Total Noob ha publicado la versión 9.5 de su Custom Emulator Firmware 6.60 para PS Vita, que nos permite cargar homebrew y backups de juegos de PSP en la última portátil de Sony.
Los que tengan instalada una versión previa del eCFW (a partir de la TN-V4 en adelante), solo tienen que ir a “System Update” y descargar la actualización directamente desde la consola, sin necesidad de repetir el proceso de instalación original.
Para poder instalarlo debemos de tener algunos de estos juegos exploiteables:
- Added ‘Blue Screen Of Death’ technology: If your PS Vita crashes, this screen will appear and you can restart TN-V by pressing START. The crash information will be written to the savedata folder (exception.txt), so make sure that you copy the savedata from PS Vita
PC and report this crash. With this enabled you don’t need to hard-reset your PS Vita anymore.
- Added possibility to disable PEOPS SPU plugin.
- Added ‘SPU update mode’ and ‘SPU thread priority’ options. Play with these options and maybe your PS1 game will run more fluid.
- Fixed ‘white noise’ in some PS1 games
enhanced PS1 compatibility.
- Added Pete’s PEOPS SPU plugin which emulates PS1 sound.
- Added ‘PEOPS SPU configuration’ to recovery menu.
- Added option to show Vita FW in ‘System Information’.
- Added and fixed some internal things.
- Unlocked 12MB extra memory in every FW for internal use.
- Removed in-XMB FTP feature, because it was overbugged. This fixes internet radio incompatibility. A better FTP port will be added in the next revision.
Descarga: Custom Emulator Firmware 6.60 TN-V9.5.