in this section officially support Catalina. This section is basically "Macs without official Big Sur support but with Metal support", with the exception of pre-2012 iMacs that have upgraded GPUs. (In fact, a 2011 iMac with upgraded GPU is almost equivalent to this category. Earlier iMacs may have compatibility problems caused by other components; see below.) Late 2013 iMac: Everything should work (and, after step 14, you're finished -- no need for step 15 and later). Note that there have been some reports of very poor performance with Fusion Drives on this model when running Big Sur, which may be why Apple does not support Big Sur on this model. 2010/2012 Mac Pro: I have received positive feedback about this patcher, but I do not know which features work perfectly and which don't. If I had to guess which features might be problematic, I would guess sleep and Wi-Fi. patch-kexts.sh (step 15) should fix Wi-Fi, but I don't know what effect it might have on sleep. (You should upgrade the graphics card, as you would for official compatibility with macOS Mojave.) 2009 Mac Pro: Once it's flashed to MacPro5,1 firmware, it should be equivalent to a 2010/2012 Mac Pro. (As with those, you will want to upgrade to a Mojave-compatible graphics card.) However, note that some people have had their flashed MacPro4,1s enter boot loops during installation. We don't yet know what causes this or why it only happens sometimes. Other 2012/2013 Macs: Most things should work after the initial installation, except for Wi-Fi (unless you have upgraded to an 802.11ac Wi-Fi card) or possibly GPU switching (on 15" MacBook Pros). Step 15 of the installation process fixes Wi-Fi support, but GPU switching may not yet be a solved problem. Partially compatible Mac models:
    Most models that officially support High Sierra, but not Mojave, fall into this category. The exceptions are the Mid 2010 15" and 17" MacBook Pros (see the Incompatible category below), and possibly the Late 2009/Mid 2010 iMacs (see the "Unknown status" category below). Note that 2009-2010 iMacs that have been upgraded with Metal GPUs also need certain kext patches which are not (yet?) provided by this patcher. 2011 Macs: Several features may not work after initial installation (after step 14 finishes), including sleep, screen brightness control, Wi-Fi (unless you have upgraded to an 802.11ac Wi-Fi card), and graphics acceleration (unless you have upgraded the GPU in a 2011 iMac). With the exception of a 2011 iMac with upgraded GPU, no 2011 Mac models have graphics acceleration under Big Sur. Make sure to use the --2011 command line option in step 15. This fixes sound and Wi-Fi on all 2011 Macs. On 13" MacBook Pros it also fixes sleep and brightness control, and installs the correct Intel framebuffer driver (this is still unaccelerated, but it still increases speed somewhat -- enough to make full-screen YouTube in Safari work with very few frame drops, although this pegs both CPU cores). For 15" and 17" MacBook Pros, disabling the discrete GPU will probably increase performance, and sleep and brightness control probably won't work without disabling it. (That isn't to say that sleep and brightness control will necessarily work even with the discrete GPU disabled -- but it might possibly work if you have a way of disabling the GPU that also keeps sleep and display brightness functional in a dosdude-patched Mojave or Catalina.) MacBook Airs should be equivalent to the 13" MacBook Pro in terms of compatibility with Big Sur and this patcher. Mid 2010 white MacBook, 2010 13" MacBook Pro, 2010 MacBook Air: In addition to the features which don't work after initial installation on the 2011 13" MacBook Pros (Wi-Fi, sound, graphics acceleration, sleep, display brightness control), Ethernet doesn't work. The --2010 option for patch-kexts.sh (step 15) installs fixes for Wi-Fi, sound, and Ethernet, as well as drivers that enable the GeForce Tesla (9400M/320M) framebuffer (thereby fixing sleep and display brightness control). The framebuffer driver does not provide acceleration; the lack of graphics acceleration plus the relatively slow Penryn CPU means performance is sluggish. On at least some of these models, step 6 may fail with errors. Late 2009 white MacBook, Late 2009 21.5" iMac, 2010 Mac Mini, (if equipped with Core 2 Duo) Late 2009 27" iMac: In addition to the features which don't work after initial installation on the 2011 13" MacBook Pros (Wi-Fi, sound, graphics acceleration, sleep, display brightness control), Ethernet and USB 1.1 also don't work. The --2010 option for patch-kexts.sh (step 15) installs fixes for Wi-Fi, sound, Ethernet, and USB, as well as drivers that enable the GeForce Tesla (9400M/320M) framebuffer (thereby fixing sleep and display brightness control). The framebuffer driver does not provide acceleration; the lack of graphics acceleration plus the relatively slow Penryn CPU means performance is sluggish. Also, the installation has to be performed on a newer Mac first (basically a 2010 or newer Mac, or a 2009 or later Mac Pro), with patch-kexts.sh --2010 run on that same newer Mac, then moved over to the old Mac (via either a hard drive/SSD transplant or by using a USB enclosure or USB hard drive/SSD). Otherwise, the installer will boot because USB 2.0 works, but the keyboard and trackpad won't work because USB 1.1 doesn't work. USB support in the installer for these Macs is planned for a future patcher release. Potentially incompatible Mac models:
    Late 2009 27" iMac: Compatibility will vary based on the CPU. If your Late 2009 27" iMac has a Core 2 Duo CPU, then it is equivalent to a Late 2009 21.5" iMac (see above). If it has a Core i5 or i7, CPU, then it is equivalent to a 2010 iMac (see below). Incompatible Mac models:
    Any Macs with a pre-Penryn CPU. Basically, this means the original MacBook Air as well as all 2006/2007 Macs (except for iMacs with upgraded CPUs). Currently not supported by this patcher, but future support may be possible:
    2010 15"/17" MacBook Pro, 2010 iMac, (if equipped with a Core i5/i7) Late 2009 27" iMac: A fix has been created, but it requires OpenCore. Even if OpenCore eventually turns out to be absolutely required for these Macs, a future release of this patcher may still be helpful in providing support for these Macs' hardware. Macs which have a Penryn CPU but which do not officially support High Sierra: These include pre-2008 iMacs with upgraded CPUs, as well as all 2008 and most 2009 Mac models (any 2009 models not listed above). All of these require "legacy USB" support, just like (for instance) 2010 white MacBooks. Once support for those MacBooks is improved in a future patcher release, perhaps support for some of these Macs will be worth revisiting. Without a Metal GPU upgrade (certainly possible on 2008 Mac Pros and possibly iMacs, but not possible on the MacBooks and Mac Minis), these are expected to be unusably slow. As mentioned at the top of this README, 2008 Mac Pro owners should use StarPlayrX's Big Mac patcher instead of this patcher. Other important information to know before upgrading or installing
    I strongly recommend that you create, and hold onto, an installer USB for an older version of macOS, perhaps one that is supported on your Mac (so that it can run without the use of a patcher). Or, at the absolute minimum, practice booting into Internet Recovery (boot while holding down Command-Option-R) so that you know it actually works. Once it boots, try starting Safari and (as a test) see if it can visit GitHub.com. If not, then it may have booted into OS X Lion, which is also old enough that attempting to install it through Internet Recovery will fail. (Internet Recovery tends to be especially likely to boot into Lion if you have only 4GB of RAM. Also, if you have upgraded to an 802.11ac WiFi card, Internet Recovery will fail completely unless you plug into Ethernet. In addition, with the possible exception of flashed 2009 Mac Pros, Internet Recovery is not available on any Mac models prior to 2010.)
    In any case, if you are unable to start Internet Recovery, or it has a version of Safari too old to visit GitHub.com, then it is vital that you create an installer USB for an older macOS version and hold onto it in case of emergency.
    Once you create the patched installer USB for Big Sur, hold onto it as well. If you ever reset your Mac's NVRAM, then you will need to use the patched installer USB to repeat step 9 of the installation instructions.
    On a Mac without a Metal GPU, several programs, including Maps and Photos, will not work. Perhaps there may be patches in the future to provide partial fixes, but upgrading to a Metal GPU is the only actual solution.
    FileVault has been buggy throughout the entire Big Sur development cycle. For maximum stability, disable FileVault before upgrading to Big Sur. Once you upgrade to Big Sur, bugs may make it impossible to disable FileVault and may make it impossible to unlock your FileVault volumes when applying updates or booting from the installer USB. (Not to mention, FileVault bugs may also make it impossible to open Terminal on the installer USB.) The best way out of this conundrum is probably to back up the entire Big Sur installation using Time Machine (Time Machine encryption, unlike FileVault, appears to be stable), erase and reinstall Big Sur, and use the Setup Assistant to restore the Time Machine backup.
    Upgrading from a Catalina installation which has been patched using dosdude's macOS Catalina Patcher results in an unstable system. The instability is not fixed by running the Big Sur installer again. So far, the only fix seems to be similar to the method for disabling FileVault: Back up the entire Big Sur installation using Time Machine, erase and reinstall Big Sur, and use the Setup Assistant to restore the Time Machine backup. In my testing, this appears to correct the instability.
    Time Machine backups must be restored by first performing a fresh Big Sur installation and then doing the Time Machine restore from the Setup Assistant. Attempting to do the restore from the installer USB fails. I do not yet know if this is inherent to Big Sur, inherent to the patching process, or a bug in this patcher.
    If you encounter "com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49168" during installation, try rebooting and see if the installation process continues, or try erasing the volume and starting installation over. This appears to be an error that also happens sometimes on supported Macs. If all else fails, a possible workaround is to try formatting the volume as Mac OS Extended instead of APFS in step 8 or 11; it will still be converted to APFS during the installation process, but this may perturb the installation process enough to avoid the error.
    Instructions for use
    Make sure you have a 16GB or larger USB stick to use for creating the installer. Obtain a copy of the macOS Big Sur Public Beta (or, if you are member of the Apple Developer Program, the Big Sur developer beta). Download a copy of this patcher. If you are viewing this on GitHub, and you probably are, then click the green "Code" button then "Download ZIP". Use Disk Utility to erase the USB stick using "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" format and "GUID Partition Map" scheme. (You may need to choose "Show All Devices" before Disk Utility will allow you to do this.) In order for this patcher to run optimally, the USB stick must use GUID Partition Map and not Master Boot Record. (This is a new requirement as of micropatcher v0.2.0.) Note that the volume name does not particularly matter, since it will be renamed by createinstallmedia in the next step. (If this USB stick already contains a patched Big Sur installer created using micropatcher v0.2.0 or later, and you are re-creating it with a newer version of the micropatcher or a newer version of Big Sur, you may skip this step.) Use createinstallmedia as usual to create a bootable USB stick with the installer and recovery environment, as you would on a supported Mac. (This patcher is easier to use if the installer USB stick is not renamed after createinstallmedia is used, but it can still work if the USB stick has been renamed.) Run micropatcher.sh to patch the USB stick. If micropatcher.sh is unable to find the USB stick, then try specifying the pathname of the USB stick to micropatcher.sh. The easiest way to do that is to open a Terminal window, drag and drop micropatcher.sh into the Terminal window, go back to Finder, choose Computer from the Go menu, drag and drop the USB stick into the Terminal window, then press Return. Another program also needs to be patched onto the USB stick, so run install-setvars.sh. If necessary, the same Finder/Terminal drag-and-drop instructions that work in step 6 for micropatcher.sh will also work in this step for install-setvars.sh. Unlike micropatcher.sh, install-setvars.sh needs root permissions (since it accesses the normally hidden EFI partition on the USB stick), so it uses sudo to obtain root permissions. Typically this means it will ask for your user account password when it starts. If you want the patched USB stick to configure your Mac to boot in Verbose Mode, run install-setvars.sh -v instead of just install-setvars.sh. However, the "Verbose" in "Verbose Mode" is not a joke, and most users will want to avoid this. As of Big Sur Micropatcher v0.4, install-setvars.sh will now install a version of setvars which enables Apple's System Integrity Protection (SIP) and Authenticated Root Volume (ARV) security features if it is run on a Late 2013 iMac, or a version of setvars which disables both of these features if it is run on any other model of Mac. You may add a -d option to force the installation of the setvars version which disables these features (for instance, if you are creating the USB on a Late 2013 iMac but you will be using it on another Mac). You may also add a -e option to for the installation of the setvars version which enables these features (for instance, if you are installing Big Sur on a 2012 or 2013 Mac that has been upgraded with an 802.11ac WiFi card and therefore does not need a WiFi patch). Since Disk Utility in Big Sur may have new bugs, this may be a good time to use Disk Utility in High Sierra/Mojave/Catalina to do any partitioning or formatting you may need. (Try repeating this step if you see a prohibited/no-entry sign during boot) Restart the Mac while holding down the Option key to use the Startup Selector. The installer USB will actually show up as two different drives with the same icon, "Install macOS Big Sur Beta" (or similar) and "EFI Boot". (If you have multiple "EFI Boot" drives, it's the one with the yellow icon. If more than one has a yellow icon and you cannot tell which one is the one on the installer USB, try unplugging the installer USB, observing the set of icons on the screen, then plugging the installer USB back in and watching how the icons change.) Start up from "EFI Boot". Within a few seconds, although most likely in under a second, the Mac will suddenly power down. This indicates that the setvars EFI utility has finished making the necessary changes to the Mac's NVRAM settings. (These changes include disabling SIP, disabling authenticated root, and enabling TRIM on non-Apple SSDs.) Turn the Mac back on (or reboot it if you skipped step 9), with the Option key down again, to use the Startup Selector again. This time, boot from "Install macOS Big Sur Beta" (or similar). (If the Startup Selector is not showing your USB stick this time, try unplugging and replugging the USB stick.) If you see a prohibited/no-entry sign, then try repeating step 9. If you need to do any partitioning or formatting with Disk Utility, and you didn't do it in step 8, now is the time to do it. (Optional, for very advanced users only, 99.9% of users should just pretend this step doesn't even exist) This patcher normally disables APFS system volume sealing, except when both SIP and ARV are enabled (see step 7 for more information about that). If you wish to unconditionally enable APFS system volume sealing, then open Terminal, run the command /Volumes/Image\ Volume/insert-hax.sh --seal and quit Terminal. If you have no idea what any of this means, just skip this step. (Also, note that even though volume sealing is disabled by default with this patcher, snapshot root is still enabled. Just mentioning this because people sometimes confuse the two issues. If you have some need to disable snapshot root, that is beyond the scope of this README. Personally, I would suggest learning to live in harmony with snapshot root rather than declaring war on it; the section "Modifying the System volume yourself" at the end of this README may help in that regard.) Start the Installer as you would on a supported Mac. Once installation is underway, come back in an hour or so, and you should be at the macOS Setup Assistant! It may take less time if you're installing on a 2012/2013 Mac, or more time (possibly 2-3 hours) if you're installing on a hard drive/SSD connected via USB 2.0, or if you're upgrading instead of a fresh install. (If you actually watch the installation process, don't be surprised if it seems to get stuck at "Less than a minute remaining..." for a long time. Allow it well over half an hour. It should eventually reboot on its own and keep going. Likewise, don't worry if it reboots with 10-12 minutes remaining; that is also often normal.) On many pre-2011 Macs, such as 2010 MacBooks, it will start crashing repeatedly with kernel panics shortly before the Setup Assistant would normally show up. Once this happens, boot from the installer USB and perform step 15 (the next step), with the --2010 option. That will fix the kernel panic. If you're on a Late 2013 iMac, or you've replaced the 802.11n card in your 2012/2013 Mac with an 802.11ac card, you're done. Otherwise, press Command-Q and wait a few seconds, then the Setup Assistant should let you shut down. After you shut down, boot from the patched installer USB again (as in step 10), then open Terminal. Next, run the patch-kexts.sh command to add working Wi-Fi. There are several ways of formatting this command. For example, for a system volume named Macintosh HD, try one of the following: /Volumes/Image\ Volume/patch-kexts.sh /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD '/Volumes/Image Volume/patch-kexts.sh' '/Volumes/Macintosh HD' "/Volumes/Image Volume/patch-kexts.sh" "/Volumes/Macintosh HD" You can also mix-and-match quotation/escaping formats, such as /Volumes/Image\ Volume/patch-kexts.sh "/Volumes/Macintosh HD" Backslashes may work better with tab completion (see below), but many users will find quotation marks to be easier. Don't forget that tab completion is your friend! For instance, you can type /V<tab>/Im<tab>/p<tab> /V<tab>/Mac<tab> at the command prompt -- that's much less typing than /Volumes/Image\ Volume/patch-kexts.sh /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD! On 2011 MacBook Pro 13" and 2011 MacBook Air, add a "--2011" option after the ".sh" and before the volume name, for example /Volumes/Image\ Volume/patch-kexts.sh --2011 /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD, to fix sound, brightness control, and sleep as well as Wi-Fi. (Use this "--2011" option on 2011 iMacs and Mac Minis as well.) If you have a 2011 Mac that has been upgraded with an 802.11ac Wi-Fi card, add a "--no-wifi" option as well, for example /Volumes/Image\ Volume/patch-kexts.sh --2011 --no-wifi /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD or /Volumes/Image\ Volume/patch-kexts.sh --no-wifi --2011 /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD. (As of micropatcher v0.5.0, WiFi hardware is autodetected and this option is used automatically if necessary.) Normally patch-kexts.sh installs the mojave-hybrid WiFi patch (used since micropatcher v0.2.1), but if you need to try a different WiFi patch for any reason, try adding the --wifi=hv12v-old (same as v0.0.6-v0.0.20) or --wifi=hv12v-new (same as v0.1.0 or v0.2.0) option. If you're going to use the installation on a 2010 or older Mac, add a "--2010" option likewise (except for 2009-2012 Mac Pros, which should use neither "--2010" nor "--2011"). patch-kexts.sh tries to automatically detect whether it should create a new APFS snapshot if it is running in a live system, and it defaults to creating a new snapshot if it is running from the patched installer USB. If you need to override this, there are now --create-snapshot and --no-create-snapshot command line options, as of micropatcher v0.3.0. It is also possible to do this step without booting from the patched installer USB -- just open Terminal and run /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur\ Beta/patch-kexts.sh with any command line options if needed (such as /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur\ Beta/patch-kexts.sh --2011), but do not specify a volume name, and patch-kexts.sh will automatically default to the boot drive. If you have a 2011 iMac that has been upgraded with a Metal GPU (especially NVidia), then try adding --2011 --iMac as options for patch-kexts.sh to install the necessary patches for Big Sur to use your Metal GPU. At this time, the --iMac option only works if you boot from your Big Sur installation before running patch-kexts.sh (as described in the previous bullet point), and not if you boot from the installer USB. (This step is unnecessary for most users.) If you will be using the Big Sur installation on a different Mac (for instance, installing on a 2011 or later Mac and using it on a 2009 or 2010 Mac), it is possible that the other Mac (the one not used for installation) may try to boot off the wrong APFS snapshot. To prevent this, run zap-snapshots.sh on your System volume, to remove all but the most recent snapshot. For instance, /Volumes/Image\ Volume/zap-snapshots.sh /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD. (Or you can also do this if you are running low on disk space on an older beta of Big Sur.) This is basically the same as step 15, but with zap-snapshots instead of patch-kexts, and without any command line options like --2010 or --2011. After step 15 (and 16 if necessary), reboot into your Big Sur installation and complete the Setup Assistant if you have not already done so. Pay particular attention to the screen that asks if you want to transfer information from another Mac or PC; if you want to restore a Time Machine backup, you must do it from this screen. The previous method of restoring it from the macOS Installer USB is still visible in the Installer USB's menu, but it no longer works. On Macs which do not support Metal (many 2011 and older models), make sure to enable Reduce Transparency to eliminate many seemingly random crashes, and if icons on the right-hand side of the menu bar are invisible afterward, try Dark mode. Enabling Reduce Motion will increase performance a little more, and so might Increase Contrast. (If you will be using the installation on a 2009/2010 Mac, it would be a good idea to finish the Setup Assistant on a 2011 or later Mac and enable Reduce Transparency before moving the installation over.) Optional (but can greatly improve performance for Macs that do not support Metal): Once booted in your Big Sur installation, run disable-animations.sh from the patched installer USB to disable most animations. If you want to reenable them, run reenable-animations.sh. (Thanks to johncaling40 for these contributed scripts.) If you reset your Mac's NVRAM, attempts to boot Big Sur afterward will fail with a prohibited/no-entry sign on the screen. To fix this, repeat step 9 (booting the "EFI Boot" partition of the patched installer USB). Likewise, if you transplant the hard drive with the Big Sur installation from one Mac to another, or you move an external hard drive/SSD with Big Sur from one Mac to another, you will need to repeat step 9 on the destination Mac before it can boot Big Sur.
    To update from one beta to the next, you may create a bootable USB for the new beta (using createinstallmedia), patch it with this patcher, then follow the directions above (except skip Disk Utility, i.e. skip steps 8 and 11) to boot from the patched USB and install it on top of the previous beta. (Allow something like 1-3 hours for the update, even if it looks like it froze up at some point, especially on a 2011 or older Mac.) This will uninstall the Wi-Fi, etc. kexts that were installed in step 15 on the previous beta, so you will need to redo that step as well. There are other methods of updating using delta updaters, but they are more difficult (and you will need to run patch-kexts.sh -u, described below, to remove all kext patches before attepting that type of update).
    For what it's worth, patch-kexts.sh has a -u command line option for undoing the kext patches (such as 802.11n Wi-Fi). It can only undo kext changes applied through patch-kexts.sh and not any kext changes applied through other means. (A more time-consuming but potentially more thorough alternative is to reinstall Big Sur on top of your existing installation, as if you were using the method described in the previous paragraph to update to a new Big Sur beta.)
    If you want to undo the setvars EFI utility's changes to boot-args and csrutil settings, then boot from the USB stick, open Terminal, and run /Volumes/Image\ Volume/reset-vars.sh. (Or you can just start your Mac while holding down Command-Option-P-R to reset NVRAM. That is probably a better way of doing it.)
    The best way to remove the patch from the USB stick is to redo createinstallmedia, but if you are working on patcher development or otherwise need a faster way to do it, you can run unpatch.sh.
    Modifying the System volume yourself
    After you finish installation, you may want to modify the System volume yourself. For various reasons you may want to install kext patches other than those which are part of this patcher. Or there may be other changes you want to make to the System volume. However, Big Sur normally boots from a read-only snapshot of the System volume, so making changes is typically not as simple as remounting the volume as read-write. Two shell scripts to assist with this, remount-sysvol.sh and rebuild-kc.sh are provided. For now, remount-sysvol.sh should be run from the patched installer USB (but after booting from your Big Sur installation).
    Run /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur\ Beta/remount-sysvol.sh. Due to a bug which will be fixed in a future patcher release, it must be run like that, with the full pathname. The script will either remount / as read-write (if your system somehow started directly off the System volume), or it will create a temporary mount point and mount the underlying System volume at that temporary mount point. Then it will change the current directory to /System/Library/Extensions wherever the System volume is mounted read-write (probably on the temporary mount point), and it will start a subshell. At this point, you can make whatever changes you want to the kexts in /System/Library/Extensions, or whatever other changes you want to make on the System volume for that matter. These changes can be made using whatever means you prefer -- they do not need to be done through the subshell (although they can be). You may also run /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur\ Beta/zap-snapshots.sh to delete all APFS system snapshots except for the most recent (this script must be run inside the subshell). Once you are done modifying the System volume, run "$REBUILD_KC" (including the quotation marks). This must be run inside the subshell. This will rebuild the kernel/kext collections that Big Sur uses as its kernel cache. Note that if you try to install a kext which is incompatible with Big Sur, this may fail; in that case, you will need to undo the incompatible kext change and try "$REBUILD_KC" again. (If you ran zap-snapshots.sh in step 3 without making any other changes to your System volume, then this step is not required. For most Big Sur systems, this step will be required if any other changes are made to the System volume, to create and "bless" a new snapshot. If your Big Sur system boots directly from the System volume rather than using snapshot booting -- this is rare -- then this step is only needed if you make kext changes, and it will not create any snapshots.) Once "$REBUILD_KC" finishes successfully, run the exit command in the subshell. The remount-sysvol.sh script will then attempt to unmount the temporary mount point. The unmount attempt may fail, but if so, it's no big deal because macOS will unmount it when restarting anyway. by barrykn.
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