El grupo Phoenix ha publicado la versión 0.1a.1 de Aurora, ese nuevo dashboard alternativo para las Xbox 360 con JTAG o RGH.
Esta actualización corrige numerosos errores y traduce la aplicación a varios idiomas, entre ellos el español, gracias al trabajo de Gromber.
Aquí el changelog:
- Fixed DLC Scanning Bug
- Fixed Scan Depth infinite bug
- Black screen at boot due to not having xhttp enabled in dash launch
- Focus issue in the Verify Link dialog
- Unity usernames and passwords not saving because of failed regex validation (unsupported characters not yet fixed, sorry)
- Remove ‘Full Game’ text from XBLA for languages other than English
- Added text field in About scene to credit the translator, for each language
- Fixed string issue in Http Username and Http Password prompts
- Fixed skin available updates not showing up correctly in about scene
- Fixed updater not properly extracting update packages
Descarga: Aurora.